Let me introduce you to my first and ONLY attempt to model a tank with a full interior.

gorby you'r a brave one for sure, i wouldn't attempt this in 35th scale let alone 48th. however the end result is beautiful, well worth the trouble me sez! 👍👍👍

Thanks Murad. I'm not sure about brave. Maybe if I knew what I was taking on. Foolish would be much more appropriate. 🙂

Congrats and my respect for this Gorby!
You did an awesome job here👍
Out and inside are just real eycatcher!
I'm amazed😁

Thanks Rui, John & Simon. 🙂
It really is an excellent kit - but make sure you carefully read the instructions and engage your brain as it's easy to stuff it up.

Gorby: it´s the result and the qualitiy that count, all´s well that ends well! May be your early quick builds were not quite as good as the late ones?

Thanks mates I'm glad you like it.
Neuling: One day I might get to be as good a modeller as you. Obliviously it won't be in this lifetime...perhaps the one after next. 😄

Nice build, Gorby!
Any problems with zimmerit during priming? Which primer did you use?

Oh, man! After seeing all the trouble you had with interior it's cool that you didn't drop the build.

Thanks mates. 👍
Random Penguin: I used a cheap rattle-can plastic primer from Halfords (a car accessories retailer) without any problems at all – other than the Zimm decals are quite brittle.
I never give up on a build – don't think 'cool' think 'unhealthy obsession'. 😉

there are much worst obsessions out there, my deal gorby. i think you have a good one 🙂

I fixed the zimmerit on my kit by melting it down with plastic glue, so I wasn't sure if it would hold up to a can of primer. But since you say that everything is OK, then I probably will try. It's a pity I don't have much left of zimmerit except for Suyata's logo - there is almost nowhere to check how the chemistry will react with it.

It didn't occur to me there would be a problem with the primer and fortunately there wasn't. Give it a go and you'll probably find the same.
(PS If it's a disaster, I can delete this comment can't I?) 😄

I might need to give it some time until the mental scars heal. 😄
I'm more into 1/72 armour now (it's all Zsolt's fault I tell you!) and if anyone suggests building a 1/72 tank with an full interior, I won't be responsible for my actions. 😉

Really liking the results, Gorby 🙂 Your notes and comments ring true for soo many of us, I'm sure 🙂 Ah, impetuous youth, where are you now...? Our discerning 'eye' is so much more developed, I'm sure, but the satisfaction of doing a nice job is the same 🙂 (I still kick myself when clumsy fingers break off fragile parts.....)

John: I've concluded that any right-thinking person would agree that a tank model with a full interior is a ludicrous concept at whatever scale – 1/72 & 1/76 scale doubly so. Obviously if you don't agree I'm not going to categorise you as right thinking and therefore can be safely ignored. 😉
Thanks Bruce, I've reached the stage where I know when gluing a fragile part on that it's without doubt going to get broken off at some later point in the build. I find it always helps to have some favourite swear words on hand.

Thanks for your comment Mick, glad you like it.
As to best tank, Al Murray doesn't agree. 😄
Youtube Video

A+ really nice finish. Loooove it. And the riger modelis joke had my laughing so hard i cried 🤣

Really impressive Gorby, congrats, and congrats also for the jokes, i can only imagine the patience it took to finish it so well...

Very nicely executed 'effort' as you call it. I think the colour scheme comes out very well with the subtle camouflage patches. You built the model in a 2-month time frame but do you have any idea how many hours you put into it?

Thanks for taking the time to comment Bohrmann. 🙂
Some days I might have work on it for 3 hours and then it might be half an hour or nothing, so it's difficult to say with any accuracy how many hours it took. I do know that I spent a surprising amount of time cleaning up the parts, there are a lot of ejector pin marks and a significant mould line on many parts.
Having said that it's an amazing kit which really pushed me to the limit of my (limited) skills.

Lovely lovely work. I like your camo painting and the interior details are great

Absolutely superb work, the colour and depth of shading and shadow you've achieved is excellent.
Congratulations on your one and only full interior kit.....go on,you've got to do another.....👏👏👏
Watto. 🍻

Wow thanks Nik, if I did any of that with the painting it was purely accidental. 😄 😄
No further full interior tanks are planned as I still clearly remember the pain.

Look mate, say what you wish but what you have created is a piece of brilliance. I have just replied to your earlier post, it is a thing of beauty, I have had 99% where I always mess up on lining up and fitting process but honestly I feel my product finish is ok. I love what you did with the interior, I always wish that when it comes to model manuals we get more steps on interior colours - just a minor point because honestly I just love making models full stop!

Thanks very much Chris! 🙂
The Suyata instructions were actually quite impressive and helpful with the interior colours, although I didn't have the exact paints they suggested I just used the nearest Tamiya acrylic equivalent.
I'll get around to replying to your other post later – preferably when my brain is awake. 🙂

For me the color guide was not enough lol
It wasn`t exactly matched between rear and front view and it confused me
Album info
This kit nearly drove me mad. Although admittedly for me that's quite a short journey. It's one part fabulous kit; one part the most complicated 3D jigsaw ever; and one part magic trick where everyone goes "Ooooooh" when the magician gets it right. I could never get the hang of magic and apparently I'm crap at jigsaws because I made a bit of a hash of it, resulting in the hull parts not fitting as they should and many of the miraculous moving parts, on mine are suffering from rigor modelis.
I don't mean to try and put you off the kit – it's amazing, and everyone should suffer a little in life. It's a kit for modellers with advanced skills, not modellers with advanced confusion.
This kit took me two months to complete and I was wondering what the 1970's half scale version of myself would have thought about taking that long to complete a model. Back then I was a modelling maestro,* my skills were the pinnacle of plastic perfection, finely honed to get those kits built in the bare minimum of time. 1/72 fighter – half an hour, a whole hour if it needed painting; 1/72 bomber might take me to half way though the afternoon; only with 1/24 kits was it acceptable to use a second day.
* Or was in my head. If I'd known that in the future it would take me weeks or even months to build a kit I'd have thought that I would become a decrepit old fart who'd squandered my magical modelling skills, learned as a talented youth. Mind you decrepit old fart bit was quite accurate. 🙁
Thanks for avin a ganders (That's 'Thank you for looking' for those of a non-Brit persuasion).