Grizzly Battle Tank
Border Model | No. BC-002 | 1:35

- メーカー:
- Border Model
- タイトル:
- Grizzly Battle Tank
- 品番:
- BC-002
- 縮尺:
- 1:35
- タイプ:
- フルキット
- 発売日:
- 2024 新金型
- バーコード:
- 6971995746676 (EAN)
- トピック:
- red alert 2 » その他の (SF)
によってデザインされたボックスアート Jason Wong
全履歴 »説明書
ダウンロード 1913Kb (.pdf)

USD 73.99

USD 80.62

AUD 104.95

€ 67.60

¥ 9200

zł 259.00

すべてのオファーを表示 » (11 合計)
代替SKU Border Model BC-002:
BC002 | BRDBC002 | BORDER-BC-002 | BORBC002 | BMBC002 | BOMBC002
注意: 価格と在庫状況はあくまで目安です。製品が実際に一致するかどうかも確認してください。

Metal Barrel Muzzle Brake Shell for Grizzly Battle Tank for Border BC-002 Grizzly Battle Tank Model
ChuanYu Model Ship 1:35
CYT290A 2024 新金型 インボックスレビュー


Started it, so far it has very good fitting, but its larger than expected...should be in size of an american T28 Tankdestroyer when finished...
1 31 July 2024, 06:43

As a big fan of the game I did buy both of the Border Red Alert's tanks. But when I've obtained Grizzly, my spider-sense did start tingling, I wasn't sure why tho.
The Grizzy's box was 1.5 times bigger than the Apocalypse one's, and eventually everything did click together.
I did compare them side by side, and at the same scale 1:35 Grizzly is bigger than the Apocalypse itself!! Bigger hull, bigger turret, even guns are noticeably bigger!
It doesn't make any sense, slow, heavy, two-barreled tank is smaller than the light and agile one! I would understand if it was a battle fortress or a tank destroyer, but not like that.
Don't get me wrong, the model itself is great, but due to the size error you can't put them together without confusion, and it bothers me a lot.
You can see some comparisons here
3 30 March 2024, 20:03

I want it...the sooner the better...something totally out of any known direction in Modelling i built so far
1 5 February 2024, 02:41

If possible, you can participate in crowdfunding in taobao. This product need 240 CNY with two resin people in it.
28 December 2023, 07:59

Mammoth tank when?
3 24 October 2023, 06:46

That would be pretty great. I'd also love to see a NOD Stealth Tank. Who knows, with some luck Border Model adds a lot more to that product line in the future.
15 December 2023, 10:30
59 画像
Grizzly Battle Tank
More fun with taking pictures. These LED are quite a nice addition.
プロジェクト: Grizzly Battle Tank