5 2 February 2018, 20:34

Welcome on board mates!
@Erik, the documentary doesn't say where it was taken, but judging by the penetration in the ground I guess it's somewhere in Zuid-Holland or Zeeland, since these provinces have a lot of clay as upper soil layers. Brabant is sandy so much harder and it would have disintegrated on impact.
It actually is not a picture, but a movieclip of about 15 seconds or so😉
3 February 2018, 09:09

Welcome mates, the conversion of the V1 is done.
Priming today to check for flaws and work on the figure continues.
@Erik, let's assume it's a failed launch from the sugar factory lauch site
@Peter, no Dutch markings, but maybe I can scribble some Dutch graffiti on it😉
4 February 2018, 10:12

Great idea Kees, I can just imagine what could have been written on it. My Father in Law was in the Dutch Underground for most of that war and he would have written something memorable on it given the chance.
4 February 2018, 20:56

How about a speech bubble from the girl saying "knock, knock ... anybody home"?
Great photo to replicate Kees, so looking forward to seeing the final result.
5 February 2018, 11:10

Thanks, quite some conversion work was neccesary. Still some small details need be added
13 February 2018, 13:30

I wonder if the movie was inspired by these picture.... for me it's possible 🙂
13 February 2018, 14:18

Actually it's not a picture, but a screenshot from a movieclip of about 15 seconds.
But I can't post a movie on Scalemates😉
13 February 2018, 18:05

you can post a link to the movie, if it is in youtube or something 😉
13 February 2018, 19:21

I've searched and found the movie on the Dutch Television site, the clip with the V-1 is at 37:50.
The movie is about the whole year it took to liberate the Netherlands and the year just after liberation.
There is also a funny part at 32:40, Dutch kids have added metal derelict tracks on their tricycle 🙂 I don't recognize the type of tracks, but they are pretty small, so maybe a Bren carrier?
13 February 2018, 20:51

I never said it was in English Peter 🙂, but there is a subtitle button in the bottom right corner.
If you set it on 'automatic', hopefully English subtitles are added. I think it are Google generated subtitles, so be aware of strange translations.
13 February 2018, 21:20

Tim, stone the crows yer widget, an get a mullet up ya! If a bloke wants a gander you can get on the wallaby!!
Thanks Kees, as soon as I finish my cup of tea and Speculaas I'll take a peek.
14 February 2018, 02:14

Interesting subject that will be a show stopper just for the uniqueness of it!
18 March 2018, 17:21

I forgot the Main thing here...🙂 Great work and so far amazing Impementation of the scene.. Very nice sculpting job too 👍
18 March 2018, 23:06

Thanks for the very kind comments mates. 👍
Peter, I don't know of I'm gonna put it in competition yet, that depends on how it turns out 🙂
Daniel, I wanted to replicate this unique scene as accurate as possible, so for the first time I had to venture into the realm of sculpting.
And also had to sculpt two larger boobies. Quite literally a "Plastic surgeon" 🙂🙂
19 March 2018, 20:50

Haha, Dr Kees, you've certainly built her up to mythical proportions !!
Surgically enhanced indeed !!
No wonder that V1 is standing quite so vertically !! lol 😄
19 March 2018, 22:19

1/24 scale proportions in a 1/35 scale diorama - got to love your work there Kees!
20 March 2018, 00:51

I already made 'them' smaller along the way and I will resculpt them a bit more.
I can see myself doing this 1:1 for a living, beats civil engineering anyday! 🙂
20 March 2018, 07:18

You won't be the first man distracted by feminine proportions. Did you notice as soon as Daniel mentioned "boobies"the thread became popular again! Heimer is very predictable.
20 March 2018, 09:19

So, to get this straight, we are still talking about the V-1, are we? ...
20 March 2018, 09:29

Please don't attempt to resculpt - the whole project could go tits up.
20 March 2018, 18:51

No one should say scale modellers are unworldly freaks anymore after reading this....😎 😄
21 March 2018, 11:39

Nothing wrong with us Daniel, you however, we are all a bit worried about. Just had to get that off my chest.
21 March 2018, 12:00

WOW! I mean, just WOW! An excellent job on a truly original subject.
3 August 2018, 04:54

From picture and idea to the model - great 👍 Love all the detail work with stencils and other things 👍
3 August 2018, 07:41

A really uncommon war picture and a very well accomplished project - Great!
3 August 2018, 07:52

awesome depiction of 'ye olde' health & safety........................there was none 🙂
3 August 2018, 10:03

Marvellous Kees. Will you do the rest of the documentary as well?
4 August 2018, 07:17

Thanks mates, much appreciated! 👍
@Martin, That's a bit too ambitious I think 🙂 There is one clip I plan to paint in the future though, but that will be a figure painting project, without a model of a vehicle.
4 August 2018, 08:20

Looks great, and the figure looks very very good, I just cannot do figures, I have been trying to do some for my K5E Diorama I've have been working on, but I just cannot get the faces to look like anything descent.
9 October 2018, 17:23

You did a perfect job on this Kees 👍 Harmonious Proportions 🙂 , very good Paint job and all objects well situated 👍
9 October 2018, 17:37
Album info
Screenshot of the documentary I describe in my project intro.