Feeble excuse to post some pics of previous builds

looks really good. would love to have a closer look at the 262 and the stuka 🙂

Thanks for all the nice comments mates. 🙂
I'm not worthy (plainly a load of tosh, but I need to keep up the pretence of looking humble). 😄
Spanjaard: The Stuka is in my Albums and the 262 is too shy to show it's face in public, so I'm afraid I can't show any more photos of it. 😉

yes, i have seen again the album of the stuka, very nice indeed. i will have a look at gain, when i do mine one day

Thank you for posting these lovely Dio shots! I loved the compositions and the narratives!

Thanks Capt. I enjoyed having a play around with it (it certainly beats working for a living. 🙂 )
Album info
As I had my hanger dio out for a recent photo shoot, I had a go at using it for it's original purpose – as a photo prop rather than a dio. In a pitiful attempt to try and replicate old photos I've done them in glorious monocolour (don't even think of telling me they're in the wrong shade of grey!). Through the medium of Gimp (Photoshop for those people to tight to buy Photoshop) I've bullied several thousand pixels into pretending to be a background, as it gives the game away slightly if there is an enormous Revell Contacta on the horizon. It's the first time I've tried this so if you laugh enough to cause yourself an injury, I really don't need to know. The observant (pedantic) amongst you may note that the background isn't entirely consistent with the background in some of the other photos. This is because this is a top secret revolving aerodrome which the nazis would almost certainly been developing (but probably only if they were drinking the same stuff as I am).
Some of the models have been seen before