Photo 1 of 55
45 4 March 2018, 08:51

First pictures of this remarkable flying boat. The parts show adequate, in some areas very good detail. The mighty fuselage is a impressive fun to assemble -and I am looking forward to get these parts build to a whole unit!
4 March 2018, 08:56

Interesting project Roland. Will be a impressive object when done. Good luck Roland! Following 👍
4 March 2018, 10:27

Your interest and your kind replies are motivating, mates!
4 March 2018, 16:13

Looks like a big kit! Looking forward to following your progress, Roland!
4 March 2018, 17:47

Thank you mates for these comments! I have started painting the interior, which, with this cavernous fuselage, is not to be taken lighklty 🙂
Pictures will follow soon!
5 March 2018, 11:40

From your photos, it looks like this is a very detailed kit. I hope it will go well together 👍
5 March 2018, 20:31

Big project, Roland! Looking forward to seeing this beauty go together. 🙂
5 March 2018, 20:37

Thank you mates for your interest!
Indeed, Alec, a kudos to fit and general detail of this kit. I could imaging anybody interested in showing the fuselage open would have a good base for al ot of modeling and detailing fun.
My interest will concentrate on those areas which will stay visible with the finished model.
Look at those proportion of the fuselage 🙂 Being high and very narrow it looks very distinctive!
Now on for detailing the cockpit!
6 March 2018, 06:51

Hi Roland, iam sure you will bring this to an exvellent Result. I really like your style and Works shown
11 March 2018, 20:21

Thank you both! I am trying to do my best, Daniel. Thank for your words 🙂
12 March 2018, 12:24

Always wanted to build this one, so gonna watch with great interest!
20 March 2018, 09:29

Thank you Dmitriy and Udo for your comment! A few new pictures show how lovely the wings have been designed. Cowlings for open engines are included, so you could make a nice maintenance dio if such suites.
21 March 2018, 18:28

A few pictures: the main section have been assembled, everything has been filled and sanded where necessary.... Next step: getting paint on it! 🙂
24 March 2018, 16:45

Thank you Stephan! Some further progress- preshading is finished, RLM 65 has been applied and the undersides are masked. The Bv222 is awaiting "RLM 73" from Vallejo.
28 April 2018, 08:48

Thank you mates, yes, huge and...... somewhat imposing! 🙂
28 April 2018, 13:46

Thank you Olly and Clifford! "Danke, perfekt" is all I would like to say.... 🙂
29 April 2018, 19:14

A few more pictures from the painted Bv222. "RLM72" is a mixture of three different Gunze colors, should be a close match to the original appearance.
The glossy surfaces are prepared to carry the decals- this will be the next step 🙂
30 April 2018, 10:42

Hi mates, seven more pictures of the nearly finished surface of my Bv222. Exhaust stains and a decent washing has been done, the decals have been sealed with Gunzes gloss clear.
I will reduce the gloss and attach the batch of antennas and hinges for the various rudders and flaps in the next- in nearly final- step.
Not too long and the Bv222 will stand on it´s "Dockwagen"....
10 May 2018, 10:12

Da bist du ja mit deinem Monstrum vorangekommen, lieber Roland. Sensationell bis dato.
10 May 2018, 14:04

Another nice looking model, Roland! Always impressed with the quality of your builds!
10 May 2018, 21:40

Massive work! How are you going to display such a beast? I would like to know since I own one.
11 May 2018, 19:56

Thank you Dave! I am going to display it on a special shelf for few Days/weeks until something new will attract my attention- and before dust gets a change to settle on it. Thereafter it is stored in a custom made box, only to be unpacked for fun or exhibitions... 🙂
12 May 2018, 09:50

Finished at last! This is a gorgeous and complaisant kit from Revell, I would really like to recommend.
The only addition to the kit parts is the exchange off the cockpits side windows to show them opened. They were made from polythene foil.
Thank you for all your great comments and your interest in this project-I hope you like the pictures!
12 May 2018, 14:43

Thank you Christian! I am looking forward to Ried as well!
12 May 2018, 16:34

Great beast! Recently bought myself one, too. Gonna consult your project photos, when I'm ready to start)
12 May 2018, 17:28

Björn, Dmitriv, Stefan, thank you for your words and interest!
12 May 2018, 19:33

Hallo Roland, deine 222 sieht phantastisch aus, großartige Arbeit, die liegt bei mir auch noch im Regal, hast du irgendwas an Ballast in den Bug drappiert, oder kommt sie ohne aus? Gruß Werner
14 May 2018, 09:49

Thank you guys... for motivating!
Werner, Du sprichst einen interessanten Punkt an. Kaum hatte ich den Rumpf verschlossen, kam auch bei mir das mulmige Gefühl auf: wird das Ding hoffentlich nicht so toplastig, dass es aus dem Trolley kippt? Mit dem hohen Rumpf und als Hochdecker mit dem Gewicht der weit ausladenden Motorgondeln ist der Gedanke ja nicht abwegig....
Um es kurz zu machen: es braucht kein Gewicht, die Bv222 steht im Naturzustand stabil und wie sie soll auf der Kufe und im Wagen! 🙂
14 May 2018, 19:39

hallo Roland
Ja dann ist ja alles gut. Viel Spaß wünsche ich dir noch für zukünftige Projekte.
Gruß Werner
15 May 2018, 04:07

Was für ein Mordsding ! Wonderful work on this fat bird Roland ! Your painting skills are admirable ! The cockpit clear parts must have had an exceptionally good fit, as you put them in after fnishing the paintjob. No CA or putty needed ?
15 May 2018, 13:55

Thank you mates for these words!
Indeed, I left the clear parts until finishing the model- I saw no possibibility to get the cockpit "sealed up" for spraying with those four parts involved-and test fitting has shown the excellent fit of the main clear part.
Vallejos RLM 72 has the advantage that painting per dry brush and with airbrush does result in a similar looking surface. So I could brush-paint the leftover seams and fill them with thick Vallejo-paint.
17 May 2018, 08:20

thanks for your build log here - saw your summary on hyperscale - about 1/3 in for me (wings built, and fuselage done, but not joined) - when I realized the plane is a tail sitter - and went looking an found yours - I've found the CMK resin dolly, and it's on the way (a few weeks away I think), but do you still need some weight in the nose with the dolly? It looks like it provides support just after the the keel, but I'd love to get my fuselage together and onto painting asap.
You've build has inspired me too - the colors looks spot on (I wanna to the white over version) and really making me inpatient to get moving.
12 July 2022, 16:23

Hi, I'm glad this build can inspire and inform, thank you for your words! I would advise you to put some weight in the wide empty fuselage despite the good hold on the resin dolly: the centre of gravity of the Bv 222 thus shifts downwards and increases the stability. To my recollection, I did not skimp and put a couple of 20g anglers' lead weights in the bottom of the fuselage.
The white "Wiking" is of course a feast for the eyes and spectacular - I wish you lots of fun and good success!
12 July 2022, 17:17

Thanks - I will wait then - I've got some fishing weights somewhere and I'll wait until the dolly is here to get it right - I'll link you in my build then done - yes, you are one of 2 builds I've used as a reference - working on cleaning up the leading edge on the outside wings - what a pain... so things I can do until I have the right parts... but next to my xb70 it will look imposing (someone has already said - "Spruce goose", so it's a plane which will get attention.) - btw has the wing join held up over time - it looks solid, but after 4 years is yours still ok?
12 July 2022, 17:55

Thank you very much, all three of you! It is a pleasure to see this old building excavated again! Indeed: the Bv 222 still looks good after four years, nothing is hanging, nothing is broken off. Both polysterol and resin seem to be in best shape 🙂 As proof, a few quick pictures (with unfavourable light!) from my model archive.
13 July 2022, 10:10

Yes, the old, deadly enemy! I spent a long time trying to figure out how to eliminate the dust. For some time I packed the models in dust-proof boxes - it worked, but I wanted to see them a bit! So I adapted a really dust-free cellar room; this has worked best for some years now- and keeps the treasures dust-free! 🙂
13 July 2022, 16:25

It's great to see the showcases of the mates. Very nice collection, Roland!
How does adapted a really dust-free cellar room??
Glad to see this awesome album again after several years.
13 July 2022, 18:34

I'm glad to hear that, guys! This cellar room has one advantage: no windows, only one door.
13 July 2022, 19:10

i love scalemates - and nice to see my comment kicked off the post again - Nice to see that the kit is holding up well... I hope mine does too - it's a plane and kit that a lot of people have I'm sure, but seeing it built will be something else (like your B52, do26 and xb35) - your and my tastes have lots of overlap!!
14 July 2022, 02:58

I am glad that we have discovered common interests there, ekard, thanks for your interest, mates!
15 July 2022, 17:39