PBJ-1D hasegawa
11 April 2016, 08:30

I´m interested in the weathering, too! Cool build and a nice colour, what is it? Naval-ghost-gunship-compass-dark-blue? 😄 LOL
11 April 2016, 11:56

Ala si ga opravio! Svaka cast i za temu i za finis! Ovaj ti je , mislim, vrhunac !
11 April 2016, 18:06

great, and i agree with Soeren and the others, more details about the weathering, please 😉
12 April 2016, 10:12

Thanks for all your comments, I am very glad that you like my model. I will answer some things about weathering. PBJ-1D is painted with Gunze intermediate blue color by adding white and up to 50%. Paint the modulation of different shades of color of the upper surface relative to one side. I used the kitchen salt for the effect of peeling paint on some panels on the wings so that I get put salt wet to dry, and then painted over with Airbrush and thus several times. I say to lightened the color to 50% white and in thin layers inflicted over the previous color. Then I used Mig Ammo, and AK paneliners and streaking grime different shades that match the airplanes on Pacific battlefields. Tamiya smoke is used for exhausts
12 April 2016, 11:01