A-6A Project
December 3, 20211402: A-6A by AMT from the dark ages (~1970?) in 1/72. Bought for $1, without box, at IPMS Regional in Richmond (images from the web).2
December 3, 20211402: No, there are no moveable control surfaces in this kit!3
December 3, 20211402: A few errors and simplifications, but pretty well engineered.4
December 3, 20215
December 3, 2021040419: This is supposed to be a quickie, but the horizontal stabs should be one-piece.6
December 3, 2021140512: Not much detail in the pit. The stuff on the back deck is clutter I added for a busy look.7
December 3, 2021140512: Clutter after a coat of paint.8
December 3, 2021140520: Trailing edges are thick and wing mating leaves much to be desired.9
December 3, 2021140520: Trailing edges are thick and wing mating leaves much to be desired.10
December 3, 2021140520: Not horribly engineered, but execution (molding) was poor.11
December 3, 2021140520: Not horribly engineered, but execution (molding) was poor.12
December 3, 2021140520: Wing root looks OK, though. The wings actually go in a recess.13
December 3, 2021140520: Wing root looks OK, though. The wings actually go in a recess.14
December 3, 2021140520: Balance job. That's about 0.5 oz. lead tire weights secured with 5-min epoxy.15
December 3, 2021140520: Balance job. That's about 0.5 oz. lead tire weights secured with 5-min epoxy.16
December 3, 2021140522: Bad lighting17
December 3, 2021140523: Kit comes with a two-piece canopy, split lengthwise. Hard to fit right, but the bulging shape looks right.18
December 3, 2021140523: Two-piece canopy bubble after assembly. Hard to fit right, but the bulging shape looks right.19
December 3, 2021140523: First primer coat (WM Grey primer, decanted)20
December 3, 2021140523: I kind of like the grey on this bird, but this one will be 1970s. May have to do another in low-vis.21
December 4, 2021140523: Primer check of the main "joins".22
December 4, 2021140523: STBD wing root doesn't fit properly (Port is fine), and will require some engineering so it'll stay put.23
December 4, 2021140530: a somewhat pathetic attempt to put some engine fronts inside the intakes.24
December 4, 2021140530: Fit here is not horrible, but could not fix without obliterating raised detail.25
December 4, 2021140530: Fit here is not horrible, but could not fix without obliterating raised detail. Filler is Dollar Store super glue.Note: no wheel well or details (and gonna stay that way).26
December 4, 2021140530: It almost looks like an engine. Wish I had printed a smaller diameter.27
December 4, 2021140531: Fit here is not horrible, but could not fix without obliterating raised detail.28
December 4, 2021140531: Fit here is not horrible, but could not fix without obliterating raised detail.29
December 4, 2021140531: Fit here is not horrible, but could not fix without obliterating raised detail.30
December 4, 2021140601: Trailing edge cutouts for the drop tanks.31
December 4, 2021140601: Mating seam (join) on the top wing was nasty. Filling for re-scribing.32
December 4, 2021140601: Mating seam (join) on the top wing was nasty. Filling for re-scribing.33
December 4, 2021140601: Mating seam (join) on the top wing was nasty. Prepping for re-scribing.34
December 4, 2021140604: Re-scribed wing flap detail. Note canopy masked in bare-metal foil.35
December 4, 2021140604: Canopy masked in bare-metal foil.36
December 4, 2021140604: Canopy masked in bare-metal foil.37
December 4, 2021140604: Note canopy blended in with Super Glue as filler (after a barrier coat of Future to preclude frosting).38
December 4, 2021140604: Re-scribed wing flap & hinge detail.39
December 4, 2021140604: White under-surface coat didn't turn out right. (Polly S Reefer White acrylic).40
December 4, 2021140611: Starting to LOOK line an Intruder. Lt. Gull Grey top coat (LifeColor Lt Gull Grey FS36440).41
December 4, 2021140611: Starting to LOOK line an Intruder. Lt. Gull Grey top coat (LifeColor Lt Gull Grey FS36440).42
December 4, 2021140615: wheel masks made with punch set.43
December 4, 2021140615: Masking for the anti-glare panel.44
December 4, 2021140615: Unmasking (favorite task!)45
December 4, 2021140615: Unmasking (favorite task!)46
December 4, 2021140615: Unmasking (favorite task!)47
December 4, 2021140615: Wings not secured.48
December 4, 2021140615: That nose...49
December 4, 2021140615: Intake fans!50
December 4, 2021150330: Masking for the red intake lips.51
December 4, 2021150401: Topcoat done, trying out home decals for speed brake.52
December 4, 2021150401: Topcoat done, trying out home decals for Modex #.53
December 4, 2021150401: Topcoat done. Decals on the way.54
December 4, 2021150807: Decals continue.55
December 4, 2021150902: Decals done. Walkways are cut from gray decal film.56
December 4, 2021150902: Decals done. Ship, squadron, modex and the little holes on the speedbrake are home-printed decals.57
December 4, 2021150902: Decals done. Decals are a mix of decal film, home-printed, and cannibalised kit decals from other A-6s.58
December 4, 2021150915 Complete except for clear satin top coat.59
December 4, 2021150915 Fuel dump and skid scrached from styrene (I cut off and lost the original).60
December 4, 2021150915 Pitot Tube is sewing pin inside aluminum tube.61
December 4, 2021150915 Wing and turtleback walkways are grey decal film.62
December 4, 2021150915 Engine fronts were printed on paper and glued in.63
December 4, 2021150915 Numerals, NAVY and air brake perforations all laser printed on clear decal film; Squadron markings re-purposed from old Fujimi kit sheet.64
December 4, 2021150915: GoPro view. Done.
8 3 December 2021, 23:12

Being a former Tadpole wire chaser , I must commend you for the kit! It's not an awful kit - HaseAMT got the shapes right, and you have a fine start on the old girl. Someday I'll get around to one of my stashed ones - Geez. I can still feel the weight of those armored engine bay doors when we had to open them...
4 December 2021, 00:39

Cool memories! I really enjoyed watching these turkeys come aboard.
4 December 2021, 04:07
Album info
A-6A by AMT from the dark ages (~1970?) in 1/72. Bought for $1, without box, at IPMS Regional in Richmond.