Bristol Blenheim Mk.I
1 29 March 2015, 17:05

The interieur looks awesome and surreal for this scale... Great work Roland.
29 March 2015, 17:10

Thank you Soeren! Being rather a rookie in that scale I was impressed what is possible!
29 March 2015, 17:12

Cockpit an wheel housings look super, any aftermarket goodies, or just oob ?
If so, my next kit will be a new Airfix one !
29 March 2015, 18:31

Thank you all mates for these kind comments! Hanno, etched part goodies are all from Eduard- but you should not be stopped to choose an "new" Airfix kit for your next project, this one is great!
30 March 2015, 06:31

This is a promising start, Roland. I follow this with interest. I have the Airfix Mk.IV.F itself
30 March 2015, 06:31

Hello Martien, that´s fine! I am looking forward to your Blenheim...
After this Mk.I a Mk.IV will follow, I guess with aftermarket Free-French decals.
30 March 2015, 06:33

The new Airfix Blenheims and all other new Airfix tooled kits are great(ok I can only repeat myself with that).
Aftere these pictures from the interieur with all these PE-parts I think I need to buy them too 🙂
Which PE sets did you use, besides the Zoom kit for the cockpit?
Or did you buy the Big Ed Set?
30 March 2015, 06:35

Yes, I think getting some Eduard- refinement is worth the money and time...
What you can see are the "Interior" and the "Exterior" sets; what you can not see by now is the masking set for the clear parts; I am very happy about that! 🙂
30 March 2015, 06:42

Good to know 🙂 Then I will probably buy the BIG ED set as soon MBK gets it back on stock 🙂
30 March 2015, 06:58

A few progress pictures: the cockpit did go together quite well. Only minor fiddling was necessary because of the etched parts forming the cockpit walls interfered with the clamps fixing the clear parts to the plastic areas.
Visibility of the clear parts is better than it seems to be on the photo; after masking I will have to seal the glue lines so no colour will find entry into the cockpit.
30 March 2015, 09:49

I am going to mask the canopy first, followed by careful sanding of the seams.
Sealing will be done with "Revell Aqua Clear", that´s the glue I am using for clear parts. It´s pasty and it should be able to sand it after drying. Second choice for sealing is "modeling wax"...
30 March 2015, 11:32

Ahh ok that you meant.
Yeah I use Humbrol Clear Fix for glueing the parts together and before painting I spray a layer of clear coat over the masked canopy that now colors runs under the tape or between it.
30 March 2015, 11:33

Hello guys- the Blenheim is masked, sanded and- so I dearly hope- closed, so no sprayed paint will nebulise the clear parts... To be honest, I am very curious about that 🙂
The black underside has been sprayed, next will come "Dark Earth"!
3 April 2015, 16:05

Great looking interior Roland! I can't imagine doing this canopy without a mask. I have read there are issues with fit of the cockpit section to the rest of the fuselage, but it looks like you managed a nice fit.
3 April 2015, 18:32

Thank you guys for these comments! Indeed, fit of the canopy parts is quite tricky and I had troubles to get them closed... but I am tending to blame myself for that.
"Dark Earth" is sprayed on the upper surfaces, pictures of the painted Blenheim will follow...
5 April 2015, 19:08

Den Bau habe ich leider auch bis her verpasst. Und das wird wieder ein spitzen Modell!
5 April 2015, 20:34

Thank you all mates! Das werden wir sehen, bin selbst schon sehr gespannt!
6 April 2015, 07:51

Some more pictures. The surfaces have been painted, this was done by masking the "Dark Earth" areas before spraying the "Dark Green". After that the masks have been removed to soften the colour edges with hand-free held airbrush. In my opinion a good thing even in this "small" scale.
10 April 2015, 06:58

Great work on the camo Roland! Wow , das machst Du freihand ? Wie vermeidest Du, das der Sprühnebel Dir die hellen Teile nicht verfleckt ?
0,01 bar ? Echt beeindruckend !
10 April 2015, 07:12

Thank you for these comments!
Hanno, den aktuellen Sprühdruck dabei kann ich Dir nicht nennen, aber es geht wohl in die Richtung... Die Gunze Acrylfarbe wird dabei relativ verdünnt angemischt, der Druck nach Bedarf reguliert; ein sich verteilender Sprühnebel war mir dabei bis jetzt kein Problem.
This build is going in home straight: these are the last pictures with canopy masking on, today they will be removed... I am really eager to see if the transparent area have been messed up.
21 April 2015, 05:28

Was für eine "Kanone " benutzt Du denn ? Ich hatte jedenfalls auch bei weiträumiger Abdeckung schon sichtbare Spuren von , zugegeben Aliminium, an den Stellen die ich freilassen zu können glaubte. Seitdem ist Freihand etwas ausser Gebrauch geraten.......😢 Bei Dir siehts jedenfalls klasse aus !
21 April 2015, 10:06

0,01 Bar??? Bin ich mit meinen 2 Bar so weit von der Realität weg?
Sieht klasse aus, Roland, wie immer bei dir!
21 April 2015, 16:04

Nun, ich benutze eine Iwata HP-B Plus mit 0,2mm Düse; das ist jedenfalls kein sehr exotisches Ding.
Die Farbränder sprühe ich wirklich relativ "nass"- also wenig Farbe in der verdünnten Suppe- das könnte die Nebelbildung vielleicht auch vermeiden.
Über die Bar habe ich, ehrlich gesagt, keinen Überblick. Der Kompressortank liefert 4 Bar- der Rest wird am Luftpinsel mit Fingerkuppengefühl erledigt. 🙂
21 April 2015, 16:36

Excellent paintwork Roland!
Just my two cent, to avoid a cloud of spray the paint has to be thinned in the correct mixing ration, in this case more thinner than paint. Pressure, from my experience it depends on the color brand you use. I use Vallejo and in this case I would work with low pressure, but best is to try.
21 April 2015, 17:53

Thanks for the explanation mates ! You're surely right, I'll try a much thinner mixture next Time.....
@ Christian Ristits : Du bist mit Sicherheit viel näher dran als ich, die 0,01 bar waren natürlich " schnoddrig ".😢
21 April 2015, 19:19

"Erfahrungen sind Maßarbeit. Sie passen nur dem, der sie macht." Oscar Wilde kann man sogar auf die Arbeit mit dem Airbrush anwenden...
Thank you for your comments, mates!
22 April 2015, 08:43

Finished at last!
I was quite unburdened to see the whole canopy glazing had stayed clear during painting. Despite being far from being flawless I am pleased with the resulting little Blenheim.
In my opinion Airfix has made quite an appealing offer with this kit!
24 April 2015, 05:54

Lovely looking Blenheim Roland. I know from experience it can be an awkward build with the cockpit glazing but you've done a really good job 🙂
24 April 2015, 06:59

Thank you all for your motivating words! Martyn, I agree... thank´s a lot!
25 April 2015, 05:59

Thank you very much for your appreciated words, Guy! I remember this as a most joyful build!
17 August 2019, 11:07