Pfalz D.III scratchbuild 1/144
33 31 December 2020, 23:02

Added some more shots. Onto the rigging now using 0.05mm nickel silver wire.
7 March 2021, 11:14

Thanks chaps! All finished now. Added some new shots and a fresh teaser pic to celebrate 🙂
15 March 2021, 21:51

Throwing all my stuff out the living room
window, if anyone is interested.
These are absolutely incredible.
Almost jewel like. Very good.
16 March 2021, 00:12

absolutely beautiful. I certainly love how the rigging is so clean and sharp.
16 March 2021, 00:37

My first thought was ... wow, that's a big coin.
Excellent work on such a tiny model.
26 August 2021, 22:52
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