スケールモデルデータベース | ストックマネージャー
Neal Parkes (nealparkes)

Amodel Bombardier CL-415 Sécurité Civile Complete


1 30 June 2018, 23:57
Markus Antonius
FANTASTICO! a very refreshing and nice little diorama!
 1 July 2018, 16:59
Łukasz Gliński
Cool dio!
 1 July 2018, 19:43
Tom Ballhoff
Nice work mate! 🙂
 1 July 2018, 20:24
That's a nice base for a boat seaplane 👍 and a nice pelican on a beautiful yellow red seaplane too!
 1 July 2018, 21:12
Neal Parkes 著者
Thank you guys for the kind comments!
 1 July 2018, 22:20
nice job!
 1 July 2018, 23:01
Nice little build!
 2 July 2018, 00:24
Mike Grant
Looks great! 👍
 2 July 2018, 00:36
Łukasz Gliński
Btw. were the 'props' included in the box?
 2 July 2018, 06:12
Neal Parkes 著者
No Lukasz, I made them from some clear acetate that I then made a mask for and sprayed with a highly thinned mix of Tamiya X-19 Smoke & XF-85 Rubber Black.
 2 July 2018, 09:07

Project info

6 画像
1:144 Canadair Bombardier CL-415 SuperScooper (Amodel 1476)No Weathering Wash GRIME (Flory Models FMW008)No Weathering Wash Dark Dirt (Flory Models FMW002)
Canadair CL-415
FR Securité Civile (General directorate for civil defence and crisis management 1951-now)
Groupement des Avions Bombardiers d'Eau F-ZBFS
2013 - Marseille
Yellow, Red


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