スケールモデルデータベース | ストックマネージャー

スレッドの開始者 xanathos

Prieur Gaël » 機能リクエスト
Is there a way to manage photo albums like you manage photos, that is to say to be able to move them around to arrange them as you want?
16 January, 06:45
I'm pretty sure you can't organise albums. Usually after I say something like that someone proves me wrong. 😳
The one at the top of your albums is usually the one which was added to, edited or commented on last, so if you need an album at the top for some reason you could add a photo or edit it. That would obviously put the album at the top of the newsfeed as well, so it probably would be welcomed by other members if you organised all your albums in this way.
 17 January, 10:18
Prieur Gaël
Thanks for your reply, I'll try that,
Have a nice weekend
1  18 January, 10:32
I've just noticed I wrote 'would' when I meant 'wouldn't'. 🙂
1  18 January, 11:36
To avoid the albums are no more noticed in the huge amount of models you should add them to projects accordingly. With the kits linked to the projects too your albums and projects are shown below a kit and will be much more prominent in future.
To find an album or project you have always the filter criteria on the right so sorting of albums is not really needed.
3  18 January, 13:41
Collections and projects is 100% the way to go!

And while it is not a problem when people do it, Scalemates Album features are designed for 1 Album belonging to a specific project (1 model with aftermarket sets etc) and less for a collection of single photo's of different kits

1  18 January, 16:55

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