Kawasaki C-1
24 10 December 2021, 11:57

Nice project but looks like a lot of work.....🤔
I'm looking forward to seeing what you make of it- good luck!
10 December 2021, 19:29

Good lord, this is a Herculean effort! The thickness of those fuselage halves! Very impressive work so far
14 December 2021, 17:53

really nice camo pattern!
good masking work
still follow your project 😃
16 December 2021, 21:40

You have certainly beaten that kit into a very acceptable shape. It is looking great
16 December 2021, 21:46

What a cool camo! I like it a lot! And what a huge job with this resin kit, amazing effort.
16 December 2021, 22:07

Fantastic job for this kit. I hope someday any plastic's brand release ones in this scale.
17 December 2021, 19:02