スケールモデルデータベース | ストックマネージャー
Bernhard Schrock (Yellowwing)

Supermarine Super-Stranraer QCA, CF-BYM

March 8, 2015
January 7, 2016


Supermarine Stranraer
Matchbox 1:72
PK-601 1983 新箱
Queen Charlotte Airways Stranraer
Whiskey Jack Decals 1:72
72-006 200x 新金型


185 画像
Supermarine "Super-Stranraer", Queen Charlotte Airlines, CF-BYM (completed: picture 158)View album, image #158
1:72 Supermarine Stranraer (Matchbox PK-601)1:72 Queen Charlotte Airways Stranraer (Whiskey Jack Decals 72-006)


1 articles of the finished project are published on the web.

Supermarine Stranraer 1:72
Supermarine Stranraer CF-BYM, Queen Charlotte Airlines
Matchbox 1:72
by Bernhard Schrock on Modellversium

私の一部 コレクション

Biplanes, Szmatopłaty & Co
完成 12×
Flying boats
アイディア 1×完成 6×保留 1×キャンセル 1×
Golden Age
完成 14×


7 March 2015, 21:23
Lionel Marco
I hope you more success than I had with mine!
I'm looking forward to see you building this fine kit
 8 March 2015, 06:12
Bernhard Schrock 著者
Thank you, I hope this to🙂.
Marco, why you did abandoned the project? I have seen the pictures: the model was nearly half completed?
 8 March 2015, 06:21
Lionel Marco
Hi Bernhard
I had a first try, and the kit was almost finished.
The upper wings was on top on the lower, and all the wire were in place... I used EZ-line for them and some of them must have been overstreched. So after a few seconds after admiring my work, I saw everything collapsing...
That's the reason why I stopped It.

 9 March 2015, 18:52
Gordon Sørensen
Great start Bernhard. Always fascinating watching your builds!
 10 March 2015, 11:25
Marc Schimmler
Wieder ein geniales Projekt. Wusste gar nicht, dass die zivil unterwegs war ...
Den Revell Bausatz gibt es bei Kaufhof Galeria in Hamburg gerade für 10€.
 15 March 2015, 14:29
Bernhard Schrock 著者
Moin Marc, 10€ ist echt geschenkt! Kaufen! Übrigens, das Exemplar in Hendon ist keine Original-Stran sondern eine "zurückgebaute Maschine" der QCA mit P&W in Hudson Gondeln und Hamstan-Props.
 16 March 2015, 05:35
Marc Schimmler
Schon längst gemacht!!!!! 🙂
Danke für die Info!!!
 16 March 2015, 13:31
Hi Bernhardt. Just seen your build of a kit that is on my to do list as well. Excellent job you have done so far. Maybe I missed it but do you use an after market set on this one?
 31 March 2015, 21:00
Bernhard Schrock 著者
Hi Erwin, I know no aftermarket-sets designed for the Stranraer. I intend to use two Wright R-1820 engines from Aires and to build the interior scratch. Best wishes, Beenhard
 1 April 2015, 03:09
Absolut genial was du uns hier zeigst. Ich schaue dir gerne zu. Von wo hast du eigentlich die Resinteile?
 18 July 2015, 09:20