Alec KWow! Turned out awesome 👍
18 November 2018, 03:36
gorbyVery nice job!
18 November 2018, 09:31
Daniel KlinkVery good looking "string Bag" David 👍
18 November 2018, 10:14
NeulingI agree with gorbygould!
18 November 2018, 20:42
David Andrs 著者Thanks Neuling and Alexander G.
21 November 2018, 01:52
Erik LeijdensFantastic work. the rigging is great, your work paid off
21 November 2018, 07:29
SpanjaardIt looks really excellent. beautiful rigging
24 November 2018, 23:23
Michael PhillipsWow. Now that thing is simply gorgeous!!! Well done!
24 November 2018, 23:46
David Andrs 著者Thanks a lot mates. I really appreciate it.
26 November 2018, 03:21
On this build I used monofilament instead of EZ Line. One works with it a bit differently. The major difference is, monofilamnet does not stretch. But it sure does look much better than EZ Line. It also has consistent thickness which is a great plus. I did not do any turnbuckles as I only wanted to test the difference between EZ Line and monofilament.
Some parts of the model would deserve more attention on my side. I did not like the way the upper wind was attached to the struts. Way too big gaps - very not-Tamiya