Work in Progress - Ford Model A
12 21 June 2024, 08:31

Model building accidents do happen. It's good to have spare parts. But I'm sure you could manage without spare parts.
I like old cars. They breathe nostalgia and the memory of a time when things were made simply and care was taken to make them last as long as poss
22 June 2024, 10:50

Welcome Martin and Ludvík!
I just uploaded the last pictures with little details. Sorry I have not made more during the build.
In case you have not seen the final pictures of the model - don't miss the final Album attached to the project!
That's it, see you at the next project!
22 June 2024, 11:14
Album info
Even though the model is already finished, I would still like to show some pictures of the building process and point out certain points.
It's a great kit, but I don't think it's suitable for beginners.
A nice set of reference pictures can be found here: