Blackburn Roc Mk.I
- Échelle:
- 1:48
- Statut:
- Complété
- Commencé:
- June 6, 2015
- Complété:
- September 2, 2017
Inventaire du projet
Maquettes complètes
Albums photos
6 June 2015, 14:13

Roland, Thanks for these pictures. I'm thinking about getting this kit. You said the canopy didn't fit? Did you carve down the cockpit structure to get it to sit properly? Also, you mentioned you made the tail hook assembly out of brass tubing. I would have liked to have seen more of that detail. You did a great job!
26 October 2019, 17:41

Hello Kurt, thank you very much for your words!
This kit actually has its pitfalls and resulted in one of the most elaborate but also most satisfying projects I have had on the workbench so far.
The much too large cockpit frame was actually just cut and sanded down. This was a very unpleasant job on the semi-finished fuselage - at least I would do it myself on the unassembled kit parts if I were you.
In the gallery you can see pictures 8 (for the badly fitting cockpit hood) and 25 concerning the rebuilding of the V-shaped safety hook.
If you get this kit an exciting project is waiting for you. I wish you much joy and good luck!
27 October 2019, 08:40