Be Vewy Quiet… I'm Hunting Wabbits - F-22 Raptor - Complete
September 3, 2024Out of the box, the cockpit looks great - but had to file out a lot of details for the Eduard PE set2
September 3, 2024Dry fitting of the pilot to make sure the arms are properly placed3
September 3, 2024Completed cockpit with pilot4
September 3, 20245
September 3, 2024Not as smart as the Quinta studios decals, but looks good enough. Added X-22 to the LCD panels to make them pop6
September 3, 2024Assembly of the AIM-9X missile rail and dry fitting the attachments to the bay to ensure proper fit down the line7
September 3, 2024The landing gears are also assembled and dry fitted to the bays prior to ensure proper assembly.
The placement of the gear cover isn’t very clear on the instructions - so this is how it fits for anyone building this in the future.8
September 3, 20249
September 3, 2024The majority of the parts are internal to the Raptor - so if you plan on having the bays exposed, you are in for a LOT of painting - mostly white.10
September 3, 2024I can’t brush paint worth a damn, so I just used some Tamiya masking tape as the yellow strips. Maybe I should have painted that yellow prior to sticking them on to make them pop…11
September 3, 2024The completed sidewinder bay. In himdsight, I should have held off gluing the rails till the end of the build. D’Oh!12
September 3, 2024The completed AMRAAM bay
September 3, 2024The kit comes in two fuselage halves that run along natural seam lines - very nice!
But there are clearly mould injection marks that need to be sanded down - not so nice. ?♀️14
September 3, 2024Take great care in assembling the missile bays - as the guiding \ re-enforcement rods need to sit flush against them later o15
September 3, 2024Air intakes have some not so nice gaps in them…16
September 3, 2024But easily remedied with some putty17
September 3, 2024The reinforcement rods are great - but not Bandai Foolproof. You will need to use slower drying glue and perform proper test fitting between the halves to make sure they are aligned properly.18
September 3, 2024The engine cans are engineered perfectly so you don’t have to guess whether or not they were mounted properly - great job Hasegawa!19
September 3, 2024Now that everything is in place, time to mate both halves of the fuselage together. This is where pre-alignment of the struts pays off.20
September 3, 2024Although the bays were pre-painted, I missed pre-painting the Bay Area on the fuselage - time to mask and paint21
September 3, 2024Decals are provided for the meshing within the Raptor’s air-intakes, but if you look at this photo, it isn’t as well pronounced as the dark decals provided.22
September 3, 2024I lightly coated the decals to make them blend in more to match the real world photos..
The air intakes didn’t sit right - so that would be addressed later with more putty and sanding23
September 3, 2024The Eduard PE set requires small 1mm frets to be attached to the canopy runner. After wasting an hour trying to get these fitted with CA glue, I just scrapped this piece altogether. Note to Eduard, expecting people to glue ridiculously small pieces in a vertical manner isn’t that easy24
September 3, 2024Now comes the fun part - priming. Some people opted to black base and mottle their birds, I went the old fashioned way and mottled it in reverse.25
September 3, 2024I wanted the ram panels to pop out a bit more - hence the traditional light priming with pre-shades. The mottling had a mix of black and blues. I kept the mottling restrained as I wanted to keep the layers nice and thin.26
September 3, 2024There are two ways to get the Raptor’s silver gray sheen.
1) Paint it all with clear aluminum and then lightly coat it with aggressor gray or
2) Cteate a mix of 1:1 have glass grey with polished aluminum - thinned down with a 2:1 ratio of Mr. Leveler. I went with option #227
September 3, 2024This is the target color and level of reflective sheen I am targetting28
September 3, 2024At an angle, you can see the sheen go through…
Using my wife’s trusty Mk. 1 eyeballs, I later would have to add a thin coat of Aluminum to this.29
September 3, 2024Hasegawa gives you the scaling in which you can blow the picture up to create masking templates. Loosely taping it to the fuselage will give you that nice feathered look.30
September 3, 2024A drop or two of X-1 was added to the Have Glass grey to darken it up. The sheen shows up better here.31
September 3, 2024In retrospect, I should have painted the leading and trailing edged FIRST and then masked them prior to painting the main fuselage. It would have been 3X faster. Oops.32
September 3, 2024The curve was also fun - I used a 1mm tape to make the line accurate, and then attached bits of masking tape.33
September 3, 2024The nozzle coloring is all over the place - so I just settled with this instead -I wanted my Raptor to look somewhat newer so I left the panel above the engine burnt vs burnt + reddish rust34
September 3, 2024My attempts at being lazy didn’t work. Creating a template out of flexible tape to re-use failed…35
September 3, 2024These had to be reworked36
September 3, 2024The colors I used. You can lighten and darker by adding white or black.37
September 3, 2024The fuselage is looking good - time for clear coating.38
September 18, 2024The detail on the ordinance in this kit is phenomenal! Anyone who built a phantom would have easily thought these “No Lift” decals were meant for the Raptor itself - they are meant for the AMRAAMS and AIM-9X39
September 18, 2024I struggled with silvering on these decals - not surprising given their age (over 10 years old). Even Mark Fit as an underlayment didn’t prevent some silvering. I had to carefully inspect each decal after applying a dozen at a time. Any silvering was easily handled by coating it with Mark Fit STRONG and taking a new blade and carefully dotting the affected areas.40
September 18, 2024The cockpit came with a smoke tinted canopy. Having seen scads of Raptors, the canopies have a golden tint to them, so I opted to spray the clear canopy with a 1:1 ratio of X-19 smoke and X-24 clear yellow from Tamiya41
September 18, 2024Any stubborn decals were treated with Walthers SOLVASET. Great care must be taken when applying this, as it can eat away the paint and clear it - as can be seen here. Time for a rework…42
September 18, 2024Hasegawa’s instructions are to use a burnt metallic color for the inner nozzles, but reference photos show a sooty ceramic surface, so I repainted the interior nozzle off-white. Oils will be applied later to complete the sooty appearance.43
September 18, 2024Note to self, apply some acrylic clear coat next time before applying the oils - as it will eat away the lacquer paint.44
September 18, 2024After months of work, the AMRAAM-Cs and AIM-9Xs are finally mounted - along with the wheels and the shutters45
September 18, 2024I added three wires to each main gear to capture the hydraulic cables in the real bird.46
September 18, 2024Final touches like the HUD goes on. I opted to use the pilot head with the newer helmet allowing for off-bore targeting.47
September 18, 2024Finally done. I opted for a clean Raptor for this build, since it was the 1st Fighter Wing. My next Raptor will definitely be wheels up, flying, and dirtied up after extended use - but I opted to keep this bird clean for this go around.48
September 18, 2024The angle doesn’t show it very well, but when the lighting is correct, you will see the silvery sheen. Again, many thanks to my better half for eye-balling this for me.49
September 18, 202450
September 18, 202451
September 18, 202452
September 18, 202453
September 18, 2024For the nozzles, I used AL Xtreme metal brunt metal + Tamiya rust power to get it closer to what is seen in real life.54
September 18, 202455
September 18, 2024Those doors were a pain to put on, but I got them on in the end. The detailing on the missiles were obscene! Too bad most of it is hidden.56
September 18, 202457
September 18, 2024Only weathering was soot coming from the APU exhaust ports.58
September 18, 202459
September 18, 202460
September 18, 2024Sadly, the photo lighting wasn’t good enough to show the glossy helmet and the carbon Fibre mesh61
September 18, 202462
September 18, 2024I love how the Raptor took on the Eagle’s iconic camo pattern…63
September 18, 2024I think it was a mortal sin for congress to cut the production run of this magnificent jet to 184 samples. There’s definitely not enough Raptors to keep American skies secured - let alone our allies…64
September 18, 2024Side by side comparison to the Eagle…65
September 18, 2024Amazingly enough, the Dassault Rafale is the smallest of the three jets!66
September 18, 202467
September 18, 2024Both Eagle and Raptor from the 1st TFW.68
September 18, 202469
September 18, 2024side X Side with everyone’s perennial favorite - the Tomcat. If anyone says it isn’t, they’re either lying to themselves, or to everyone else. ?70
September 18, 202471
September 18, 2024
27 3 September 2024, 16:33

Very nice work mate 💯 Definitely no monkey throwing paint in action here! 😅
4 September 2024, 22:16

Finally done - this was a very enjoyable kit - highly recommended for anyone who is considering an F-22 in 1/48th. The landing gear slots in easily enough, but the side panel attached to the strut requires patience.
Much of this kit focuses on the details very few people see - which easily kicked up the build and paint time for me. I spent more time on those areas than the main painting itself, but it is a beautiful kit. Good Job Hasegawa!
18 September 2024, 03:24

Really nice build and finish. Love the paint work. Top Job Sir.
18 September 2024, 06:08
Album info
There are many F-22 kits out there, but only one worthy of this awesome jet - Hasegawa's 1/48th scale F-22A. this kit languished on my shelf not out of lack of love, but fear that I wouldn't do it justice.
Now that I have figured out how to replicate the Have Glass gray ('which also opens up the HAF F-16 for me), and my airbrushing skills have progressed beyond the monkey throwing paint phase, I present to you the HAS F-22!