スケールモデルデータベース | ストックマネージャー
Bob Frysztak (Luvspinball)


結果が見つかりました: 11  

Cannon 24-pounder » 大砲 | 1712–1873

96-carriages 24# Cecil
Carriages for 24-pounder Cecil Iron Works 1808 Cannons for USS Constitution, USS United States & USS President.
Model Monkey 1:96
96-carriages 24# Cecil 2018 新金型 マルチトピック (2)
96-cannons 24# USN-6
USS Constitution and USS United States 24-pounder Cannons, Cecil Iron Works 1808-pattern for USS Constitution, USS United States & USS President, War of 1812 appearance.
Model Monkey 1:96
96-cannons 24# USN-6 2017 新金型 マルチトピック (2)

Frigate United States-class 44 gun, 5th rate » 帆船 | US 1797–現在

Shot Trays and Shot for 32-pounder Carronades (set of 6 trays and 54 shot)
Model Monkey 1:96
96-shot-trays-shot 2019 新金型
96-Constitution Helm
USS Constitution Ship's Wheel and Pedestal (Helm)
Model Monkey 1:96
96-Constitution Helm 2018 新金型
Lower Capstan for 18th and 19th Century Ships for USS Constitution, USS United States, etc.
Model Monkey 1:96
96-capstan.lower 2018 新金型 マルチトピック (2)
"Brodie" Galley Stove for 19th Century Ships for USS Constitution, USS United States, etc.
Model Monkey 1:96
96-BrodieStove 2018 新金型 マルチトピック (2)
Shot and Shot Racks for 32-pounder Carronades
Model Monkey 1:96
96-racks-32pounder 2018 新金型
96-carriages 24# Cecil
Carriages for 24-pounder Cecil Iron Works 1808 Cannons for USS Constitution, USS United States & USS President.
Model Monkey 1:96
96-carriages 24# Cecil 2018 新金型 マルチトピック (2)
96-cannons 24# USN-6
USS Constitution and USS United States 24-pounder Cannons, Cecil Iron Works 1808-pattern for USS Constitution, USS United States & USS President, War of 1812 appearance.
Model Monkey 1:96
96-cannons 24# USN-6 2017 新金型 マルチトピック (2)

Capstans 付属品 » その他の | 範囲なし

Lower Capstan for 18th and 19th Century Ships for USS Constitution, USS United States, etc.
Model Monkey 1:96
96-capstan.lower 2018 新金型 マルチトピック (2)

Stoves, Ovens & Furnaces 付属品 » その他の | 範囲なし

"Brodie" Galley Stove for 19th Century Ships for USS Constitution, USS United States, etc.
Model Monkey 1:96
96-BrodieStove 2018 新金型 マルチトピック (2)