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12 1 June 2015, 09:47

Looks good Hanno but why is the swastika background on so early? Did you paint it?
3 June 2015, 22:28

easier to paint it first, white first mask the circle then the red, mask the band and spray the dark colours last 🙂
Seems the sensible thing to do to me at least, less masking and no chance of the dark colours showing through the white and red.
Hanno, I take it that's about right ? 🙂
Really interesting subject btw and what a great colour !!
3 June 2015, 22:40

Yeh I guessed that was the process Choppa, also I doubt a red decal would go very well over dark blue which was probably more my question but poorly worded.
Sometimes the decision of what to paint and mask first can be a hard one, I know it took me a while to decide a plan of action for the Macchi MC72 I did recently.
4 June 2015, 00:08

well worth thinking it through though 🙂
Yeah you did a sweet job on that MC72 !!!
for me I have to try and paint everything before assembly, well as much as possible anyhow.
I don't how some people manage to get away with assembling everything first then paint it all in one hit and yet still get crisp detail in all those awkward to reach places..
4 June 2015, 00:15

Agree Choppa. It's especially the case with float planes and the fitting of struts etc. Makes it almost impossible to get good coverage of paint, sanding and polishing or glueing struts after painting and partly ruining the paint job. A happy medium is a fine line.
4 June 2015, 00:40

"Blau blau blau blüht der Enzian... 🙂" schönes und selten gesehenes Modell, ich liebe dieses knallige Blau.
-beautiful and rarely seen model, I love this flashy blue.
4 June 2015, 04:47

Thanks mates !
@Ben: Yes, I painted it, as there was no decal furnished in the the decal sheet.
@ Choppa : Actually it was done the exact other way round, first one coat of aluminum, then a few thin coats of blue, then I masked the red band and last the white circle. Future is on, next are the decals.
@ Christian, das Blau hat es mir auch angetan, mit einer der Gründe das Modell zu bauen .
4 June 2015, 06:46

ah well there we go !! not that I mind being completely wrong, haha 😄
4 June 2015, 16:46

Just my simple way of thinking : one step after the other......😳 I always did it like that since I started painig my models as a boy. The way you suggested has a lot to it, so Im going to give it a try next time 😄
4 June 2015, 17:07

yeah it seems the easier way to me having said that I have done it your way to but ended up going through the relative expensive masking tape a lot quicker. If I can think of a more economical way of doing things that's what I generally go for, not that I am expert or anything, which is probably why I strive for the simplest way of doing. If I was an expert I might be more cavalier 🙂
4 June 2015, 18:06

Gabba Gabba Hey! Das Ding wird super! Schön das man hier bei SM auch mal ein Huma Modell sieht.... 😉 Welches Blau hast du denn genommen ?
4 June 2015, 18:56

Thanks Christian !
@ Christian Meyerhoff : Humamania, dank Dir ! Ich hab Vallejo Air RAL 5002 über Revell Aqua Aluminium gesprüht, sieht im grellen Licht fast zu violett aus, aber in anderer Beleuchtung find ichs gut. Das Ding macht echt Spaß !
@ Choppa : You're absolutely right, I used quite a lot of the stuff. So next time I will try it your way. 🙂
4 June 2015, 19:40

So kann man auch mit kleinen Sachen Menschen eine Freude machen ... 🙂 Schön das Dir der Bausatz gefällt.
4 June 2015, 19:44

did someone mention sausages ???
also one of my little pleasures too Christian 😉
Hanno, ok then, it's mine all mine! until you do it of course then it's yours all yours 😄
4 June 2015, 20:09

You surprise me every time you post a build Hanno, and this is no exception mate.
I can only endorse all the wonderful comments I see here Hanno, just great to see, and this is an aircraft I never knew existed, and all the more interesting mate.
Cheers. 🙂
7 June 2015, 20:03

Applaus, Applaus! Das ist die schönste HUMA 209 die ich bis lang gesehen habe ! Das hast Du prima gemacht!
7 June 2015, 20:10

Thank you so much Kerry, I am really into the unusual and a bit odd looking birds at the moment.... 🙂
@ Christian : Danke Dir ! Hat echt Spaß gemacht, die Kleine !
@ Choppa : Thanks mate, no Mudak needed on this little plane......
7 June 2015, 20:15

Completely agree with Kerry, Hanno, 👍 just the white circle in the tail...🤔 but that's just my opinion.
8 June 2015, 01:06

Thanks Ben, thanks Rui !
@Rui : Maybe you're right,I wil have a look through my spare decal box, maybe I can find at least something to add some black to the white circle.
But personally I dont' really miss the swastica, just some colour missing. 🙂
8 June 2015, 04:33

Put a black number 4 in the white circle, that way it looks like a crooked cross with bits missing, or chop up a swastika to look like a number 4 as a number on a race plane would still look just right 🙂
8 June 2015, 08:08

Thank you Holger, fertiggemunstert ! 😉
That is a great idea, thanks Choppa ! 🙂
8 June 2015, 08:37

Very subtle Hanno, and it will make people look twice when they see it. 🙂 👍
8 June 2015, 11:20

Very nice build plane... but base"BIG WOW! its look very realistic."
16 June 2015, 14:57

Thank you Marko, looking at your top notch dios and bases, this is a big compliment . 🙂
16 June 2015, 15:03

Thank you Bernd, Rui and Roland ! Small bird, great fun ! 🙂
5 July 2015, 18:32

Lovely one! Some times the small models are the most interesting ones!
15 August 2015, 10:52

Lange nichts gesehen von Dir. Ein interessanter Exot, etwas eigenwillig in der Form, aber wenn Du das gebaut hast, dann war es auch so. 🙂
12 March, 16:08