Sopwith Snipe Late (Nelly): WIP
2 February 2019, 16:10

Another awesome build. How the heck did this NOT get any comments??! Or are you purposely trying to keep this a secret...😉
On pic 21: is the masking to paint the wing tape a different color, or to add tape thickness?
9 March 2019, 14:12

Wow Alec, I am glad you did comment so it could be seen. Really nicely done
9 March 2019, 14:40

I think it just got lost in the big influx of new albums every day. I finally finished this a few days ago. Need to take some better pictures with better light.
9 March 2019, 23:41

Alec K: just different color on pic 21. I was experimenting with how to paint these in different ways. I think masking the tapes is probably easier than masking the "valleys".
9 March 2019, 23:45

"Need to take some better pictures with better light" - You could make a cheap light box Youtube Video

10 March 2019, 00:20

Richmond: Thanks for the tip. I actually went through about 3 different setups. Each one had different level of complexity - if you will. I think the current one I am using does not take much space, I can set it up and tear down quite quickly and it produces nice results, see DFW C.V (Gretel Lo) | Album by andrsd (1:32) and Avia S-199 (LS-15): Finished | Album by andrsd (1:32) for an example.
10 March 2019, 00:31

Thanks for the link - I have a WNW in my stash - just putting off construction until I get my skills up. I am sure I will be going over your old logs.
10 March 2019, 00:33

I was also hesitant to start a WNW kit first. But, frankly, they are such nice kits that you do not need any special skills to build them. At least, I do not think I have any 🙂
10 March 2019, 01:29

Finished Snipe is in Sopwith Snipe Late (Nelly): Finished | Album by andrsd (1:32)
10 March 2019, 01:29