Su-33 Flanker D
1 24 December 2016, 23:34

Oh wow, this is amazing!!! Awesome job, you knocked this one out of the park!!!
25 December 2016, 04:20

simply superb , amazing finish in one of my favourite airplanes,congratulations
25 December 2016, 17:44

Beautiful work, I'm working on it at the moment so can appreciate the result you have here
4 January 2017, 14:02

This is most impressive model building. Great work Shiblee, modeling art at it's finest! 👍 🙂
4 February 2017, 13:25

I agree with everyone else's words, that is excellent work. Well done! 🙂
4 February 2017, 14:42

Absolutely stunning job on the Flanker and the carrier dio! That's about as good as it gets Shiblee!
4 February 2017, 15:40

Thanks everyone for the compliments! @Ed: that sounds exciting! Trumpeter usually has good Flanker kits. Are you getting any extra detail packs for the kit?
5 February 2017, 02:04

Hi Shiblee untill now Trumpeter Flankers did not disapoint me. About extra details, i'm add them when i am satisfied with the standard kits. Everyday i am learning by try and error that means that now and then i wreck a kit 🙂.
5 February 2017, 06:35

Hi shiblee, this is an outstanding flanker, great build and excellent paint job. The diorama base looks great as well! I can't wait to see the flanker placed on it. I see a switch on the base, what is it for? I am guessing for some lights? Anyway congratulations on this breathtaking flanker and base!
5 February 2017, 08:43

@Helmut: Yep, the switch is for runway, taxi and elevator lights.
6 February 2017, 02:52

What a great paint job and finish! Gives me some inspiration for my Su-33! Nice photography too
6 February 2017, 17:21

Absolutely stunning! Amazing job! Inspires me to build my own Flanker. What was the kit like, would you recommend it?
6 February 2017, 19:34

Thanks all! @Alexander: The kit was decent with quite a bit of details. Some of the stuff didn't fit well. Instructions were pretty bad, so I had to visit some Russian forums for reference photos. It has a lot of potential if you add patience and some aftermarket detail kits 🙂
7 February 2017, 09:26

Whow!!! How could I have missed this one?... Beautiful! Especialy the carrier segment looks cool! Did you build that all from scratch?
5 March 2017, 09:08

Superb result of a great looking plane. The paint job and weathering look smashing. Interesting how you've chosen to display the wings/ stabs in semi-folded condition, as if they're in the process of folding, is that the look you were going for? Looks nice.
5 March 2017, 15:11

Thank you, all!
@Patrick Hagelstein: Pretty much the entire base + crew + vehicles were built from scratch.
@Jay Mountain Goat: I was going for that position, to maximize visibility of both surfaces. I had to scratch build the wing hinges for that 🙂
6 March 2017, 00:36

Incredible work - and a well deserved award! My deepest respect, Shiblee!😮👍
6 March 2017, 06:23

Great build,what is it for the switch on diorama stand,or I don't see everything well.
10 May 2017, 12:23

Amazing work, the jet as well as as the base and the accessories, really great model.
10 May 2017, 14:24

Thanks everyone!
Predrag Ivanovic: I forgot to turn it on. The switch turns on a night light, runway lights and an elevator light.
10 May 2017, 18:11

Excellent work and diorama. That cramped scenery looks really lifelike 👍
10 May 2017, 19:58

This display makes an already awesome model a masterpeice, and that is not a compliment I bestow upon many.
Bravo, take a bow my friend.
11 May 2017, 04:33
Album info
This is just the aircraft before putting it on the Admiral Kuznetsov diorama.