6´th Annual Scalemates Meeting Wangerooge
Modeling from dawn till dusk or longer ;)
Event details
- Name:
- 6´th Annual Scalemates Meeting Wangerooge
- Town:
- Wangerooge
- About:
- Hello Guy´s and Gal´s!
Wouldn´t it be nice to sit together with some mates? Modeling and talking with each other in real? Looking everyone over his shoulder to see how he is building?
Well, again you can!
In February 2018 you are all invited to visit Wangerooge, celebrate our anniversary and do some modeling here. We have a wonderful venue, with a view over the sea. Its directly at the boardwalk and perfect for our purposes. Your accomodation can be a B&B, a Hotel or an Appartment. You are free to choose it.
The timeframe is 17.02.2018 till 25.02.2018, so we have a whole week of modeling before us.
If you need some help to book an accomodation, shiptickets or flighttickets, just drop me an email (h.kranich at live.de) and i´ll help you!
Here you will find some additional help to book online: www.wangerooge.de
There are no restrictions about what to build. Aircraft´s, Helo´s, Ships or Tanks, just bring the kit you want to build and don’t forget to bring your paints, glue and other stuff you need to finish your model! If you like to do airbrushing, please bring your own airbrush and compressor with you.
If there are any unclarity´s please feel free to contact me.
For some impressions from previous meetings check out the below "Show reports" and "Similar events".
And now c´mon and join us for a great week of modeling and doing talking shop! I´m looking forward to welcome you in the “crew”! 😉
Happy modeling, Holger 😉 - Contest:
- The event has no contest
- Entrance fees:
- 178,50€ but only for me 😉
- Date:
- 17-25 February 2018
- Opening hours:
- We plan to build together from 09:00 till open end, all days!
- Address:
- Obere Strandpromenade 5
26486 Wangerooge - Parking options:
- There will be plenty of parking space directly at "Harlesiel" habour or the airport. Wangerooge itself is free from cars.
16 mates are planning to visit this event
In competition
No photoalbums known related to this event.
Show reports
9 show reports related to Expo-Scalemates Meeting
Similar events

5`th Jubilee Scalemates Meeting Wangerooge
4-12 March 2017

4-12 March 2017

4´th Scalemates Meeting Wangerooge
21-29 February 2016

21-29 February 2016

3´rd Scalemates Meeting 2015 Wangerooge
15-22 March 2015

15-22 March 2015
News Feed

Langsam geht es los. Bitte denkt an Verlängerungskabel und Kompressoren!
Von mir aus kann es dann losgehen! 😄

6´th Annual Scalemates Meeting Wangerooge
17-25 February 2018

17-25 February 2018
All comments (19) » 11 February 2018, 14:36

Schee wars😢 Bin auch wieder zuhause. Freu mich auf euch das nächste Mal
26 February 2018, 21:59

Nach einer Übernachtung in Harlesiel ging es Sonntag vormittag Richtung Berlin. Super Wetter, kein Stau
freie Autobahn. Ein herzliches Danke schön an Holger für das Ausrichten und die Organisation. Es war Klasse mit euch. Alte Bekannte wieder mal gesehen , viele neue nette Leute kennen gelernt und so manchen Kniff abgeschaut. Schade das Holger so leiden mußte.
Danke an alle. Bis demnächst auf dieser Insel
27 February 2018, 21:30

will attend

6´th Annual Scalemates Meeting Wangerooge
17-25 February 2018

17-25 February 2018
23 February 2018, 05:39

will attend

6´th Annual Scalemates Meeting Wangerooge
17-25 February 2018

17-25 February 2018
All comments (9) » 8 October 2017, 22:32

Unfortunatly we're not able to come :'( I really wish we could, we have been looking forward to this for a while now! 🙁
17 February 2018, 01:24

will attend

6´th Annual Scalemates Meeting Wangerooge
17-25 February 2018

17-25 February 2018
All comments (11) » 19 September 2017, 19:47

Weißt du schon, ob es klappt und wann? Weiß noch nicht, ob ich es wirklich nach Lingen schaffe und es wär wirklich schön dich mal wieder zu treffen!
15 February 2018, 21:39

will attend

6´th Annual Scalemates Meeting Wangerooge
17-25 February 2018

17-25 February 2018
All comments (30) » 20 September 2017, 04:07

Was ist das? Ein Veggiburger? Ist ja gar kein Fleisch zu sehen😛
13 February 2018, 18:01

@ Benno:
Veggiburger? Das Zeuch würde ich nicht anfassen! Nee, da werden nebenan schon goile Sachen gegrillt!
14 February 2018, 09:41

will attend

6´th Annual Scalemates Meeting Wangerooge
17-25 February 2018

17-25 February 2018
21 January 2018, 13:18

will attend

6´th Annual Scalemates Meeting Wangerooge
17-25 February 2018

17-25 February 2018
All comments (7) » 22 September 2017, 16:57

Ich werde an den Modellen vom letzten Mal weitermachen. Evtl. noch eine Figur. Die Marina hat mich ja total mit den Dingern angefixt. 🙂
15 January 2018, 19:21

will attend

6´th Annual Scalemates Meeting Wangerooge
17-25 February 2018

17-25 February 2018
All comments (104) » 18 September 2017, 09:12

Oi, Jonns! Mit Deinen Fähigkeiten könntest Du auch Profi-Modeller werden und wärst nicht mehr auf den Job angewiesen, der Dich vom Highlight des Jahres abhält. Schade, Mann! Oder weiter den Chef bearbeiten und es klappt doch noch.
13 January 2018, 13:25

Danke Euch, ich bin noch dran. Wer weiß schon, was Mitte Februar alles los ist...😉
13 January 2018, 22:19

will attend

6´th Annual Scalemates Meeting Wangerooge
17-25 February 2018

17-25 February 2018
All comments (19) » 18 September 2017, 10:43

Man immer ran mit dem Ding, passt noch bei mir in den Vorgarten
13 January 2018, 18:47

Nö, der muss auf See! Kommt sicher mal ein Engländer vorbeigeschippert!
13 January 2018, 19:54

will attend

6´th Annual Scalemates Meeting Wangerooge
17-25 February 2018

17-25 February 2018
18 September 2017, 09:44

Abfahrtzeiten am 17.02.
11:00 & 13:30
Abfahrt am 25.02.
07:35 & 16:35
18 September 2017, 12:38

will attend

6´th Annual Scalemates Meeting Wangerooge
17-25 February 2018

17-25 February 2018
18 September 2017, 12:41

will attend

6´th Annual Scalemates Meeting Wangerooge
17-25 February 2018

17-25 February 2018
All comments (9) » 18 September 2017, 16:23

Dss wird ein hartes Stück Arbeit, vor allem mit der Rasselbande daheim...😉
20 September 2017, 07:27

will attend

6´th Annual Scalemates Meeting Wangerooge
17-25 February 2018

17-25 February 2018
All comments (5) » 18 September 2017, 14:08

will attend

6´th Annual Scalemates Meeting Wangerooge
17-25 February 2018

17-25 February 2018
18 September 2017, 16:06

" Und es geht schon wieder los, daß kann doch wohl nicht wahr sein!"
18 September 2017, 17:45

doch, ganz sicher!Hoffen wir mal, dass nicht dazwischenkommt!
18 September 2017, 19:57

will attend

6´th Annual Scalemates Meeting Wangerooge
17-25 February 2018

17-25 February 2018
19 September 2017, 07:05

will attend

6´th Annual Scalemates Meeting Wangerooge
17-25 February 2018

17-25 February 2018
19 September 2017, 07:04

will attend

6´th Annual Scalemates Meeting Wangerooge
17-25 February 2018

17-25 February 2018
19 September 2017, 05:59

will attend

6´th Annual Scalemates Meeting Wangerooge
17-25 February 2018

17-25 February 2018
18 September 2017, 09:42

Abfahrtzeiten am 17.02.
11:00 & 13:30
Abfahrt am 25.02.
07:35 & 16:35
18 September 2017, 12:38

will attend

6´th Annual Scalemates Meeting Wangerooge
17-25 February 2018

17-25 February 2018
18 September 2017, 11:20

Abfahrtzeiten am 17.02.
11:00 & 13:30
Abfahrt am 25.02.
07:35 & 16:35
18 September 2017, 12:37

will attend

6´th Annual Scalemates Meeting Wangerooge
17-25 February 2018

17-25 February 2018
All comments (5) » 18 September 2017, 10:06

Abfahrtzeiten am 17.02.
11:00 & 13:30
Abfahrt am 25.02.
07:35 & 16:35
18 September 2017, 12:37