1972 Sikorsky CH-53 GS - wip #2 - the work in plastic and wiring
May 18, 2021First I opened the holes to get the external tank mountings fitted2
May 18, 2021First sight of the hull3
May 18, 2021Every possible lid will be opened4
May 18, 20215
May 18, 2021By thinning the plastics at the rear, I opened the compartment rooms6
May 18, 2021Then cutting throug the thin areas7
May 18, 2021Done8
May 18, 2021Building the "shelfs" of the electrical stuff rooms 😄9
May 18, 2021The hinges for the lids10
May 18, 2021The lid is mounted11
May 18, 202112
May 18, 2021Also the door is put in place13
May 18, 2021The steps and lids14
May 18, 2021Starting with the stingers (or how they are called) / frames of the sides15
May 18, 202116
May 18, 2021Fitting to the hull17
May 18, 2021On bulk for the lift side, one for the right sight. Each frame part is custom built because the hull wents smaller at the rear18
May 18, 2021The inner frames around the rear opening is not that good.19
May 18, 2021Sanding it down20
May 18, 2021Gluing small frames into the hull21
May 18, 202122
May 18, 2021Ecery frame is numbered for the correct location. So I'm still knowing, where to lay my hands on and where I have to put more details to.23
May 18, 2021The first frames are test fitting. Like it.24
May 18, 2021Building the tool box and a propper wall between the cockpit and cargo area25
May 18, 202126
May 18, 2021the horizontal beams / frames are in place27
May 18, 202128
May 18, 2021Whoho! A whale sceleton 😄. So far it is not glued in place because I'm not done yet. A lot of more details will be added.29
May 18, 202130
May 18, 2021The same procedure on the right side31
May 18, 202132
May 18, 202133
May 18, 202134
May 18, 2021First view from the cockpit into the cargo bay35
May 18, 202136
May 18, 202137
May 18, 202138
May 18, 2021Still not glued in place39
May 18, 202140
May 18, 202141
May 18, 202142
May 18, 202143
May 18, 2021So the frames on the sides are done. Now moving to the rear area.44
May 18, 202145
May 18, 202146
May 18, 2021Still numbered the frames47
May 18, 2021Nearly done with the big box above the upper flap48
May 18, 2021The upper flap mounted to test fitting the parts / frames / box49
May 18, 2021Looks good so far50
May 18, 202151
May 18, 202152
May 18, 202153
May 18, 202154
May 18, 202155
May 18, 202156
May 18, 2021Now it's time to do the upper frames and heating tubes57
May 18, 202158
May 18, 202159
May 18, 202160
May 18, 2021The whole frames in place for another test fitting61
May 18, 2021🙂62
May 18, 202163
May 18, 2021Yep. This is how I wanted it64
May 18, 202165
May 18, 2021The electrical compartments are done too.66
May 18, 2021Drilling the first holes for the lights of the cargo area. Starting with the easier part.67
May 18, 2021Another openings to prepare for the wiring and switches. For example the left fuel tank thing with main gear68
May 18, 2021Starting wiring69
May 18, 2021The first try with those wires were a failure. They were to thick and not that flexible.70
May 18, 2021Between the brain storming for the wiring I painted the interior in the proper color.71
May 18, 202172
May 18, 202173
May 18, 2021Put the painted parts in place.74
May 18, 202175
May 18, 2021This is my plan for the wiring. The thing is, that the hull is to pieces (like all aircraft model kits as far as I know) but the lamps have to work together. One switch e.g. has to light up the position lights left, right and in the rear (following light). So I had to think over switches and connectors to put the circuits together, which have to work together. The other thing was to keep in mind, that I want to use 9V power. So I need some resistances76
May 18, 202177
May 18, 2021Drawing the wires into the shell.78
May 18, 2021Then adding more colors for the details.79
May 18, 2021Another lines (fuel lines e.g.) of the helicopter installed80
May 18, 2021The electrical things of the cargo area in the bay underneath the cockpit.81
May 18, 202182
May 18, 2021First peek83
May 18, 2021First lights84
May 18, 2021The other led / smd led are in place.85
May 18, 2021Following light, loading light, cargo area lights86
May 18, 2021Searchlights, landing lights, cockpit lights - not finally installed. Just testing the circuits87
May 18, 202188
May 18, 2021Another look under the helicopter and it's lights89
May 18, 2021Using a mold to do a copy of the cockpit consoles of the Academy kit90
May 18, 2021With the over head console it is much better.91
May 18, 2021The wiring is almost done92
May 18, 2021The wiring to the rear includes the following light, this res stroboscpe light on the top and the loading l93
May 18, 2021The wiring for the position lights and a switch for different circuits94
May 18, 2021This thing will be able to give the power to the main rotor blades. The lamps are called "formation lights"95
May 18, 202196
May 18, 2021Now it's possible to rotate the main rotor head 360 degrees and more 😄 Three connections: two power lines one ground line97
May 18, 2021The rotate thing mounted in place and already wired98
May 18, 2021tiny holes for the cables to the main rotor blade tips.99
May 18, 2021100
May 18, 2021This is the SMD LED for the main rotor blade tip101
May 18, 2021102
May 18, 2021First curcuit is done (three SMD LED each circuit)103
May 18, 2021104
May 18, 2021Mounting all main rotor blades. Another test.105
May 18, 2021The platina for the anti collision lights (this red stroboscope flashers)106
May 18, 2021107
May 18, 2021Planning to lightening the dash board108
May 18, 2021Overlayed the photo etched part by Eduard.109
May 18, 2021Two SMD LED are in place. The connector is installed to. As a reflector I used BMF110
May 18, 2021111
May 18, 2021112
May 18, 2021I printed the decals onto transparent foil to get the instruments transparent113
May 18, 2021Building the third seat for the board mechanic guy114
May 18, 2021Put it on the seat frame115
May 18, 2021116
May 18, 2021And it is able to swing it out 90 degrees.117
May 18, 2021The hydraulic cylinder for the cargo ramp118
May 18, 2021Reflectors for the landing ligts and searchlights119
May 18, 2021...in place120
May 18, 2021121
May 18, 2021Another lightning test122
May 18, 2021😄 sweet123
May 18, 2021124
May 18, 2021125
May 18, 2021126
May 18, 2021Building some benches127
May 18, 2021128
May 18, 2021Benches installed129
May 18, 2021Opening the intake of the APP130
May 18, 2021Also opening the exhaust for the heating system131
May 18, 2021Drilling some handles onto the dog house132
May 18, 2021133
May 18, 2021Adding another handles and little doors for the foot steps134
May 18, 2021One problem of the Revell kit is, that the landing gears are made in the position of flight - they are to high. So I shortened them135
May 18, 2021Drilling holes for a plastic / styrene axle to keep the nose gear stearable136
May 18, 2021done. The main gear137
May 18, 2021The main gear is shortened too. The left one how it is in the box, the right on in right hight when the CH-53 sits on the ground.138
May 18, 2021See the different?139
May 18, 2021Opening the exhaust vor the APP140
May 18, 2021Above in the picture how it was141
May 18, 2021Mounted in place142
May 18, 2021Opening other holes for "fresh air" to the cockpit (cold or to the heating)
And there was a bulb for the external fueling system. The German CH-53 doesn't have those system so I had to remove the bulb on the lower glass.143
May 18, 2021Inserting two grilles144
May 18, 2021The cockpit has it's consoles and seat belts (Eduard)145
May 18, 2021This step is also at the original helicopter for reaching the turbines. Why not using for the switches?146
May 18, 2021147
May 18, 2021Drilling 112 holes148
May 18, 2021Drawing the lines, where rivets ave to be added149
May 18, 2021Some antennas were broken in the kit150
May 18, 2021Well. Make them both better 😉151
May 18, 2021Stupid as I am, I opened the cockpit windows after the hull was together and ready to paint.152
May 18, 2021The frames for the cockpit windows153
May 18, 2021154
May 18, 2021155
May 18, 2021Rebuilt the whiper arms and blades including a washing tube156
May 18, 2021157
May 18, 2021At least I buolt some ground equipment for the base. One of it will include a 9V block battery to support the lights without any connection to high voltage.
5 18 May 2021, 05:13
Album info
Afterwards I'd like to upload the pictures of the wip. This part is everything up to the the preparation of the painting.
If you want to see, what Kit and material I've used, go to part one: 1972 Sikorsky CH-53 GS - wip #1 - parts I've used | Album by christian-w (1:48)
If you want to see the painting and decalling, go to part three: 1972 Sikorsky CH-53 GS - wip #3 - the painting | Album by christian-w (1:48)
If you want to see the result at all, go to the gallery: 1972 Sikorsky CH-53 GS highly detailed & lighted - Gallery | Album by christian-w (1:48)