Kingfisher reference
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April 19, 2024Original oil painting by Robert C. Sherry, Binghampton NY, former Navy pilot. Painting of the Kingfisher from the USS North Carolina rescuing downed aviators off Truk, April 30, 1944. Depicts Lt. (jg) John A Burns taxiing his plane through the lagoon with rescued airmen clinging to the wings and fuselage. John A. Burns with aviation radioman Aubrey Gill assisting rescued a total of 10 men who had been shot down21
April 19, 2024Watercolor of the rescue of the downed aviators in the Truk Lagoon by OS2U Kingfisher pilots Lt. (jg) John A. Burns. Aircraft, pilot with two aviators on starboard wing and two yellow life rafts in tow with three more aviators in each raft. Rough seas. USS TANG in horizon and islands in background, storm clouds overhead. Signed in lower right corner: Edward T. Grigware/Lt. Cmdr USNR. 19 inches wide x 17-1/4 inches high.22
April 19, 2024Full color print of the OS2U Kingfisher airplane, side view, drawn by Chris Davey. Textblock underneath airplane: Almon P. Oliver / Chance Vought OS2U Kingfisher / USS NORTH CAROLINA / BB-55 / Pacific Theater 1945. CREDIT FOR THIS IMAGE: copyright Chris Davey/John Dibbs Collection.23
April 19, 2024Comment: Oh no...
Caption data: Black and white photograph taken from fantail of NORTH CAROLINA. The crane is attached to the Kingfisher float plane which is being lowered onto the catapult. Can see one sailor clearly by front of plane and heads of others assisting the Kingfisher.
April 19, 2024Caption: Black and white photograph of five sailors in white uniform taking the mascot dog "Skippy" entombed in a practice water bomb to a waiting Kingfisher, 1942. This is not BB55.25
April 19, 2024Caption: Color photograph of the Kingfisher airplane after it was was restored by the Vought Quarter Century Club, Dallas, TX, 1971. Plane just brought from the hangar. Plane painted light blue and white. Two men are walking toward the plane from the stern.
12 13 March 2024, 15:27
Album info
Kingfisher reference photos. Since I'm trying to scratch build interior detail, lot of cockpit photos
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