Motorhead HE111
July 28, 2024Grey-Violet interior, fit is great except for me misaligning the left wheel well.2
July 28, 2024Closed bay doors, nice fit, minimal filler3
July 28, 20244
July 28, 2024Filed the bejeesus out of the top of the left well (The one I misaligned!) wing wouldn't fit otherwise - DON'T DO LIKE I DID.5
July 28, 20244MM motors found on amaze-on, grinding/sanding out mounting hole in cowling face6
July 28, 2024Beveling the nacelle face a bit to neaten up the fit7
July 28, 20248
July 28, 2024Fit very well, even got it straight -using the fat props as they look like Heinkel props to me.9
July 28, 2024shot black on rears of flying surfaces and elevators before assembly10
July 28, 2024The Album shows the bombs falling from racks outboard of the fuselage - so, I trimmed the kit supplied racks, and moved them outboard11
July 28, 2024Wings and nacelles on today, fit not too bad except for my left, again the result of my misaligned wheel well. First round of putty/sanding done12
July 28, 2024wing to fuselage fit very nice13
July 28, 2024Left nacelle underside - yikes. Pretty good size gap to fill here.14
August 11, 2024First round sanding check with silver rattle can15
August 11, 2024Upper blister fit test gunpack from Academy FW-190 kit, will be fitted with twin 30mm MK103 - Lemmy and the boys don't screw around......16
August 11, 2024sanding gunpack to fuselage contour17
August 11, 2024Ink line to keep sanding straight back and forth else gunpack will sit cockeyed -this worked pretty well.18
August 11, 2024Upper cannon blister rough shapes19
August 11, 2024Upper and lower former sparkly clear hood and gondola, obliterating frames and hacked up to be cannon blisters.20
August 11, 2024Second round sanding check, almost done -21
August 11, 202422
November 11, 2024Fitting belly canon pack23
November 11, 2024Not bad24
November 11, 2024blending belly canon, working paint finish25
November 11, 2024Paint fiddling - gloss is tough to pull off26
November 11, 2024painted, sanded, glossed - now for the decals27
November 11, 2024Belly looks ok, big hole is for mounting pole/wires28
November 11, 2024GRRRRRRRR. What should be the most fun ain't. The decals are awful. Thick, stick almost immediately (USE LOTS OF WATER), and... they shatter. Quite a letdown.29
November 11, 2024Fighting through decals, lots of slicing and many coats of solution. Decals are thick and stubborn.30
November 17, 2024Cockpit finally going on -31
November 17, 2024Placing greenhouse on piece by piece AFTER painting- bottom of greenhouse mimics album cover, no glass, sanded smooth and sold black.32
December 30, 2024Brass tube over motor shaft, then heat shrink. Should fit snug inside prop hub33
December 30, 2024Snug fit, no wobble -34
December 30, 2024Almost ready for test run!35
December 30, 2024They both run pretty smooth but a bit too fast - I'll have to add a resistor36
December 30, 2024Right motor has a wee whine to it. Oh well. Won't be able to hear it over Lemmy and the boys' amps!37
December 30, 2024
13 28 July 2024, 01:00

I've got a plan for this kit which includes a Lemmy figure, Murder One amp and a couple of bombed out buildings.
30 December 2024, 09:25