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Museum Oberursel
My main interest was, of course, in the U.0 rotary engine. It is in running order, and there are traces of castor oil.
12 26 August 2024, 19:52

Yes, because the museum is on the company premises and a guided tour has to be organised. And of course a guide must also be available.
Some guests didn't show up, so there were only three of us visitors 🙂
29 August 2024, 18:19

Beautiful building. I've just read the Wiki entry about the factory and it has had a fascinating history:
1 September 2024, 07:11

Thank you for the pictures and for taking us with you! The running rotary engine is impressive, did it smell of Castor oil?
1 September 2024, 07:20

Your are welcome mates!
Thanks Gorby for adding the interesting link.
Roland, the museum has some typical metal and oil smell, but I can't remember Castor oil smell. I guess the last run was long ago, it runs may be once a year? If there's an event like a family weekend or something where the engine is shown running, I'd love to go again!
A very impressive piece of history was the jet engine of this Mack truck - please note the exhausts! [img1]
1 September 2024, 12:05

Oh yes, that would be a nice model!
The only disadvantage was, that the trailer was needed to store the needed fuel. 🙂
1 September 2024, 15:32