スケールモデルデータベース | ストックマネージャー

スレッドの開始者 mnn

Martin von Schreckenstein
18 画像
ProgressView album, image #18
プロジェクト: F-14A, VF-124, NJ437, 158985
1:48 F-14A Tomcat (Tamiya 61114)1:48 F-14A Tomcat - Exhaust Nozzles (Eduard 648311)1:48 F-14A (Eduard BIG49169)9+
22 16 August 2024, 20:06
I'm in!
 19 August 2024, 15:49
In too!
 19 August 2024, 17:35
Martin von Schreckenstein 著者
started on too many things at once. it is very difficult to prioritise with such amount of really interesting details. after the nose gear I will try to focus on the cockpit
 8 September 2024, 15:44
My... Those resin pieces really are phenomenal.
 8 September 2024, 21:53
Sergej I
top stuff, following with interest 👍
 10 September 2024, 07:29
Rolf Rolf
Beautiful detail painting
 10 September 2024, 10:20
Alex Rakhimgulov
Crazy detailing! Awesome!
 10 September 2024, 13:00
Patrick Hagelstein
Ooh! Following along! 👍🏼
 10 September 2024, 13:46
Maciej Bellos
Oh the detailing!
 10 September 2024, 14:03
Martin von Schreckenstein 著者
welcome and thanks Skyhiker, Sergej, Rolf, Alex, Patrick and Maciej!

following up with the interior, I wanted to get rid of any and all gloss with flat coat but it made everything brighter. might leave it or ill try to darken the side panels later. gotta let it lie for a bit🙂
 14 September 2024, 15:13
Martin von Schreckenstein 著者
Tried to make the panels pop a little more. right now i am mostly happy with the pit. will continue with the rocket seats
 20 September 2024, 12:25

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