Razor Crest
39 31 December 2021, 23:09

Looks pretty good so far. To be able to see the bunk room later, I simply left out the "door" in the side wall. I mean, I didn't even glue in the plastic part. Fortunately, I had seen in time that otherwise this bunk room would be completely closed.
14 January 2022, 14:20

Thanks all good to have you along. Chris good shout,but too late as I've buttoned up. Photo evidence only 🙂 I'm a bit further along but struggling with the engine seams despite careful alignment I'm still having to work hard on the seams. Hopefully photos this week.
16 January 2022, 22:39

Ok, I am hitting the Star Wars - noob button. That silver thing in the next compartment is the bathroom ???
17 January 2022, 00:06

Hi Robbie. I think yes it is a toilet of some description. Not sure it featured in the series though, I can't remember. Anyone?
17 January 2022, 13:09

Thanks Roland,Guy, Neil. I've slowed down a bit but have had to add a second Alclad Aluminium coat as in the daylight there was quite a bit of the black base showing through in patches. My airbrush skills being what they are 😄
17 February 2022, 12:49

Thanks Roland and WhiteGlint. @Roland it's the finishing that kills me. When I take a perfectly adequate build to the point and see it deteriorate with weathering final touches and I'm never satisfied and lose heart. We'll see it through together. 👍
28 February 2022, 12:37

Thanks everyone. I'm trying to carve out the time to sit it on a dio with a 3D printed Mando and Grogu. So much to learn so little time 😄
16 April 2022, 17:09

Awesome! A kit I'd love to get my hands on and try out if I can find one when I have the disposable income (and when the wife won't notice an extra kit😂) Great job on this one. Looks great!
16 April 2022, 19:56