Arado Ar.555
4 26 March 2017, 09:10

Deine Schlagzahl ist unglaublich - schon wieder ein neues Projekt. Ich bin gespannt dabei.
26 March 2017, 12:36

Thank you guys for your comments! The Cockpit has been enhanced spare-box etched parts. A lot of space for improvisions because of the fictive nature of the subject- quite a fun so far!
27 March 2017, 12:33

Good Start Roland. I have done this kit a while ago and also enjoyed it very much .
Keep up the good work and enjoy.
27 March 2017, 17:15

Some pictures of the progress. Next step will see the gloss black underside sprayed; this will also serve as the base for Alclad NMF.
2 April 2017, 16:55

The Bat-Bird with gloss black surface. That will be the color of the underside, on the upper side Alclad will be attached.
5 April 2017, 09:54

Thank you Sören!
Got some further steps done. I was really eager to see the layers of masking tape removed!
I put a variation of Alclad shades on the surface- but not too much: it should represent painted Alu, not an NMF.
Next step will see a whole bunch of decals being applied.
8 April 2017, 20:07

That´s a really interesting scheme. Did you come up with it by yourself?
9 April 2017, 19:31

Thank you David. The camo was conceived by myself, suggesting night bomber missions with dark underside added at unit level. My primary goal was to show the Ar.555 with bare metal colours, but I tried to make it a little more interesting by applying the black. I always found the Korean-war B 29 appealing, so I tried to get something similar.
11 April 2017, 07:27

intriguing camo, and well applied... it's always nice to see old ideas turned into new things. Nice work
11 April 2017, 09:09

Awesome work on this! Awesome plane, never heard of or saw this one before.
11 April 2017, 12:49

Thank you guys!
Timothy, that is no miracle, the whole plane is totally factitious. Just a paper tiger- but one of the attractive kind!
11 April 2017, 15:43

Looks really good, can´t wait to see what it looks like when the masking is taken off. 🙂
11 April 2017, 17:25

Thanks! I have re- moved the masks now- and I am eager to show you the result with the next picture update!
I was not happy with the color of the jet pipes, so I re-sprayed them today. Pictures of all that actions will follow today.
12 April 2017, 07:14

The camo looks great. For me one of the best What-Ifs camos till now for this one!😉
12 April 2017, 07:25

Thank you Sören, you words really make me proud! My Ar.555 stands on it´s own legs now. Was a kind of patient work to get all four wheel on the earth in a simulated "weighted condition. I had to sand very patiently- but now it works! 🙂
Nearly all is finished by now- besides it´s still a glider by now 🙂
I am hopefully to make the roll out tomorrow with the engine nacelles attached!
12 April 2017, 16:30

Finished! For the roll out I would like to show you 18 pictures of the finished Ar.555. Was quite a nice modeling experience- I hope you like the outcome!
13 April 2017, 11:37

And we do... nice build and model, love the small details as the landing lights that are folded out...
13 April 2017, 11:43

Very nice work Roland! The bare metal finish is excellent, and I love the red stencils 👍
13 April 2017, 11:44

Thank you mates, your reply really makes me glad! I happily recommend this kit to everybody wanting to try out something slightly different 🙂
13 April 2017, 16:20