Ikarus Orkan and Schwerer Platformwagen

Now, that's something different, original and interesting, Young Eagle! Thumbs up! 👍 👍

Wow! 👀
It's a bit sad that most of it is hidden under the tarp but the tarp itself is very eyecatching. 👍
I looks so real.

Thomas for the tarp I used kleenex two ply tissue paper that I placed over the model and I applied to it watered down white glue (milk consistency). After I formed it to the shape I wanted and it dried I used thinned down Vallejo light brown color in two layers. Thereafter while still somewhat wet with paint, I applied AK thinned down dark brown wash over a small stea and I immediately went with thinner to spread it out and blend it.

Fantasic idea and well done paint job!!
I really like the tarpaulin, that's good work👍
And I have to say that I've had the same problems with modelcollect kits😑

It's a shame cause they have some really interesting subjects.

You say it Djordje, it's a shame😉
I hope that I don't get too many problems if I have one of them on my schedule again😄

I had their Iskander and S-300 missile systems but sold them both 🤔 We will see ahat they come out with next

I am already waiting for the availability of the mtlb series, hope they keep what they promise 😁
Album info
Modecollect German Railway Schwerer Plattformwagen Type SSYS and L&M Ikarus Orkan prototype in 1/72. Modellcollect has really bad parts breakdown, thin parts and poor instructions. Ikarus Orkan is a beautiful twin engine heavy fighter prototype airplane flown right before the war in the Kingdom or Yugoslavia. Germans captured it and transported it by rail and I am depicting that scene, specifically during preparations for transport. L&M kit is the only one available and it would have been a challenge to complete due to the complex vacuform canopy so I covered the front 2/3 of the model with a tarp, leaving only the tail section. The bubbles in resin were left as bullet holes from strafing during the German attack. I made rusted steel jigs to rest the airplane on and wooden crate base for the engines. The intent is that the wings fit on another rail car that was pulled by the same train, but I didn't have another rail car so only part of the scene is depicted. Model 3 and 4 for 2022!