Alec KVery nice build! I love the mud, super-realistic 👍
23 February 2017, 23:17
Lost_ErikGreat opening image and brilliant build result.
24 February 2017, 04:08
gorby Nice model and very nice weathering Joey!
24 February 2017, 15:41
Joey M 著者Thank you everyone for the kind words, this was my first real venture into 1/35's and actually the first time using any weathering products.
24 February 2017, 19:03
Ed FroixNice, looks very realistic!
24 February 2017, 19:06
Gary BrantleyFirst time weathering? Well, you nailed it! 🙂
24 February 2017, 21:46
My build album for the 1:35 MENG Panzerhaubitze 2000.