スケールモデルデータベース | ストックマネージャー
Jonns Pfeiffenberger (heavensgate)

5'th Jubilee Scalemates Meeting Wangerooge


2 23 February 2017, 09:00
Looks good so far, I particularly like the base.
 11 March 2017, 14:44
Jonns Pfeiffenberger 著者
Thank you gorby!
 11 March 2017, 16:25
Jonns Pfeiffenberger 著者
Some progress on the base
 18 March 2017, 10:58
Holger Kranich
Ahh looking good!
 18 March 2017, 11:13
Markus Kutsch The Plastic Bench
👍 👍 Top...everything looks very good
 18 March 2017, 15:02
Joerg R.
Der wird richtig geil, super Jonns👍👍👍
 18 March 2017, 18:55
Another great project - You have a unbeleavable amount of imagination 👍
 18 March 2017, 20:36
Jonns Pfeiffenberger 著者
Thank you mates! But at the end I still have a surprise!😉
 18 March 2017, 21:30
Jonns Pfeiffenberger 著者
A view news pics of the junk yard
 8 April 2017, 12:47
excellent, from the weathering of the vehicle, to the grass on the roof of the building. fantastic
 8 April 2017, 14:35
Ingmar Stöhr
Looks fantastic Jonns! I really like how you did the concrete!
 8 April 2017, 15:58
Jonns Pfeiffenberger 著者
thank you mates!
 8 April 2017, 19:43
Jonns Pfeiffenberger 著者
The first few layers of dirt & rust
 10 April 2017, 15:07
Jonns Pfeiffenberger 著者
It could look that way... when it's finished, but a lot to do...😉
 13 April 2017, 20:32
and i thought it was finished!
 13 April 2017, 20:50
Jonns Pfeiffenberger 著者
Oh no. Rust for the VW, the base need a lot work too 🙂
 13 April 2017, 21:14
...bis Wilnsdorf fertig ???
 14 April 2017, 16:57
Jonns Pfeiffenberger 著者
nee, bin über Ostern weg, da reicht es nciht mehr. Bringe es aber gerne als WIP mit😉
 14 April 2017, 19:38
super, freu mich 👍
 14 April 2017, 20:04
Joerg R.
seit ihr beide in Wilnsdorf?
 15 April 2017, 08:16
jupp, ich bin in Wilnsdorf und stell auch aus, mit dem HHMB-Stammtisch
 15 April 2017, 08:31
Joerg R.
Cool, dann komm ich mal vorbei👍👍👍,
sind ja nur 180 km von mir😉
 15 April 2017, 08:35
super 👍
 15 April 2017, 08:37
Jonns Pfeiffenberger 著者
Isch stell aa aus 😄
 15 April 2017, 18:33
Joerg R.
 15 April 2017, 19:00
Holger Kranich
Wie cool, ihr macht ein Meeting!
 16 April 2017, 07:03
nur ein kleines Treffen, ohne HC,Burger und Modellbau 🙂
 16 April 2017, 07:06
Holger Kranich
Ohne modellbau? ??🙂
 16 April 2017, 07:23
Marcel Klemmer
Noch ein Grund mehr sich auf Wilnsdorf zu freuen!!!
 16 April 2017, 09:11
Jonns Pfeiffenberger 著者
da ich aus familiären Gründen nicht nach Wilnsdorf konnte, geht es hier weiter! few steps before finish the T3
 1 May 2017, 08:59
👍 Jonns Du hast in Wilnsdorf gefehlt, sieht klasse aus
 1 May 2017, 10:39
Choppa Nutta
Scooby Doo went and Broke Bad didn't he 😄 😄 😄
Great work Jonns ! 😄
 1 May 2017, 11:15
Joerg R.
Stimmt, wir haben dich schmerzlich vermisst😉😉😉 btw. wird geil das Teil👍👍👍
 1 May 2017, 11:40
Jonns Pfeiffenberger 著者
Thank you mates! Ja, mich hat es auch sehr geschmerzt, nicht nach Wilnsdorf zu können. 😭
 1 May 2017, 12:33
Jonns Pfeiffenberger 著者
the base and the forklift are under construction, the VW T3 needs a few details to correct
 7 May 2017, 10:37
Choppa Nutta
looks great,
I notice some MaK suits and a 1/48 F6 Hellcat which makes curious as to what might happen next in this cool project 🙂
 7 May 2017, 10:47
Jonns Pfeiffenberger 著者
thanks Choppa. The Hellcat will come maybe late summer. The MaK's every time😉
 7 May 2017, 11:02
Choppa Nutta
are they part of this scene or a separate project ?
and will you be "hotdogging" the hellcat ?
 7 May 2017, 12:00
John Thomas
Very cool
 7 May 2017, 12:37
Jonns Pfeiffenberger 著者
Choppa, a seperate project. In this case, two vehicles are enough😉
 7 May 2017, 13:51
Choppa Nutta
hehe, quite right 😄
although a MaK mech suit wouldn't look out of place haha 😄
 7 May 2017, 14:12
Jonns Pfeiffenberger 著者
added some details to the base
 14 May 2017, 13:22
Stephan Ryll
Very nice so far Jonns ! 👍 ***
 14 May 2017, 14:34
es geht weiter...👍
 14 May 2017, 14:37
Jonns Pfeiffenberger 著者
Thank you mates! Hope it's finished soon😉
 14 May 2017, 15:32
Mike Kryza
 14 May 2017, 18:57
Jonns Pfeiffenberger 著者
Danke Mikey. Kommts ihr auch nach Leipheim?
 14 May 2017, 19:16
Ingmar Stöhr
Na klar!
 15 May 2017, 06:01
Jonns Pfeiffenberger 著者
👍 🙂
 15 May 2017, 06:28
Jonns Pfeiffenberger 著者
so Fertisch! Was Neues muss her! - Ready for Freddy!
 15 May 2017, 20:26
Choppa Nutta
Looks great 🙂
Eric Cartman would be pleased to see that hippy wagon getting towed😉 😄
 15 May 2017, 20:46
ISA Models
Einfach genial!
 15 May 2017, 21:49
Jonns Pfeiffenberger 著者
Thank you mates 🙂
 16 May 2017, 04:39
Christian Lehmann
Toll, mehr sag i net. .
 16 May 2017, 04:43
Frank Krause
👍 👍 👍 Einfach super, Jonns! Ist klasse geworden - wieder einmal!
 16 May 2017, 05:13
Jonns Pfeiffenberger 著者
Danke Euch!
 16 May 2017, 05:53
Markus Kutsch The Plastic Bench
Klasse Idee,klasse umgesetzt!!!
 16 May 2017, 13:04
That is the most realistic dio I have seen for a very long time - stunning work Jonns, you've achieved what we are all aiming for!
 16 May 2017, 15:07
A true work of art, detail and execution, at top level
 16 May 2017, 15:46
Stephan Ryll
Awsome work and idea ! ***
 16 May 2017, 16:20
Jonns Pfeiffenberger 著者
I'm glad you like it. thanks for the kind words! 🙂
 16 May 2017, 17:15
Cool dio, perfectly build and painted - and style (or signature? ) of the artist is still visible!
 16 May 2017, 20:07
Jonns Pfeiffenberger 著者
Thank you Frank!
 16 May 2017, 21:16
Choppa Nutta
Reminds me of a certain scene from Breaking Bad 🙂
I wonder what the back story to this cool scene is😉 😄
 16 May 2017, 22:51
Peter Jenssen
Really nice!
 17 May 2017, 00:20
Jonns Pfeiffenberger 著者
Thank you mates! The back story? Sorry Choppa, you're too young for that kind of story! 😄 😄
 17 May 2017, 07:13
Choppa Nutta
haha, you're probably right Jonns, I'm only 49 and 3/4's years old😉 😄
 17 May 2017, 10:15
Jonns Pfeiffenberger 著者
Holy moley! The forties are over soon! Fifty, I hear you coming! But - too young! 😛
 17 May 2017, 11:18
Choppa Nutta
would it help if I got a permission note from my parents ?😉 😄
Tell me Jonns, have you ever owned an orange VW Camper with flowers painted on it by any chance ? 😄
 17 May 2017, 11:26
Jonns Pfeiffenberger 著者
I think, your parents too young for thats kind of stuff. Orange VW Camper? hmm let me think about it... hmm - no, never ever! 😄 But I had an Volvo P121 Amazon my first car, is that ok?😉
 17 May 2017, 12:14
Choppa Nutta
lol, my first car was a 6V 1200cc VW Beetle with a doorbell for a starter button under the front seat 🙂
 17 May 2017, 12:23
Jonns Pfeiffenberger 著者
Okok you are the winner! 😄
 17 May 2017, 12:42
Choppa Nutta
I miss that car, thinking about it again brings back some nice memories for me 🙂
although it did end up looking quite a lot like your VW Camper in this dio, ie. scrapped with doors missing etc.
 17 May 2017, 12:56
Jonns Pfeiffenberger 著者
So sad (as Trump says) Have you ever built it as a model?
 17 May 2017, 13:06
Choppa Nutta
No not yet, not thought to do a model version of my first car although I'm tempted to get this kit 🙂

 17 May 2017, 13:24
Choppa Nutta
although this is probably closer to the one I had 🙂
 17 May 2017, 13:32

Project info

43 画像
1:35 Feldumschlaggerät FUG 2,5T (Takom 2021)1:35 T3 Transporter Bus (Takom 2013)


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