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5`th Jubilee Scalemates Meeting Wangerooge

Modeling from dawn till dusk or longer ;)

Event details

5`th Jubilee Scalemates Meeting Wangerooge
Wangerooge DE
Hello Guy´s and Gal´s!

Wouldn´t it be nice to sit together with some mates? Modeling and talking with each other in real? Looking everyone over his shoulder to see how he is building?

Well, again you can!
In march 2017 you are all invited to visit Wangerooge, celebrate our anniversary and do some modeling here. We have a wonderful venue, with a view over the sea. Its directly at the boardwalk and perfect for our purposes. Your accomodation can be a B&B, a Hotel or an Appartment. You are free to choose it.

The timeframe is 04.03.2017 till 12.03.2017, so we have a whole week of modeling before us.

If you need some help to book an accomodation, shiptickets or flighttickets, just drop me an email (h.kranich at and i´ll help you!
Here you will find some additional help to book online:

There are no restrictions about what to build. Aircraft´s, Helo´s, Ships or Tanks, just bring the kit you want to build and don’t forget to bring your paints, glue and other stuff you need to finish your model! If you like to do airbrushing, please bring your own airbrush and compressor with you.

If there are any unclarity´s please feel free to contact me.

For some impressions from previous meetings check out the below "Show reports" and "Similar events".

For all who cant wait, here is a countdown:

And now c´mon and join us for a great week of modeling and doing talking shop! I´m looking forward to welcome you in the “crew”! 😉

Happy modeling, Holger 😉
The event has no contest
Entrance fees:
178,50€ but only for me 😉


4-12 March 2017
Opening hours:
We plan to build together from 09:00 till open end, all days!


Obere Strandpromenade 5
26486 Wangerooge
Parking options:
There will be plenty of parking space directly at "Harlesiel" habour or the airport. Wangerooge itself is free from cars.


19 mates are planning to visit this event


Thomas Mayer Thomas
Mike Kryza tigermike
Marina K. Marina
Ingmar Stöhr stugiii
Christian Meyerhoff worldinscale
Joerg R. Panzerwart
Ralph Sommer FlakRalph
Thomas Stengel MrPeacmean
Harald Bauske Inquisitor


Kerry COX RedRoo

In competition


No photoalbums known related to this event.

Show reports

9 show reports related to Expo-Scalemates Meeting

6.Scalemates Meeting 2018 auf Wangerooge No
6.Scalemates Meeting 2018 auf Wangerooge
by Mike Kryza on IG Allgäuer Modellbau Freunde
5.Scalemates Meeting 2017 auf Wangerooge No
5.Scalemates Meeting 2017 auf Wangerooge
by Mike Kryza on IG Allgäuer Modellbau Freunde
5.Scalemates Meeting 2017 auf Wangerooge No
5.Scalemates Meeting 2017 auf Wangerooge
by Die Scalematies on Panzer Modell
4.Scalemates Meeting 2016 auf Wangerooge No
4.Scalemates Meeting 2016 auf Wangerooge
by Mike Kryza on IG Allgäuer Modellbau Freunde
4.Scalemates Meeting 2016 auf Wangerooge No
4.Scalemates Meeting 2016 auf Wangerooge
by The Scalematies on Panzer Modell
3.Scalemates Meeting 2015 auf Wangerooge No
3.Scalemates Meeting 2015 auf Wangerooge
by Marina K. on IG Allgäuer Modellbau Freunde
3.Scalemates Meeting 2015 auf Wangerooge No
3.Scalemates Meeting 2015 auf Wangerooge
by I.Stöhr,M.Kryza,Th.Hartwig,F.Krause on Panzer Modell
2.Scalemates Meeting 2014 auf Wangerooge No
1.Scalemates Meeting 2013 auf Wangerooge No

Similar events

6´th Annual Scalemates Meeting Wangerooge in Wangerooge
6´th Annual Scalemates Meeting Wangerooge
DE Wangerooge
17-25 February 2018
4´th Scalemates Meeting Wangerooge in Wangerooge
4´th Scalemates Meeting Wangerooge
DE Wangerooge
21-29 February 2016
3´rd Scalemates Meeting 2015 Wangerooge in Wangerooge
3´rd Scalemates Meeting 2015 Wangerooge
DE Wangerooge
15-22 March 2015

News Feed

Holger Kranich
will attend
All comments (563) » 14 April 2016, 14:26
Arne Greve
Wir haben doch noch 2017?
 18 September 2017, 13:08
Mike Kryza
Bitte nicht schlagen, gehe auf den anderen Thread.
 18 September 2017, 13:46
Thomas Mayer
Mal eine Frage an die Wangerooge-Jungs und Mädels:

meine Beste und ich haben vor kommenden Freitag mal bei Kremer Pigmente in Aichstetten aufzuschlagen. Ich könnte Tips brauchen, was der Modellbauer von Welt dort so kaufen könnte. Ich meine gehört zu haben dass Dowanol dem Revell Airbrush Cleaner entspricht. Stimmt das?

20 March 2017, 20:36
Holger Kranich
Noch 16 Tage und der Rest von heute!😄
15 February 2017, 08:54
Ralf Kerkmann
will attend
All comments (13) » 14 December 2016, 17:47
Ralf Kerkmann Author
Wünsche euch allen ein guteschönes neues Jahr! Der Zeit läuft ab, dann geht los zum SUPERKLBERLAKIERWOCHE!
 3 January 2017, 11:32
Holger Kranich
Welch ansteckende Euphorie! 😄
 3 January 2017, 12:31
Ralf Kerkmann
will attend
14 December 2016, 17:17
Harald Bauske
will attend
23 November 2016, 10:59
Mike Kryza
 4 December 2016, 09:56
Thomas Mayer
Nice! 🙂
 4 December 2016, 10:21
Joerg R.
Klasse Harald👍👍
 4 December 2016, 11:01
Benno Wawerek
will attend
11 October 2016, 21:31
Thomas Hartwig
Sooo, Unterkunft ist gebucht! Hurra!
14 August 2016, 16:21
Thomas Stengel
will attend
All comments (25) » 18 July 2016, 22:22
Thomas Stengel Author
OK, danke fürs nachmessen! Ich werde sehr wahrscheinlich den Trolley von Makita nehmen. Ich habe denn noch ein paar Maschinenkisten von Metabo, die kann man auch darauf stapeln.
 14 August 2016, 10:08
Thomas Mayer
Sehr gerne, Thomas! 🙂
 14 August 2016, 14:36
Ingmar Stöhr
will attend
All comments (19) » 14 April 2016, 17:23
Ingmar Stöhr Author
There you have it. I'm trying to have some nice days in France with my wife and now I find over 50 comments here!
Beer will be no problem. And if we run out of beer we'll have to drink Jever - or at least that's what Christian would probably say.
@ Holger: regarding Havanna - please talk to Mike!
 21 July 2016, 19:23
Mike Kryza
I hear my name - I'm innocent - AS ALWAYS!!!😉
 21 July 2016, 19:29
Thomas Stengel
will attend
18 July 2016, 22:10
Camilla Øksenholt
will attend
All comments (7) » 25 June 2016, 22:16
Mike Kryza
 27 June 2016, 06:00
Holger Kranich
Hi Camilla, nice to see you sign up here, too!🙂
 27 June 2016, 09:12
Kerry COX
will attend
All comments (51) » 15 April 2016, 07:09
Christian Meyerhoff
Yep! No yelling or farting during the sessions, but.... there will be many breaks😉
 2 June 2016, 19:13
Kerry COX Author
Well that will be a welcome change. 🙂
And considering the expense I usually have when attending an event here, this will be the most enjoyable outlay I have ever pursued, as I get to see all my online friends in person, eat and drink some of the best pudding and beer, and see a place I have never seen before. 👍
What a week eh. ! 🙂
 2 June 2016, 19:53
Jonns Pfeiffenberger
will attend
All comments (8) » 30 April 2016, 20:39
Frank Krause
Ja, die Macht wird mit Bier sein!😉
 3 May 2016, 20:03
Holger Kranich
Ja, mit (D)Bier ist alles besser😄
 4 May 2016, 04:57
Ralph Sommer
will attend
30 April 2016, 18:03
Mike Kryza
 30 April 2016, 18:22
Kerry COX
I am just so honoured to know that I can finally meet all these names I have been talking with for years and to be able to finally, 'put a face' to each one. 🙂
All comments (6) » 15 April 2016, 07:13
Kerry COX Author
Thanks guys. ! In fact, that is one thing that has been running through my mind since Brusssels happened, and as our meeting is still 10 months away, the whole scene in Europe may have become a bit more of a concern than it is now. 🤔
I am not scared , just a little mind game I am playing with myself really.🤔
I am a God fearing white guy and I am determined not to let these Islamic fuckknuckles spoil it for me, and as always, God has been good to me. 🙂 👍
Cheers. 👍
 15 April 2016, 20:04
Holger Kranich
Yes 10 month is a long time. Lets seen what happens...
 18 April 2016, 04:35
will attend
All comments (6) » 14 April 2016, 16:22
Thomas Mayer
MoJo, hast du eigentlich die Bell X-1 Abziehbilder schon verbaut? 😉
 15 April 2016, 18:35
MoJo Author
nein leider , hatte noch keine gelegenheit dazu 😠

hoffe, das ich in Lübeck zeit finde mit dem Modell anzufangen
 16 April 2016, 11:21
Frank Krause
will attend
All comments (8) » 14 April 2016, 19:00
Mike Kryza
 15 April 2016, 17:46
Holger Kranich
 15 April 2016, 18:43
Joerg R.
will attend
15 April 2016, 05:41
Joerg R. Author
Nun denn, auf ein Neues 😉
 15 April 2016, 05:43
Holger Kranich
Jörg, die Dritte! Genau, auf ein Neues!
 15 April 2016, 06:28
Mike Kryza
Samstag MBC Camouflage.
 15 April 2016, 10:21
Joerg R. Author
Ja, Mike. Ich scharre schon mit den Hufen. Wetter soll auch gut werden. Es soll regnen und stürmen 😄😄😄
 15 April 2016, 16:41
Thomas Hartwig
will attend
All comments (7) » 14 April 2016, 15:02
Holger Kranich
Sommerbasteln? Sag bescheid...😢
 15 April 2016, 15:02
Joerg R.
Hört sich gut an, Aommerbasteln
 15 April 2016, 16:39
Mike Kryza
will attend
14 April 2016, 15:42
Holger Kranich
Jo mei, des woar kloar, i frei mi auf Dia!:8
 15 April 2016, 06:34
Mike Kryza Author
Wos is na das für a Sprooch. I freu Mi a. ????
 15 April 2016, 10:17
Thomas Mayer
will attend
All comments (5) » 14 April 2016, 15:01
Holger Kranich
Oder was von Bronco, da brauchst Du schon ne Woche nur für das Laufwerk😄
 15 April 2016, 06:25
Thomas Mayer Author
Stimmt! Man lernt aus seinen Fehlern!
 15 April 2016, 09:25
Christian Meyerhoff
will attend
All comments (8) » 14 April 2016, 18:00
Holger Kranich
... do is miene Heimat, do bün ick to hus...:8
 15 April 2016, 06:31
Christian Meyerhoff Author
Wieso ungeduldig? Man muss nur die Prioritäten richtig setzen 🙂
 15 April 2016, 06:50
Ingmar Stöhr
Da ist man einmal was länger auf der Arbeit uns schon reicht es nur noch für Platz 8. verdammt!!!!
14 April 2016, 17:24
Holger Kranich
Ich finde das ist ein sehr vernünftiger und gereifter Platz. Schön mit Dir zu rechnen!😢
 15 April 2016, 06:33
Marina K.
will attend
14 April 2016, 15:45
Mike Kryza
 14 April 2016, 18:37
Joerg R.
 15 April 2016, 06:01