Sunken B-25J Mitchell
85 28 December 2018, 15:32

Following! It looks amazing already! How did you manage to get that effect?
28 December 2018, 21:27

It looks awesome so far. I am much interested about the further steps and results.
28 December 2018, 21:44

Thank you very much gentleman! @Rick I applied rough style modelling paste which was then painted
29 December 2018, 08:51

Großes Kino Sascha!! Great idea and so far fantastic Implementation. 👍
29 December 2018, 10:09

I didn't know B-25's could swim 😛 What a great sunken wreck of a plane so far! Watching!
29 December 2018, 18:58

Wow, a really interesting project. I'm curious and fascinated how it will go on! The details look really beautiful, respect!
29 December 2018, 19:02

Sascha count me in. Very interesting subject and great results so far. 👍
29 December 2018, 23:59

Wow! Incredible! Getting crowded in here, but pulling up a chair too!
30 December 2018, 00:21

@coporado, ah i see! Thanks for the explanation, I'll think I try it in the future too
30 December 2018, 09:40

Wow really getting crowded here - warm welcome and thank you gentleman! Today was paint day, finished assembling of the Mitchell and put some color on it.
30 December 2018, 15:30

One Thing only.. The fir of the nose looks not that perfect.. Doesn't matter in this scenario but is the fit really that not so good?😉
30 December 2018, 15:35

Daniel indeed the nose doesnt fit correctly. Tried to Sand a bit but was too afraid of loosing Details. And corrct doesnt matter on this scene, some more sea Grind on this Part
30 December 2018, 15:46

Wow! This is looking cool already! That coral covered interior is spot on!
30 December 2018, 17:05

Sehr gute Idee. Bin mal gespannt, wie das ausschauen wird. Ich bleibe dran.
30 December 2018, 23:20

Started the base today. Using floral foam created a small reaf and tried to put some seafloor like texture on the ground.
31 December 2018, 15:17

Holger, Lukas - Thanks mates
Put some color on the base, what do you think about the sand colors? Could have some lighter colors like ivory or pale sand imho
3 January 2019, 16:49

I think it looks OK for a surface scene but being under water I would go lighter.
3 January 2019, 17:25

Thanks Patrick, I also think of going lighter. Though I maybe display the water with Resin, this will darken the surface as well a bit.
4 January 2019, 05:00

this is a very interesting and challenging project! looking fantastic so far. i will certainly join to see how it goes. all the coral and weathering will be quite a challenge
4 January 2019, 23:55

Thanks Spanjaard! Lightened the sand parts and started growing some seafloor
6 January 2019, 07:55

Wow!! Absolutely convincing and impressive Work Sascha.. Looks really awesome..👍
6 January 2019, 10:20

Thanks for your warm comment Daniel 🙂 Added some seagras as finish for the base
6 January 2019, 11:41

Moin Sascha, becomes better and better. Love to see it grow. 👍
6 January 2019, 11:51

Found some more pics of the sunken Mitchell, showing that canopy damages. So decided to get some damages too on my model.
8 January 2019, 12:31

looking amazing. but i think it should have more coverage in the wings and fuselage.... i doubt you would be able to see the starts so clearly after 70 years (well, you can be doing the dio after let's say only 20😉 )
9 January 2019, 15:53

Thanks mates - arne i'm keen to go for epoxy but this needs some test before. Spanjaard your absolutely right. Just thought You wont see that much of the bottom side on the dio but the wings You will see. Thanks mate
9 January 2019, 16:58

i am really curious about how you will do the water. i have seen people encasing it in a glass box, and paint the inside in clear blue. you can of course use some transparent resin... but it will require a huge amount of it.....
if you use the transparent box, you can make a water surface with some clear styrene, and use some (locally applied) heat source to create waves on it for example. tricky for sure....
9 January 2019, 21:11

What was process/material was used for water in that Summer of '45 dio with the 2 girls and the tank by Xerxes? Whatever that was created awesome water/waves... You could do something like that, but deeper of course... I know I'm no help 😛
10 January 2019, 00:51

whatever material you use, do some testing before submerging the model on it... i remember years ago some "water" materials attacked plastic. today's ones probably will not... but you do not want to see the plane disolving in the "water" or something like that, right?😉
Transparent resin prochima e-30 is what Rodolfomas was using.
10 January 2019, 05:17

Thank you very much mates! Concerning the water I´m keen to go for resin. A friend did a similar project recently, hope to see that on weekend. He did used resin which needs 48h+ to set, hence won´t create too much heat that the model won´t be damaged. Will do some testing before and let you know guys.
10 January 2019, 06:23

Good work Sascha, maybe you can add some more „vegetation" to the panellines. In my opinion this should be the place where dirt and vegetation settles down first.
10 January 2019, 06:30

Thanks Moritz, concerning the panellines youre mentioning what spanjaard said in his previous post? Anyway covered the whole bottom side with vegetation, also tried to put some color notes with red and blue. Thanks again for your helpful comments 🙂
10 January 2019, 15:25

Some detail work on those spinner to make them look bit more "salt- water- like"
12 January 2019, 12:12

Thanks Alec! Seaweed growing is finished. Now I´m going to add some sand on that surfaces which are uncovered from seafloor. Therefore im using chinchilla sand. First tried on the bottom side to figure out if the sand is too rough. I found it to rough so grinded the sand, the result is powder like. Good comparison on the tail wing. Natural sand on the wing, grinded sand on the elevator.
13 January 2019, 12:39

Thanks Rick! Top side covered with sand. The "sanding" killed a lot of color of the corals, which needed to be recovered. Found some spots to add more corals, these are the white spots.
13 January 2019, 16:08

Looks great Sascha but i would not touch this with bare hands...😉
13 January 2019, 19:47

Donald, Roberto, Daniel - thank you gentleman! Finished the weathering of the bird. First pics on base, aircraft not yet fixed and not yet "rammed" into the sand.
15 January 2019, 08:57

Fantastic work so far, Coporado. I see that in some photos there is a red pin. What do you use it for? Thanks.
15 January 2019, 09:23

Thanks cuajete! The Red Pins are just markings where the landing gear gets rammed into the Sand
15 January 2019, 09:45

Great model and a really cool subject. Well thought out display too.
15 January 2019, 13:54

Awesome! 👍 But if the wings extend over the base, how are you going to submerge it in resin?
15 January 2019, 18:00

Break part of the wings and have them sunken under the plane within the resin block... it looked really cool with that engine cover 😄
15 January 2019, 21:21

the weathering you applied is truly out of this world (it certainly belongs to the underwater world). and i am saying this not only as a modeler aficionado, but also as a diver aficionado. it looks incredible realistic from both points of view!!!!!! I have never seen an airplane while under the water, but i have seen a few wrecks from the same period that this one represents... and it really plays the part. now the water is coming 🙂 exciting! (not as much as you are probably)
15 January 2019, 21:36

you can simply remove part of a wing .... it broke in the crash, and who knows how far in is from the main wreak.... remember that in did crash against the water, not against the bottom.....
15 January 2019, 21:40

Coporado, Is the model just a prop to support the diorama. ? As it seems to me that the model it's self has lost all significance really. Sorry, but that's how I see it.
Great skills in the art department though🙁
16 January 2019, 04:19

Thank you so much all! Patrick, Donald, Chris, Spanjaard - Regarding the wings, if the aircraft is in its final position the wings align with the dio edges. This will ensure I can cover the dio with formwork to make the resin. But figuring out the water stuff the resin won´t be the way to go. It would be too expensive for the amount of resin required. It´s also not clear if it´s really going to work because of the size of the dio, so there´s a high risk to destroy the model and dio. So I´m currently testing with acrylic glas.
Spanjaard, Donald - exactly Marshal Islands. The story of this aircraft (and about 100 other) is that the Americans dumped these aircraft after the war. See story here and more pics here petemesley.smugmug.c..mur-PLANES/i-Tqxtttb
Kerry - ummmm sorry I didn´t got your point. Can you explain a bit more please?
16 January 2019, 06:10

thanks a lot coporado! i did not know about that!, certainly a place i would love to visit in a diving trip! and after those pictures, i like your model even more 🙂
16 January 2019, 12:56

Acrylic glass?? O_O
Like this?
16 January 2019, 13:25

@Arne Greve... Coporado said: "So I´m currently testing with acrylic glas." I don't know that product 😄
16 January 2019, 18:53

Magnificent. A tremendous amount of work and a great accomplishment. Very impressed.
25 March 2019, 16:00

Congratulation Sascha..Really.. That is an awesome piece of scale modelling at all aspects.. Wow! 👍👍👍
25 March 2019, 18:19

Did you submerge your diorama (in resin or so) or is it 'just' a rippled clear sheet over a shadow box setup?
25 March 2019, 19:14

Thank you for all the warm comments gentlemen, really happy to see you like it 🙂
@Patrick: The base is covered by an acrylic glas box which received a thin layer of lightly colored Solid Water (crystal clear resin)
26 March 2019, 05:23

That's a cool idea! So basically the whole volume in the box is just normal air while looking at it, it seems to be solid water.
26 March 2019, 16:44

Arne, Mathew, Rick thank You So much!
Patrick excactly the resin (Solid water) layer is on top of the outside Part of the Box
26 March 2019, 17:14

Very realistic. Although a lot Of things could not do everything exactly is not visible but I myself like to do more on the decoration... Look at my album there's a zero under water can something will help you
27 March 2019, 18:39

Thanks Alex and Spanjaard, much appreciated and happy you like it!
@Alex: I tried to follow the original pic concerning the sea floor. That´s why I did not more on the decoration.
4 April 2019, 05:33

Fun Dio, you should edit your album image from the seats to one of the finished photos.
4 April 2019, 06:19

Thanks Chris and thanks for the remark concerning the album image, good idea!
4 April 2019, 06:34

I fully agree with Spanjaard. Something very interesting off the beaten track!
4 April 2019, 09:37

Thanks Neuling, appreciated! Added some new pics with different light. Please scroll to the end of the pics list. Couldn´t move the pics to top of the list easily and wouldn´t do it manually having 83 images. Is there any way to move pics in a different way from moving them click by click?
30 April 2019, 14:53

The previous pics were not so much conving, but the latest batch is awesome, last one in particular. Chapeau!
30 April 2019, 18:53

it was a pleasure to see you today at SCM. i have to say i like this dio before... after seeing in person, i just love it. it is simply incredible!
20 October 2019, 21:10

My pleasure to see you and having a nice conversation! Hope to see you soon and maybe have a beer or two 🙂
21 October 2019, 04:03

I tried at SMC to take a picture at many angles, but none good give a true result of the real beauty of this dio. Well done!
21 October 2019, 06:05

Very nice dio, and a great idea... I also have seen it on the SMC 😉
21 October 2019, 06:34

Thank you so much mates! next time lets have a chat, I always like to get in contact with you guys and talk about projects, life and whatever comes around. Cheers and hope to talk to you next time 🙂
21 October 2019, 07:25

Such a novel idea, and brilliantly executed, most interesting diorama I've seen in a while
21 October 2019, 07:56

Dear lord... I love this so much! Here I am working on my little "F-8E crashed in the desert" project which this masterpiece is just sitting here looking totally amazing. Wow!
21 October 2019, 08:53

This is another one that pops up regularly to impress the peasants... never fails to impress.
27 April 2022, 06:01

Amazing! So original, and extremely convincing! A real standout, 10/10
27 April 2022, 15:46

Just amazing! It is providing a pacific theatre WWII picture and also telling its own story to us.
27 April 2022, 16:28

Mates, I'm speechless, overwhelmed by all of your kind comments! Thank you!
27 April 2022, 20:10

As most pics of the completed model were of poor quality, I tried to take some shots with better ilumination.
2 May 2022, 16:01

My kinda stuff. Great idea, great execution. I gotta memorize your technique. Very convincing.
2 May 2022, 19:54

Super well executed. So much to study in each pic I could hardly leave one to look at the next!
1 April 2023, 21:00