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Fil démarré par Roland

Roland Sachsenhofer
a ajouté un nouvel album.
41 3 January 2014, 08:28
Roland Sachsenhofer Auteur
I started with Revells Arado for another round: this time I aim to get a representation of a civil floatplane, used in Sweden in the mid 40´s. Decals are from "Topdrawing 14", I trustfully hope they will work as good as they are looking...
You can see three building steps, next will see the decals fixed and the cowling painted blue. I am quite pleased with that subject -and looking forward to finsh that nice looking floatplane in the very near future 🙂
 3 January 2014, 08:37
Christian Bruer
Hi Roland, interesting colors. This seems to be a really unique Ar196!
 3 January 2014, 10:38
Stefan Schacht
Hi Roland, interesting, i'm tuned in
 3 January 2014, 12:47
Kevin Foureman
Looking forward to seeing this one finished. Looks like a very interesting paint scheme.
 3 January 2014, 12:51
Roland Sachsenhofer Auteur
I am pleased you are interested! As soon as I got to know about that version I had to have that Kagero decals...
Look at that site (in German language) to get a very informative "biography" of that special Arado. It´s an article from "Flugzeug Classics" illustrated with rare pictures of the late SE-AWY.

 3 January 2014, 20:37
Kevin Foureman
I will try to go check it out thanks. 🙂
 3 January 2014, 23:20
Ricardo Gonzalez Ramos
Fine! Nice variant. Great work on the Engine!
 4 January 2014, 00:38
Roland Sachsenhofer Auteur
Yesterday I got the decals applied, the parts of Kagero/ Cartograph proved to be of excellent quality and have been a pleasure to use.
Thank you mates!
 4 January 2014, 06:46
Gordon Sørensen
I really like the variation in the silver, and thanks for showing how you did it! The engine looks great too!
 4 January 2014, 16:47
Aghis Barberopoulos
Another Arado !?! Nice work on the engine
 5 January 2014, 15:40
ole moller
looks great mate,love the engine
 5 January 2014, 16:55
Roland Sachsenhofer Auteur
Thank you guys! Yes Aghis, another one... 🙂
 6 January 2014, 07:35
Roland Sachsenhofer Auteur
The Swedish Arado got finished wirhout any further troubles; I did a decent and, as I hope, adequate amount of "wear and tear" similar to the condition shown in the few pictures of the real thing.
That was a rather dense build; enabled by the excellent and innovative Revell moldings and the trouble-free Cartograph decals. Anyway, for me it will be the last Arado floatplane for a while... 🙂
 7 January 2014, 06:18
Wim van der Luijt
a very good looking threesome. This latest one turned out very good, I really like the tonal variation in the silver of the airframe
 7 January 2014, 08:30
ole moller
they do all look fantastic,its one aircraft i would love to build one day
 7 January 2014, 09:42
Vorya hidaryan
Very nice roland 👍
 7 January 2014, 09:45
Roland Sachsenhofer Auteur
Thank you very much guys, your words make me happy!
 7 January 2014, 18:39
Michel Huijghe
Roland this one is for me the best you've made.👍
 7 January 2014, 19:16
Christian Bruer
Well now you should be able to build them without using a construction manual😉 Great stuff mate, very nice!
 7 January 2014, 19:53
Roland Sachsenhofer Auteur
Michel, Christian, I recommend to everyone that fine Revell kit- even if the inovative canopy construction is a little bit of an unresolved problem to me. Your comment makes me quite proud, thank you both!
 8 January 2014, 15:28
Stefan Fraundorfer
Und wieder eine erstklassige Arbeit von Dir - gratuliere! Kannst Du mittlerweile eine Arado 196 blind zusammen bauen? So wie wir es damals beim Bundesheer gelernt haben, ein Sturmgewehr blind zu zerlegen und wieder zusammen zu setzen.
 11 January 2014, 12:49
eine edle , vollkommene , überwältigende Ansicht der Versionen und Exoten die man aus der Revell Arado machen kann , einfach nur Klasse 👍
 11 January 2014, 13:39
Roland Sachsenhofer Auteur
Stefan, vielen Dank! Naja, ich vermute einmal, dass der blinde Zusammenbau mit der Arado derzeit besser funktioniert wie mit dem StG 77... 🙂
Jens, beeindruckendes Worte die mich sehr motivieren- danke!
 11 January 2014, 17:22
Alberto Bianchi
WOW! Great job! Bravo
 11 January 2014, 17:42
Fab Fantin
Great job and very nice detailing work as beeing a land surveyor i would say the map on radio navigator station is 100% accurate !
 11 January 2014, 20:05
Roland Sachsenhofer Auteur
Thank you mates!
Fab, you are right 🙂 Have you seen the set square on the navigators table- and the divider? Revell has definitly a sense humour 🙂
 12 January 2014, 08:10
Fab Fantin
Yes Roland i saw it this is amazing and the level contour lines on the map also killing me ! Next time i will try to find this map series hoping these are not out of date 😄
 14 January 2014, 19:31
Mike Grant
That's absolutely beautiful 👍
 15 January 2014, 23:18
Xenia V.
Unglaublich! Schönes Arbeit wie immer, Roland!
 15 January 2014, 23:23
Roland Sachsenhofer Auteur
Hello! Thank you very much for your encouragement- I feel motivated! Danke vielmals, Xenia!
 17 January 2014, 06:33
Roland Sachsenhofer Auteur
Thank you for "Liking" this very old one!
1  3 February, 08:50
WOW! That was a stunning build Roland. It was posted the year before I joined ScM so I've not seen it before.
Hope you are doing well and your injury isn't causing you too much discomfort.
 3 February, 08:56
Markus Antonius
Occasionally happens, when kits ar re-released @Ronad Sachsenhofer 🙂
 3 February, 10:24
Pietro De Angelis
As they say,
there is no 2 without 3,
beautiful Arado,
 3 February, 11:54
Roland Sachsenhofer Auteur
I appreciate your feedback - thank you! That was actually one of my first "three-part projects" where I got stuck on one topic, so to speak. Gorby, thanks for asking, luckily I'm well looked after. As I only move around with crutches and my wife cooks for me, I just have to make sure I don't put on any weight in the next six weeks 🙂
1  3 February, 13:34
Pietro De Angelis
 3 February, 15:36
Guy Rump
Beautiful! 👍
 3 February, 15:37
Rui S
A Beauty, indeed 👍
I've this kit and if you did it OOB I'm very pleased with that. Your albuns will be most interesting when I tackle mine 😉
 3 February, 15:51
Very nice! Perfect finish.
 3 February, 20:41
Roland Sachsenhofer Auteur
Thank you for these very kind words, mates!
 4 February, 07:50
Sehr schöne Arbeit. - Für Dich gute Besserung, Roland!
 4 February, 09:44
Roland Sachsenhofer Auteur
Danke- für beides! 🙂
Thank you -for both! 🙂
 6 February, 09:43
Zbynek Honzik
Great job, Roland! And unique livery for this aircraft. 👍
 6 February, 22:40
Roland Sachsenhofer Auteur
Thank you Zbynek, I was also glad to have found such an attractive and rare mark at Kagero/Topdrawing. The decals, I remember, were wonderful to work with.
 7 February, 10:10
Air no
Merci pour ta visite Roland. Je viens de terminer mon Ar 196 au 1/72ème, alors forcément je suis sensible au tiens. Bravo il est magnifique !!
 13 February, 15:53
Roland Sachsenhofer Auteur
Je te remercie de tout cœur ! Je comprends ta préférence pour le 1:72, mais si tu veux essayer l'échelle 1:32, je peux vraiment te recommander l'Arado 196 de Revells 🙂

Thank you very much! I understand your preference for 1:72, but if you want to try the 1:32 scale, I can really recommend Revell's Arado 196 🙂
1  14 February, 14:28

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