No. 1 Photographic Reconnaissance Unit Detachment Spitfire PR Mk.IG
34 11 August 2023, 20:35

Köszi, ez a Mk I fotófelderítő változata 3 fényképezőgéppel, speciális kabintetővel és "PRU pink" festéssel.
11 August 2023, 21:05

The glass looking parts are really cool looking, Ive never seen that before. I assume they are mostly cameras. Cool version and well pimped.
12 August 2023, 04:11

Yes, this type had 3 cameras, I made them with AK realistic lenses, which I really like!
12 August 2023, 18:10

Great PR Spit, András! The detailing is fantastic. What colour did you use for the PRU Pink? One small note, ailerons move opposite - one up and one down…
12 August 2023, 18:27

Thank you all, I really appreciate it! Since I still don't use any airbrush, this time I got the Mr. Color S-111 Character Flesh rattlecan for PRU pink.
12 August 2023, 20:52

Finished this one: added gun barrels, some missing lights and fixed the aileron problem. 🙂
17 August 2023, 08:22

Very cool! Didn't know you can make pinky Spit out of this Airfix setwithout conversion sets - sth to remember 👍
17 August 2023, 09:02

Thanks, besides the camera lenses and decals, a Standard Spitfire PR canopy is needed; I had 2 left in my Falcon Clearvax Canopy Set No.41: Spitfire Special.
17 August 2023, 09:10
Album info
I had fun times pimping up this relatively simple Airfix kit with anything I can get my hands on. 😄