Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-6 Black 3
18 February 2019, 09:13

Your more than welcome to take a seat Lode, painting should be finished by tonight, with a coat of Future to top her off. Then decals tomorrow hopefully.
18 February 2019, 23:43

Take a seat next to Lode, he won't bite.😢
Yellow under cowl is painted, now lunch, then mask up for the white rudder.
19 February 2019, 00:50

Well Unfortunatly now I have to pack up everything in my man cave as I have to move in the next couple of weeks. I started yesterday and all of my shelves are now basically empty, books, paints and airbrushes are all packed. Just got the bare essentials out as I'm expecting the HobbyBoss 5 ton MAN truck to turn up today and I'll just do the basic construction of that until I settle into our new place. Hopefully this will be the last time we move into a rental property, the one after that we should be buying.
At least when I settle down I can get stuck into this one, the Hellcat and the SLT-56 trailer with MAN on the back.
25 February 2019, 00:18

Thanks Cliffy, looked at a place near by on Saturday, we'll know in a couple of days if we get it.
25 February 2019, 03:56

Thanks Cliffy, your hoping must have done the trick. I got a phone call half an hour ago asking if I want the property, didn't have to ask me twice. We'll be moving in in two weeks, and getting back into it, for now I'm working on my Trumpeter Patriot Missile trailer.
26 February 2019, 04:28

Sad to hear that you have to move! Your actual man cave was a stunner!
26 February 2019, 09:53

Thanks Holly, at least my new man cave will be in a proper room, my paint booth will go out in the double garage and all my modeling cabinets will get set up in the lounge room. As an added bonus Tammy is coming back to the hobby, down side is I have to share my stash. Although she does have some kits of her own.
26 February 2019, 20:42

I had quite overlooked 🙁, how clearly the differences between Trimaster / Dragon, which is the origin of the forms, and Tamiya, if you then still holds the new Eduard Fw 190 against, then you have almost a model in the plane Mold construction in front of him.
Nevertheless, the Multikit Trimaster of A4 - A8 in one, you really succeeded. Focke Wulf just stays Focke Wulf, Kurt Tank has memorialized himself 👍
30 May 2019, 09:08

Thanks James, Unfortunatly I have to get crafty and rob from Peter to pay Paul, as the decals I'm using I got in 1997. Now there showing signs of cracking even though they've been kept flat in a dark draw all this time. 🙁
31 May 2019, 01:33

I can not make friends with the red, that's why I kept the chessboard in white, but also painted it, but I had as a basis a Tamiya A3.
but no matter what my models, you've delivered a top result, very nice pictures of a top model 👍
30 June 2019, 11:48

Thank You Jens, Alec and Christian, Jens the red I used for RLM 23 Red was Gunze H414. I also have under construction a couple more Fw190's to be painted in the black and white combo and also the yellow and black combo checkered boards. I may even do the black and white striped cowl too.🤔
30 June 2019, 13:14

I bet that checkerboard pattern was not all that easy. !
An other masterpiece for the display case Michael. 👍 🙂
Good job mate. 🙂
2 July 2019, 08:30

Thanks Kerry, and you are right as usual, and as for the display case I need to glue some more pieces of aluminum angle to give me more shelf space.🙂
2 July 2019, 09:21

Awesome, I have three single tower cases myself like yours and two more in the garage that I picked up from Aldi for $50 each. I don't want to assemble those because I plan on moving again next March.
2 July 2019, 10:03
Album info
Black 3 Fw 190A-6 of 2./JG 1, Lt. Anton-Rudolf Piffer.
Piffer was once one of the Jagdwaffe's bomber expertens with 19 bombers shot down and 26 total victories. He was shot down and killed by U.S fighters 17 June 1944.