December 30, 2024

37 画像
Motorhead HE111
They both run pretty smooth but a bit too fast - I'll have to add a resistor
プロジェクト: Motorhead HE-111
13 28 July 2024, 01:00

I've got a plan for this kit which includes a Lemmy figure, Murder One amp and a couple of bombed out buildings.
30 December 2024, 09:25

84 画像
Trippple Coral Atoll Qs 
All three up on their legs. Probably do exhausts and wing walks next, haven't decided. Lots of decals yet too, stencils.
プロジェクト: Trippple Airacobra speed build
すべてのコメント (13) » 33 3 September 2024, 00:25

It's interesting to see how 14 years makes a difference in accuracy. It seems like sometime around 2010 the trend in molds started to go towards making things more accurate. I think within the next 10 years we will see a quantum leap in detailing as 3d printing becomes incorporated into the hobby. The problem is resin compared to styrene is pretty carcinogenic. I hope that the market eventually embraces organic compounds to replace them both.
1 29 December 2024, 07:20

34 画像
IDF Widgeon
This is where they go! Yay exhausts, and Thanks to Britmodeller poster Follasha
プロジェクト: IDF Widgeon
すべてのコメント (15) » 16 16 November 2024, 01:57
November 15, 2024
September 15, 2024

Great new kit, a few wee issues - scales out darn near perfectly.
Seen several reviews complaining about fin cap shape - it is darn near spot-on. I worked on A-6s for over ten years, know this airframe intimately.
Couple small things I've caught as I contemplate my build -
- Big complaint from many, but not quite correct - some A-6A WERE IN fact retrofitted with MB GRU-7 seats, so this should not be a huge issue - anyone doesn't believe you, get this book - Intruder: The Operational History of Grumman's A-6 by Mark Morgan
- the 'slime lights' on the wing tips and fuselage above and forward of the speed brakes are wrong for an A-6A. A-6A did have a small formation light on the fuselage.
- Pitot tube is far too thick and too long
- 'v' shaped tabs on rear of radome are far too thick, in real life this very thin steel straps
- A-6A had one anti collision beacon on the nose door, not one one each intake belly as the kit has. So; one, not three as the kit has.
- Cockpit got the B/N lower and to the rear of the pilot pretty well.
-Instrument panel as molded would be a great depiction of a KA-6D tanker for starters, as the B/N had very little in front of him.
-Engine face is way too far forward - real aircraft the fan face was almost below the main wing root leading edge.
- Canopy is crystal clear and I think nailed the slight 'bulge' of each side of the canopy.
- several small vents are wrong for the -A, but correct for an -E or Tram model.
I won't complain about ordnance, they do all look pretty sketchy! (Fuel tanks look ok)
Overall, I am very happy to have a new mold, and will be getting the Tram version too
すべてのコメント (8) » 6 17 March 2024, 02:28

Totally agree. I'm building an SEA plane or two in my future but they're all so similar. I've been eyeballing Navy F-4 schemes, especially like the VF-161 Chargers with the black back and red lightning bolt on the tail. Lately I've been all about my Crusaders, with Sword and CAT4 opening up so many options it's hard to want to do anything else.
14 June 2024, 01:48

Chiming in here Rando. They didnt omit the nose gear doors. They are parts F4 and F23 - both of which are on the sprue and also in the instructions.
15 September 2024, 14:48
September 2, 2024

3 1 September 2024, 23:22

Will be watching. I have the Academy P-39Q in my stash I want to do in Free French markings.
2 September 2024, 00:47

Hi Gordon!
I have spent a bit of time comparing the kits - Academy is a fair kit, a bit underscale and the lightest on detail, but will look just fine. Academy has done well with most of their kits, and for much less than the the newer kits.
If you do another P-39, going by Bert Kinzey's P-39 Detail and Scale book, the RS Model is spot on for dimensions. The ARMA kit is very close, a wee bit underscale, but it is the best detailed out of the box. And with ARMA, you get masks, and cool weights designed for the kit. ARMA did some great research!
Trying to figure out the colors for the sand/pink/ whatever color the P-39s were painted in the field during their brief time on Canton Atoll. Seems we modellers have been debating this for many years!
I think my little project will be fun - spent the evening correcting ech kit's panel lines -most for a close to accurate '"Q" model are small eliminations to the wings. The Academy kit is very well done, only needed a few filled in.
Free French will be a cool scheme.
Cheers from North Carolina!
2 September 2024, 11:55
July 1, 2024

56 画像
Beech bomber 1948
Finally dealt with the awful putty/paint lump on the belly, marking centerline for RAF bomb racks next to go on.
プロジェクト: IDF Bonanza 35 1948
すべてのコメント (17) » 26 28 February 2021, 01:22
June 14, 2024

9 画像
Trumpeter 1/72 A-6 Issues? 
Often seen closed on display aircraft - did Trumpeter model a museum bird? This is the A-6E outside of MCAS Cherry Poin...
プロジェクト: VMA(AW)-533 Hawks A-6A
12 14 June 2024, 00:37

Man thanks for sharing this!! Makes plenty of sense. Great reference photos from someone who knows this plane as well as anyone!
14 June 2024, 01:33

Even if forward part of gear door could be closed, there should not be flat wall between them.
So many mistkes(((
14 June 2024, 08:38
May 27, 2024
May 3, 2024

Got mine today -Looks like a BT-67.
Initial assessment , not too bad!
So, what I see - fuselage is stretched. Clear parts are rough,(pits and not clear) - but do install from the outside of the fuselage, so that's a plus. Sprue gates are in some not too good locations, (leading edges, sides of wing/belly center section, a few others will need some careful separation. Detail looks mediocre, but a good start. Instrument panel is flat. Yokes and rudder pedals are awful thick. You do get weighted or unweighted tires, a nice touch. Minimal flash, but it is there. Sink marks are few but large inside the fuselage. Full interior although simple. The tail cone on mine was separated from the spue, it looks to be tough to clean up. Small short part, 4 radii, and leading to a point.
Panel lines - well they certainly are THERE. Far too heavy, have not compared them for accuracy with a proper line drawing of the aircraft.
Decals look great, particularly the Australian and Canadian flags. The prop logos are bit out of register. Carrier film looks to be just the right amount.
Now the big question, which scheme? So many lovely options for this airframe! The 3 in the kit are all good. One BT with is based near me in Smithfield NC, purportedly for "paratroop training" terribly boring scheme on that one, all white with two lime green? or gold? cheat lines - rumor has it it's a government plane used by our three letter agencies. I am leaning toward the "White Desert " scheme of Theia Aviation.
A replacement windscreen is a must, it's just too thick and pitted. Shame there.
1 3 May 2024, 01:23
April 13, 2024

Stumbled on this for us A-6 geeks - if you don't have this book, get it.
The Operational History of Grumman's A-6 by Mark and Rick Morgan, published by Schiffer
The subtitle doesn't do it justice because it also covers development, configuration changes, and in-service problems.
Just as an example for the speed brakes complaints from builders -
Due to problems encountered in flight test and Navy evaluation, wingtip-mounted speed brakes were added at BuNo 149940 and the perforated fuselage-mounted speed brakes were deactivated shortly after the first A-6As were delivered to operational squadrons. The fuselage speed brake assembly was deleted entirely in production at BuNo 154170 and replaced with a blank panel. However, earlier A-6s, including those subsequently converted to A-6Es, retained the original perforated structure covering the speed brake well until it had to be replaced for cracking or corrosion. More than 10 were still flying with the original panel in 1991 while deployed for Operation Desert Storm. This is an example of a former A-6A in June 1983.
So, while I rarely saw a a perforated brake panel, they WERE still some in the fleet squadrons until the type was retired -
The Operational History of Grumman's A-6 by Mark and Rick Morgan, published by Schiffer
The subtitle doesn't do it justice because it also covers development, configuration changes, and in-service problems.
Just as an example for the speed brakes complaints from builders -
Due to problems encountered in flight test and Navy evaluation, wingtip-mounted speed brakes were added at BuNo 149940 and the perforated fuselage-mounted speed brakes were deactivated shortly after the first A-6As were delivered to operational squadrons. The fuselage speed brake assembly was deleted entirely in production at BuNo 154170 and replaced with a blank panel. However, earlier A-6s, including those subsequently converted to A-6Es, retained the original perforated structure covering the speed brake well until it had to be replaced for cracking or corrosion. More than 10 were still flying with the original panel in 1991 while deployed for Operation Desert Storm. This is an example of a former A-6A in June 1983.
So, while I rarely saw a a perforated brake panel, they WERE still some in the fleet squadrons until the type was retired -
13 April 2024, 23:45
March 16, 2024
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