Royal Aircraft Factory Fe2b
60 25 August 2021, 11:21

That is one of the - if not THE most impressive demonstration of scratchbuilding skill I've ever seen.
Compared to that, I'm just a kit - assembler…….
25 August 2021, 18:09

How...? Oh my! But, wait... is that a real match or a 2:1 scale mock up? 😉
This is unbelievable and I bend my knee before you.
25 August 2021, 22:12

Thanks so much for all the kind words. I'm trying my best with it. 🙂 Still a bit unfamiliar with the scalemates interface though, so apologies for some of the images being sideways. Hopefully there is an option to rotate them somewhere.
25 August 2021, 22:43

Simply beyond words. Not only scratch built, but with the finest quality. And in 1/144!
To rotate pictures, just go to your album, click on manage, then advanced options and then you can rotate any if them
25 August 2021, 23:22

I've been a huge fan of F_IV's work for a while now. Absolutely jaw dropping every single time.
26 August 2021, 07:44

Thank you everybody. You are very kind! 🙂
Added a few more pictures from today. Detailed the booms a bit and finally got to see it standing up all by itself.
28 August 2021, 13:36

This is incredible and one of the finest craftsmanship I have seen so far. Very convincing work and finish 👍
30 August 2021, 17:21

Thank you again, that is very kind! New pics added. Homemade tail codes and rigging added to the booms.
4 September 2021, 23:53

New header pic. Added the bomb racks and more rigging. Plus my giant shilling just arrived in the mail! 😛
11 September 2021, 09:42

Wonderful model making. Great result, especially in this scale 👍
11 September 2021, 16:34

What could I say what has not been said here... I am just speechless. Chapeau bas! (Could you describe the technique and its purpose on the photo #8, please?)
12 September 2021, 06:22

Thanks everybody, I really appreciate the kind words. Its been a lot of work.
Robert, to answer your question; photo #8 was how I made the instrument faces for the panel in the cockpit. I brushed some paint on a non-stick surface and when it was touch dry cut disks out of it by pressing a sharpened piece of brass tube into it. I've since changed the way I do this however and switched to painted decal instead. You can make disks as small as .5mm without too much trouble. Here's some clearer images of it: [img1] [img2] Cheers!
12 September 2021, 11:06

Absolutely spectacular ! Even more so because of that microsopic scale 👍
12 September 2021, 11:33

Thanks for the explanation and tutorial F_IV, really appreciated.
12 September 2021, 11:39

All finished and added some final pics. Thanks for taking a look!
Now I can go out and photograph some tiny trenches... 😛
10 October 2021, 05:09

Just a masterpiece!!
You need a lot of practice to do this.
Also the paint job is great!
10 October 2021, 06:03

Mind-blowingly fantastic work. Precision would be an understatement. Superb 🙂
10 October 2021, 06:26

looking at this beauty once more, and again, being completely in awe. may i ask how you glue the rigging without any apparent glue reside? is is like you glue the rigging by magic!
17 May 2022, 20:40

That rigging? - insane! Incredible work, and undoubtedly the finest 144 scale build I have ever seen.
18 May 2022, 20:40

Thank you everybody, that is very kind! I love the FE.2 as a subject and would very much like to do a Heyford or a Taube in a similar manner one day.
Spanjaard, with regards to the rigging; I use fine wire which I roll flat and attach with thinned down PVA. It needs less glue compared to thread, as there is no tension in the line. 👍
22 May 2022, 09:46

Just WOW!!! Congratulations for this build and of course for your patience!
22 May 2022, 09:50

I use 0.05mm nichrome wire. It is somewhat bright for 1/144 however, so I usually give it a wash of very thin grey paint to tone it down a bit.
23 May 2022, 11:40