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BR 52 w/Steifrahmentender Smoke Deflector for Trumpeter 00210
Eduard 1:35
35897 2006 Nouvel outillage Prix pas encore fourni
20 October 2024, 14:06

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BR 52 w/Steifrahmentender Smoke Deflector for Trumpeter 00210
Eduard 1:35
35897 2006 Nouvel outillage 20 October 2024, 14:06

marqué cet article comme négociable/vendable
20 October 2024, 13:38

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20 October 2024, 13:35

marqué cet article comme négociable/vendable
20 October 2024, 13:35

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20 October 2024, 13:34
September 3, 2024

This kit is a pig. The parts only kinda fit. The amount of flash is stupendous. The detail is, well, lacking. The instructions are another level of 'WTF". Otherwise, it looks good when complete. A good paint job covers a multitude of sins.
2 September 2024, 14:18

Dream kit of my youth. Unaffordable then. Still looking for one with a acceptable price tag on it.
3 September 2024, 16:15
2024-09-03 16:15:01
2021-08-18 17:10:40
/ajax/wnolder.php?lang=fr&sd=2024-09-03 16:15:01&md=2021-08-18 17:10:40&filter=&w=103105