Vlákno začal Neuling

pridal nový fotoalbum.
111 1 November 2018, 16:52

Absolute nice scene! Well done! 👍 But what happened to the rotorhead? Got too hot in the desert?😉
2 November 2018, 06:07

Gentlemen, thank you for your interest in my diorama and your appreciation! Holger, I built this one in 1999, so I don´t remember the whereabout of the rotorhead and the temperatures. I was naive and trusted in the brand name of the kit manufacturer MRC (Model Rectifier Corporation). Help me: Where should the rotorhead be placed and how does it look like?
2 November 2018, 14:34

Moin! Gerade auf Bild 19 fällt die Ausrichtung des gesamten Rotors auf. Der müßte eigentlich kerzengerade sein und nicht nach vorn und hinten runterhängen. Daher mein Spaß mit der Hitze.😉
2 November 2018, 14:41

Vielen Dank, Holger. Die Bauanleitung schrieb vor, die Rotoren in "a drooping way" zu montieren. Referenzbilder hatte ich damals nicht, im Netz war ich noch nicht unterwegs, so daß ich des Guten zuviel getan habe. Deine Bilder zeigen ein deutlich geringeres "Durchhängen" der Rotorblätter. Da gehe ich nochmals ran ans Modell! Ein Bauteil habe ich aber nicht verschlampt, oder?
2 November 2018, 14:59

@neuling hast du das damals geairbrusht oder nur mit dem pinsel gearbeitet?
2 November 2018, 22:54

Danke Daniel und Holger! Andreas, ich verwende bei den Fahrzeugen und Flugzeugen Tamiya-Farbspraydosen und arbeite dann mit Pinsel und Tupfer noch etwas nach.
3 November 2018, 10:22

Nice Cobra Neuling. Always pleasure to see Cobra's specially with desrt scheme
6 November 2018, 06:24

Andy, Saeed and Michael, thank you for your interest in my diorama and your appreciation!
6 November 2018, 16:10

Not a new build, just better pictures with my new camera. - And I readjusted the rotor blades according to Holgers proposal.
28 October 2022, 12:26

Maybe not a new build, but still eye-catching. Looks like your new camera is working fine, Neuling!
28 October 2022, 14:21

The fact that this build is already over 20 years old, makes the very high skill level even more obvious !
Another super dense atmospheric dio off the bench of Neuling- Works 👍
28 October 2022, 15:52

That looks great Neuling.
Amazing to think you've been producing such excellent quality for so long.
28 October 2022, 16:00

Very cool! I have the MRC AH-1W kit in the stash. Tempted to start it now, but for certain I will pay attention to the rotor head placement!
28 October 2022, 17:02

Wauw! This one is amazing! I love the activity, composition and subject in this one. And the paintjob is offcourse superb. I always enjoy your work Neuling!
29 October 2022, 05:50

Thanks a lot mates! Much appreciated! - Jean-Michel, my old Panasonic was good, but my new Sony is better indeed (and admittedly I´ve learned about diorama photography here on scalemates). - John, the rotor head of the kit is okay, the drooping rotors were my own mistake.
29 October 2022, 09:29

I showed one of my friends some pics of one of your builds
He said wtf I thought it was real
You always surprise whed your level of detail
15 November 2022, 18:52

The system needed 1 days to bring this 'new' wonder to my attention. I am happy I can enjoy it now.
17 November 2022, 11:05

Not only are your builds stunning. Its your photography that sets you apart . Your use of lighting, shadows and the realistic POV angels is an enviable talent.
23 May 2023, 22:50

Hi Neuling. Another WOW from me. Great idea, something completely different. great implemented.
28 May 2023, 11:28

This is so well done. Appreciate you posting this for some inspiration!
1 July 2024, 08:34

Many thanks Lebloge, Kendrick, J35J and Roy! Glad you like my stuff!
3 July 2024, 07:16

Where'd you get the placards at? Those are sweet! IMHO I think those little details sale the whole thing!
19 July 2024, 19:26

Your dios always leave me speechless - the builds, details, choreography and the photos are just done to perfection. My only complaint is that anyone can spend too much time looking at so many little details done to perfection that they may forget to finish their own kits!
21 July 2024, 15:33

Thank you so much, Guy, CaptGPF and John! - CaptGPF, that´s exactly what happens to me when I scroll the scalemates newsfeed. Slow progress in stash busting! 🙂
23 July 2024, 09:22

Rick402 - as far as I remember: the decals on the fuel truck were from the kit, some dry transfers from Verlinden.
16 August 2024, 14:09