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Kaikki kommentit (14) » 10 5 March, 22:12
Interesting pattern! Can wait to see it assembled
 9 March, 19:09
Custom decals - that's new. Really nice design. Looks like a huge amount of work
 18 March, 19:05
Przemyslaw Sroczynski
lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
6 29 December 2024, 16:55
Martin Weinpold
 5 March, 05:45
Przemyslaw Sroczynski kirjailija
It's just the begining
Plans are for all Zumbach fighters - Model Maker decals
 5 March, 17:54
Robert Podkoński
Great idea! Watching with pleasure.
 5 March, 18:27
Przemyslaw Sroczynski
lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
5 27 January, 00:20
1  29 January, 00:10
Me 2
1  29 January, 06:59
Przemyslaw Sroczynski
lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
4 29 December 2024, 17:19
Casey Beckett
Great Start! Such a beautiful plane, always liked the P-11
 30 December 2024, 02:21
Andy Ball
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Kaikki kommentit (111) » 93 5 September 2020, 14:34
Andy Ball kirjailija
Thanks Duster_d and others for the visit!
 13 December 2024, 22:57
Mark K
 16 March, 23:19
Andy Ball
lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
8 kuvien
Champagne FaireyView album, image #1
Reference 1
1:72 Fairey Battle Mk.I (Azur-FRROM FR0048)
Kaikki kommentit (16) » 21 3 February, 19:23
 17 March, 13:40
Andy Ball kirjailija
Good evening Villiers, Dave and Nicolas…
Dave I admire your comment on seat belts but one has to keep the global wine industry going with a foil capped harness…photos to come!
1  19 March, 23:41
Markus Baring@J
Hello, do you come to EME Lingen ?

Best regards

Kaikki kommentit (6) » 18 March, 18:24
Markus Baring
Then tell me the Mail.
 19 March, 22:47
Markus Baring
My adress is Markus Baring , Königsberger Str. 16 , 44809 Bochum, Deutschland.


 19 March, 23:40
lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
Kaikki kommentit (17) » 67 6 February, 13:26
Martin Weinpold
 19 March, 17:39
Really really beautiful
 19 March, 23:33
Jakub Fiala
lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
Kaikki kommentit (86) » 105 20 January, 15:01
Looks good
 19 March, 22:36
Simon O'Gorman
This looks incredible!
 19 March, 23:33
lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
13 2 December 2024, 10:25
 2 December 2024, 10:57
Jean kirjailija
Interior is now finished. Did take some time, but I didn't really face any major problems. I ultimately left out the photoetched trap doors "lining", which was a pain during the dry fitting of the two fuselage halves. Dry fitting was complicated due to the sub-assemblies, which have to be perfectly placed to have a good fit.
 11 December 2024, 11:11
lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
8 kuvien
HB A-6E 1/48 - Flight of the IntruderView album, image #4Uusi: 19 March, 23:05
The office builds up beautifully! However, there are no decals for any of the dials or screens– so it’s either aftermark...
1:48 A-6E TRAM Intruder (HobbyBoss 81710)
3 6 March, 17:24
lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
33 kuvien
Sukhoi Su-30 Flanker-CView album, image #33Uusi: 19 March, 19:37
The kit's front landing gear needed a few adjustments. The retractable support brace was too long and attached in the wr...
1:72 Su-30 (Zvezda 7242)
Kaikki kommentit (74) » 46 27 February, 13:23
Skyhiker kirjailija
I used Aqueous silver H8 as a base and mixed different colors into it with other acrylics. I find Aqueous to be one of the best water based paints. But if you need a chrome finish then you have to go with enamel such as Xtreme metal or a lacquer like Alclad II metal
 19 March, 22:48
Skyhiker kirjailija
I understand that there are some powders that you can rub on to make a high shine metal finish. I'd like to try those out some day.
 19 March, 22:59
Tim Powell
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11 kuvien
1/144 Airbus A340-600View album, image #7Uusi: 19 March, 22:57
Added the missing 1.5” plug
1:144 Austrian Airbus A340 Wiener Philharmoniker (Revell 04209)1:144 Airbus A330-300 “Lufthansa New Livery” (Revell 03816)1:144 Airbus A340-642 (Bra.Z Models BZ4065)1+
6 4 March, 17:34
Łukasz Gliński
Interesting, let's see if the conversion set is worth its price
 13 March, 21:05
Tim Powell kirjailija
I had to modify the fuselage due to the warpage and some fit issues, but with no real options for this type of aircraft it was this or nothing.
 14 March, 03:21
lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
19 March, 22:46
lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
19 March, 22:42
lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
12 14 March 2024, 17:15
De Lange
Really like it. About to start on the same kit, if you don't mind what paint did you use as main paint?
1  17 March, 21:27
JujuAT kirjailija
it was one of my first, so my opinions differ, i think my newer model are of much better quality, i think i used XF62 olive Drab
 19 March, 11:33
De Lange
just looked at your newer stuff. And i agree. Those look awsome. but i still like this one. Maybe my standards are a bit lower but then again i'm also newer.
And thanks for the paint recomandation.
 19 March, 22:41
lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
19 March, 22:38
lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
19 March, 22:33
Skyhiker@SCM Data suggestions
The paint line AK 3ème Génération should be changed to AK 3rd Generation - General. I don't know who screwed it up but it's all mixed up now.
19 March, 22:31
lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
19 March, 22:29
lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
19 March, 22:24
alessandro magrelli
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15 19 February, 18:47
lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
19 March, 22:22
Brand new to the site. I have a friend with a small stash who would like to know the approximate value each kit. I've been told that this is the site to go to for that information but I don't yet know where to look. Suggestions?
19 March, 22:21
lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
19 March, 22:17
lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
19 March, 22:13
lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
Kaikki kommentit (10) » 41 3 February 2024, 16:17
Daniel kirjailija
Thanks Capt! 🙂
 4 April 2024, 09:44
Lovely work indeed! 👏😍
 19 March, 22:07
lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
19 March, 20:20
Roy McKay
lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
31 kuvien
Aj-210View album, image #1Uusi: 19 March, 19:59
I'm planning on doing F-14A AJ-210 from VF-84 off USS Nimitz as seen in The Final Countdown. Here is a pic of AJ-210 & A...
1:72 F-14A Tomcat `Atlantic Fleet Squadrons´ (Hasegawa 00544)1:72 F-14A VF-84 Jolly Rogers USS Nimitz (1978-79) (HADmodels  72216)1:72 Carrier Flight Deck (Verlinden Productions 300)2+
Kaikki kommentit (7) » 10 17 March, 22:53
Sergej I
Finished in two days 😉 👍
1  19 March, 21:14
Roy McKay kirjailija
Haha Sergej I, not quite. Only getting to post photos now. Been working on it since Christmas
 19 March, 21:58
lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
19 March, 20:45
Maksim Kurmaz
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Kaikki kommentit (16) » 42 17 March, 19:40
Maksim Kurmaz kirjailija
@Cristian As I understand, you're using RealColor paints, and I can clearly understand why. In my situation, I cannot use lacquer paints, so in the water-based domain, Vallejo are very good choice. RC336 is the analog of the color I've used from AK line.
1  19 March, 20:30
Cristian A
Thanks, Maksim! I definitely prefer lacquer paints since they spray much more easily. With acrylics, I feel like I have less control—it's easy to get clogging or tip dry, which can ruin a model. Plus, even with a topcoat, acrylics aren't as resistant to decal setting solutions in my experience. Maybe 2–3 coats would help. For Vallejo, my best results came from mixing 50% paint, 40% flow improver, and 10% Vallejo thinner. May I ask what is the thinning ratio you use for Vallejio?
 19 March, 21:56
lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
19 March, 20:50
lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
19 March, 21:53
Chris W.
lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
Kaikki kommentit (12) » 6 10 February 2018, 20:50
Chris W. kirjailija
Thanks Dave! And I'm sure you can do it Jonathan- that's actually the same airbrush that I used.
 3 June 2020, 11:37
I actually wonder why such well made dios get not as many likes as they definitely deserve. This lne looks great!
 19 March, 21:54
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19 March, 20:56





