Finished - HMS Venomous
71 3 September 2017, 09:40

This is my new WIP, HMS Venomous. HMS Venemous, a modified W-Class destroyer was build in 1918 and commissioned in 1919. The boat served, with intermissions in the 1930, until the end of 1945.
The history of HMS Venomous is well presentet in the book A Hard Fought Ship: the story of HMS Venomous; by R.J. Moore and J.A.
I build the boat in her 1941 fit. She wore a WA scheme at that time which makes her a nice looking ship.
For additional information see:
3 September 2017, 09:52

Hehe, so I welcome the fantastic four😄
Glad to CU here🙂
4 September 2017, 19:19

Today I went back to my V&W class destroyer. I start cleaning and sanding the extension at the bridge, made new portholes, added the bridge wings with its supports and the basic floor for the upper bridge.
Cheers, Christian
23 September 2017, 16:06

Me six.
One thing though. She's an ocean going vessel. That's a ship, not a boat. Boats are those tiny things you row in, or put the admiral in 😉
24 September 2017, 18:45

Thx mates for your kind comments!
Well Martin in several Navy's ships of the size of a destroyer were called boats. So the Fletchers and the German WWII destroyers and not to forget the WWI torpedo boats
24 September 2017, 19:17

🙁 forgot those mtb's 🙂
Still think it's blasphemy to call a destroyer a boat. 😉
Must be my education
25 September 2017, 06:04

is wonderfull to see you working in this modifications! well done!
25 September 2017, 07:18

Whatever, a boat or a ship both swim - sometimes😄
Thx mates for your interest and kind comments.
So far so good, the kit is really nice, but I'm modifying some parts to represent a V&W from one of tha latest batches. Less references made it difficult and I forgot to follow a rule and so I have learned the hard way. Use references first before you start and not afterwards! When finished the bridge wings I recognized on a photo that something was wrong with it. I checked my othere rare references of Venomous and found out, that the bridge wings were larger and had a bulwark instead of canvas covered railings. So far so good, or better not good, I decide to rebuild the bridge wings. Anyhow not final, but here is the result.
The upper open bridge is still in progress and I hope to show the progress at the comming weekend.
Cheers, Christian
26 September 2017, 19:06

The framework and some details of the open navigation bridge is finished. I'm just looking forward to additional information about the direction tower used for fire control of the 4,7" battery. The mast is already started. The ship still has the original two part fore mast, unusually for the heavy Typ 286 radar, that I have to fit later.
Cheers, Christian
1 October 2017, 17:02

Thank you Stefan, you are always welcome.
The 9" rangefinder was scratch built from styrene rod and some PE from the spare box. The gun director is still missing, I have to scratch build the gun director as well. Except the gun director only positioning lights are still missing and so far the bridge is completed.
Cheers, Christian
3 October 2017, 10:38

looking good so far, splendid work on the rangefinders (at least, I hope they are...)
6 October 2017, 09:26

Because of very nice and sunny autumn weather this weekend I just finished the rest of the bridge. The gun director was scratch build using styrene and PE from the spare box. According to some photos I propably will add a hood later. The hood is in progress but need some more attention. The struts are completed with the cross bars and positioning lights are atteched port and starboard.
So far I'm satisfied with the result, so lets start the next subassemblied.
Cheers, Christian
8 October 2017, 17:15

Even though I've seen most of your recent builds, this depth in detailing excells everything so far, amazing work Christian !
8 October 2017, 18:16

Thank you very much Hanno. Your kind comment means a lot to me!
9 October 2017, 20:10

Great progress Christian. Just wondering about your comment regarding sunny weather and its impact on your progress: did you mean that you did not get as far as you wanted to, or was it the other way around? For me, generally, good weather means that no one takes kindly to me disappearing to my man-cave to go modeling 😄
9 October 2017, 23:18

Haha, very good😄 When the weather is fine you'll find me outside in the garden or countryside and mit at the bench. So your first case is right! Thx for your kind comment Alec🙂
Cheers Christian
10 October 2017, 04:29

Venomous carried a QF 12pdr. Mk.V and two QF 2pdr. Mk. VIII. They 2pdr. are not with the Vendetta kit so I use the AJM Models set for the all the guns. The set are made of PE and resin, the parts are very tiny and predestinated to jump off the tweezers. The barrel is made of resin, but I cut of the forward parts and replaced it by a brass barrel. The build is quite easy but some patience is requiered not to loss a part and to get them all togehter well.
Well, next to be built, the gun tubs from styrene and PE!
Cheers, Christian
30 October 2017, 16:09

Thx Lode. Hehe, yes, but a steady hand is much more important. For the focus you can use magnifying glasses!
30 October 2017, 16:53

Ah, Christian, I see. You got yourself a huge pencil to make us think that these are tiny parts. 😉 😉 😉
Amazing details - as always! 👍
30 October 2017, 16:58

Thx Frank and Martin. Hehe Frank, you got me, but pst do not tell anybody😄
30 October 2017, 17:35

astonishing details, as always. those pieces in pic 24 and 25 are simply fantastic!
30 October 2017, 18:44

great work Christian 👍 ... the gunsights are a little bit crude and not really to scale 🙂
30 October 2017, 19:29

Thank you Spanjaard, Thomas, Alexander and Alec.
Well Thomas, and they still miss the crosslines 😄
Hehe, good one Alexander 🙂
Cheers, Christian
31 October 2017, 14:19

The scratch built AA gun platforms are nearing completion. Railings and canvas were added and their position on deck slightly corrected. There is an additional small platform between the port and starboard pom-pom platform. The lack of references made it a little guess work. Before I can go on with all the necessary extras I built the triple torpedo tube. One of the best detailed plastic parts I saw in this scale so far!
Progress continue......
Cheers, Christian
5 November 2017, 14:01

I only made little prgress at the stern and midship sectionr. All the castings at the stern were removed and depth charge rails installed. For the DCR I used White Ensign PE from my spare box. Because of the round stern I had to add a plating. I'm not sure about the dome?! I want to cut it of to move the DCR further forward. I think the dome was used on HMS Vendetta for the minesweeping gear. Y gun position was removed and the whole closed with a styrene rod. The torpedo tube platform was extended to get enough place for the searlight platform still to built. The deck house forward of the tube was cutted off and replaced by a larger scratch built part.
Cheers, Christian
18 November 2017, 18:14

Mindblowing work Christian 👍 I'm just wondering how to breath when the parts are placed to the right position ...
18 November 2017, 19:05

Instead of Edward Scissorhands we have Christian Tweezerhands! You know, Christian, I admire your skills in handling this, for me, very small scale. Absolutely stunning all the time! 👍
18 November 2017, 19:23

Thank you Stephan. I have to stop breathing, because the small parts are not glued yet 😄
Hehe Frank, good one you joker 😄 Thank you for your very kind comment!
Cheers, Christian
18 November 2017, 19:26

Thank you Alec, would be fine to see you starting a ship model. There are some nice kits out there good for a start!
19 November 2017, 16:15

Well I removed the dome at the stern and placed the DCR more forward. The plating at the stern was shortened in length, a support from down below is in place now.
I thought about a good item to hold the yardarms in place. In the past I just glued them in place without any support or strut. Now I made a band out of flat styrene with wholes for the yardarm. The fit is really nice and I only have to position them and add a drop of superglue.
Cheers, Christian
19 November 2017, 16:41

Instead of the QF 4 inch gun the modified V&W class destroyers were fitted out with the BL 4,7 inch gun. Although in the Showcase Models HMS Vendetta kit the 4 inch gun is included, it looks ok to represent the 4,7 inch gun as well. But I replaced the gun barrel with a sligthly larger 4,7 inch brass barrel. The gun is a one piece casting, so it isn't possible to represent the gun elevatetd. I cutted off the gun barrel at the pivot, added a new bracket and glued the barrel with a sligthly elevation. PE Handwheels are added as well. The gun shield was thinned and glued in position. All in all an easy modification with a nice result. The photos show the modified gun in X position on the aft deck house.
Cheers, Chrsitian
25 November 2017, 14:07

Nice progress Christian. I like your yardarm attachment scheme, looks great and surely adds strength to the assembly.
25 November 2017, 14:27

Although I'm only slowly progressing this built, it all comes together.
13 December 2017, 20:03

Thank you all for your kind comments.
Cheers, Christian
16 December 2017, 11:25

Last progress, some more details on the superstructure.
Cheers, Christian
27 December 2017, 20:02

It´s just a miracle!.... a most inspiring and beautiful one!
27 December 2017, 20:07

As Roland said, totally inspiring. Amazing level of accuracy and skill. 👍👍👍
28 December 2017, 11:54

Thank you very much for your kind comments Bart and Burkhard.
28 December 2017, 18:14

The aft deck looks cramped with all the ASW equipment. Because I make a conversion out of the kit, there are plenty of parts ou have to scratch build or to loan from other kits - so with the ASW equipment.
Cheers, Christian
29 December 2017, 18:21

Since I know that each square on the cutting board is 10 x 10 cms...😉😉😉 Crazy, Christian, crazy! And sooooo good! Love your inspiring work!
29 December 2017, 20:11

Thank you Frank and Spanjaard for your very kind comments 🙂
30 December 2017, 11:59

Very nice result so far! What kind of paint scheme will you apply?
2 January 2018, 14:00

Thank you Sven. I will present her in a WA scheme, ca. late 1940 early 1941.
2 January 2018, 17:48

Thank you very much Stephan and Marc!
Latest extra part, a platform for the sighting mast aft of the forward funnel. Together with a wind shield, placed in front of the 3" gun platform (just behind the tripple torpedo tube), this was the last extra part I have ti built. Today I worked on a display where the hull fit nicely in, so I can go on detailing the hull and add the railing etc.
Cheers, Christian
6 January 2018, 17:23

Thanyk you Alec 🙂
Two frames were made to stowe liferafts stb. and port next to the aft funnel. And today I put her to sea. The wave pattern is contoured and the ship in place. Some more work is to do on the display, but the first step is done and all fit very well.
Cheers, Christian
7 January 2018, 16:13

Thank you Martin, Bart and Thomas 🙂
Don't worry Martin. This one will be still afloat.
Well Thomas, the sea question. I have a methid close to Frank Spahr's easy and simple method of making a display and water. I use a styrofoam board, the one you use for insulation of buildings. The contours can be made using a rotating brass brush and a sharp modeling knife. Frank Spahr use lately a method by heating the styrofoam board sligthly from below. I didn't so far.
Here are some albums from my side explainging the methods. I hope that helps.
Cheers, Christian
Zerstoerer Typ 36A Z30 | Album by Christian Bruer (1:350)
Ship model displays | Album by Christian Bruer
8 January 2018, 18:49

Here is the latest progress. The main work is nearing completion. Just the rails to add and some bits and pieces here and there before I can start the paintwork.
Cheers, Christian
22 January 2018, 18:49

I have feelings of inadequacy not equaled since I was a teenager! Thank you Christian, if I cannot work to this level I appreciate you sharing your skills so I can enjoy. Wonderful, wonderful work!
23 January 2018, 07:20

splendid work, what did you use as a material to make the tarps on he railings?
23 January 2018, 09:15

Hello all, I'm pleased by all your very kind comments and your interest, thank you very much!
@Bart, I guess you're refering to the canvas covers I add to some of the rails along the bridge and superstructure?! This was made using PVA glue. The glue was attached with a brush along the contour from one side to another. Due to the surface tension of the glue you can cover every field step by step. With a little pratice you can fill even bigger fields than a scale 1/350 rail, just try it out!
Cheers, Christian
23 January 2018, 18:30

👍 you can use it also to fill small gaps! Jim Baumann use this technique with great success on his ship models!
23 January 2018, 18:49

Haven't used it for this, but to make the cockpit dials (the glass surface) and some small Windows, in the samen application as here (fill a void)
23 January 2018, 19:45

Before I progress anything else, I had to paint my V&W class destroyer. The whole model was primed in gray, afterwards white was sprayed. Once the paint is dry I start with the WA pattern in WA Green and WA Blue.
Cheers, Christian
11 May 2018, 13:00

Thank you all very much for your kind comments.
Paintwork is done, except the deck. The deck will be painted by hand brush.
Cheers, Christian
12 May 2018, 15:09

vivid colours! I will never understand how you can mask this without ruining all the fine details ... gorgeous work!
12 May 2018, 18:48

Thank you Thomas and Lode. Well Thomas, it is all patience and carefully masking and demasking.
Cheers, Christian
13 May 2018, 12:02

What a build! Can not wait for photos of the completed model.
14 May 2018, 07:07

The decks got their first layer of paint. Steel decks in gray, the areas platted with corticene a mixture of Vallejo Model Color 136 & 147.
Cheers, Christian
27 May 2018, 16:28

Thank you Clifford and Bart. Yep, decks are hand painted. It is a compromise, adding a lot of parts before painting vs. adding them after painting. I much like the first and accept a partly tricky painting pocess.
Cheers, Christian
28 May 2018, 18:12

Latest progress. Slow but steady it all comes together!
Cheers, Christian
12 June 2018, 19:10

Another one of your top builds Christian. Does anybody have a list of superlatives we already used? I'd like to use a new one now and then….
I like the colours and crisp painting. Not to mention the detailing. The Master strikes again!
12 June 2018, 21:13

they say that the devil is in the details... lots of details all around, and i see no devil! just another master piece from Christian!
12 June 2018, 22:53

Thank you for your kind comments mates. Mmmh, superlatives, I just have two in my mind - slow progressing, and a lot of patience😄 This is the secret recipe.
Cheers Christian
13 June 2018, 20:33

If you have any spare in a bottle or bag I am prepared to pay $10 per hour of patience Christian. Martin stole my spare reserve!
14 June 2018, 20:05

Christian, want to split the earnings? I'll keep borrowing Peter's so he must buy yours 😉
14 June 2018, 20:40

Hehe, well Peter and Martin, there's a thing with patience - it is most valuable and not for sale 😄
Lode, you're absolutely right with your statement 👍
So a wish you all a portion of patience for your upcoming weekend modeling projects 🙂
Cheers, Christian
16 June 2018, 09:58

I forgot to add the steam pipes on the backside of the forward funnel. To complement the missing parts I used some PE parts from my spare box for the fittings and ladder and styrene rod for the pipes.
Cheers, Christian
24 June 2018, 16:48

How could I miss this great build...... Your modification are really stunning. This build will encourages me to start with modifications on ships also. My grat respekt on all these tiny parts and tons of details
26 June 2018, 03:25

Thank you very much Norbert. I'm looking forward to your WIP's!
Cheers, Christian
26 June 2018, 20:02

Norbert, I suggest HMS Anchusa. Not too large, not too many guns and rigging. You can do it!
Christian, my master. You keep on inspiring us 👍
26 June 2018, 21:00

Norbert build an excellent Varyag and his A86 Torpedoboat speaks for his own! You're bringing Graf Spee back to life, so no one should hide himself and just doing it👍
Cheers, Christian
27 June 2018, 18:42

Venomous is ready for weathering, assembly and rigging, but prior to that I have to finish the base. Again I used a insulating board, cut out the contour along the waterline and shaped the surface using a motor driven wire brush. To smooth the surface I used sanding paper. I have added several layers of wall paint in a stippling motion to create the water texture and the waves along the hull. The bow wave was made of White Putty. In the end I have painted the surface in different shades of blue, gray and white. Finalley I have to add several layers of gloss varnish, but before a final dry fit of the ship is required.
Cheers, Christian
7 October 2018, 16:34

Again, the delight and broad smiles with viewing your constantly amazing detailed work Christian. Salute. 👍.
7 October 2018, 16:39

That is such a beauty..... each time and again and again I get immersed in this unbelievable rate of detail and in the refinement of creating the seas surface!
7 October 2018, 17:16

Hi Christian, just sign what Lode wrote 👍 I could not express it in a better way.
All Thumbs up
7 October 2018, 19:57

Hey Christian, just spent 20 minutes going through the album with Kerry over breakfast here in Moranbah-ooge. Appreciate the work you have put in, I would never be able to work successfully in such small scale but I am not jeleous, just appreciate your skills and ability to do what you do. You brought a smile to both our faces first thing this morning. Wonderful work, just beautiful Christian. Thank you so much for showing your what is possible with plastic and a bit of tin!
7 October 2018, 22:08

your stunning detail and passion work, can only be surpassed by your friendliness and kindness. a please to see this build, and waiting to meet you in a couple of weeks 🙂
7 October 2018, 22:37

Gentleman you are all to kind. Thank you again for your kindest comments.
Lode, Daniel, this is why we are here, to feedback and help each other to make the best out of our nice hobby 👍
Peter, I was very pleased to put a smile on your face and that you like my work 🙂
Spanjaard, thank you; I'm looking forward to see you soon. We'll have the same place as last year, so you can't miss us!
Bart, thank you very much 🙂
Cheers, Christian
8 October 2018, 17:03

Christian, I promised Lode to buy him some coffee. If you guys are allowed to wander around a bit, I'll buy coffee for Spanjaard and you as well. Would be a great foursome!
8 October 2018, 17:10

saturday i have two trainings, so i will probably need to meet at the end of the day 🙁
Sunday, i hope to be there, and i will have a lot more time 🙂
8 October 2018, 22:55

Martin, don't be a cheapskate and buy Christian a beer. Kerry and I have toasted you guys every day he has been here.
8 October 2018, 23:02

As I'm going by car, I assumed Christian is as well. Drink and drive don't match. Beer is optional for the guys if they're not driving 👍
Spanjaard, Sunday it is! Saturday is mrs Oostrom's birthday, if I want to stay alive, I'd better stay home 😉
8 October 2018, 23:12

Hehe, I'm with Peter and I prefer both, the coffee and the beer. For sure I go by car, but not on saturday. But it seems to me you're out on saturday Martin cause you have a most important obligation! Well, I'm looking forward to CU soon, whatever we'll have, a coffee or a beer 🙂
10 October 2018, 17:36

NOW I am. Just woke after the trip home. 🙂
Yet to unpack all I own and make some sense of it all.
11 October 2018, 07:17

Back to this one after nearly six years😄
The weathering process started with a gray wash using oils. Along the hull first streaks were added. Now let it dry before highlights can be added.
In one area the white came out greenish after aplying the wash. It was close to the forward green camouflage pattern and it happened only in this area. I guess, that the lighter fluid I use to dilute the oils, solvated the green acrylic paint, but I am not sure. Anyhow, I easily fixed it with acrylics.
Happy Modelling
28 April 2024, 20:58

Hey Peter, nice to hear from you again 🙂
I'll try to finish Venomous soon. Sea base is done, so just weathering, effects, assembly, rigging and figures.
Cheers, Christian
29 April 2024, 07:14

See this the first time - won't be the last...
As always I am impressed by the incredible neat and clean construction you achieve.
29 April 2024, 07:37

Thank you Clifford🙂
Except detail painting on the hull, the deck and all other parts are done. Here some sub assemblies, bridge section, searchlight tower and aft deck house.
Happy Modelling
1 May 2024, 20:52

What a tonic to see your masterpieces keep coming for us all to marvel over. 🙂 Having had a small stroke, I have been encouraged to keep tackling my builds, as slow as it it. Thank you for the smiles you give us all. Your the best. Hooyah. !
1 May 2024, 23:21

Hi Kerry, really sad to hear you had a stroke. I cross my fingers for a good recovery 👍. Thank you for your kind words and I am relly glad to put a smile on your face 🙂
2 May 2024, 06:34

An experience I dont advise any one to have. 🙂 Thank you for the comment old mate. 👍
2 May 2024, 07:33

I want to present HMS Venomous as one of the convoy escort workhorses. These ships are underway for weeks, fighting not only the submarines but most of the time the rough sea and weather.
Mainly the hull needs a lot of attention to represent the worn of effects.
Today I started working on the starboard side and after a long working session I am really confident with the result. Tomorrow I will go on with the port side.
Happy Modelling
3 May 2024, 20:37

I very much like that bow wave. You seem to have a solid understanding of the water surface and how a ship will move in the water.
3 May 2024, 20:52

A gem in the truest sense of the word 👍
I hope you haven't lost any small parts during the long break!
3 May 2024, 22:00

Thank you all for leaving kind comments. I much appreciate it 🙂
4 May 2024, 07:24

Looking great, Christian. Nice to give this workhorse of the Royal Navy the credits these kind of ships deserve
4 May 2024, 07:48

I can only marvel at all the details. But what impresses me even more is the IMHO perfect rendition of water and wake. I find them in a lot of diormas often grossly overdone. To see this ship in such convincingly sculpted calm waters is a joy to watch. Allow me to mention another point I regularly miss in watery dioramas: and that is that parts of - in that case - the ship should appear glossy where recent contact with water was.
In any case, this is a build I would really like to see in person when ready. Please don't hesitate to let us know where you will present it to the public.
4 May 2024, 11:22

Thank you Michael for your thoughts and kind comment. Creating water and a ship in motion is indeed one of the biggest challenges in modelmaking. I tried different methods, but copied a method my friend Frank Spahr is using. Styrofoam board, wall paint and high gloss varnish from the DIY store. There are minor differences creating the waves.
About a wet hull, you are right. A little bit of gloss varnish along the hull is important. I most seal my ships on the base adding gloss acrylic gel along the waterline. This gives also a wet effect along the hull.
4 May 2024, 12:05

Your attention to detail and ability to add even the smallest parts from styrene fascinates me again and again!
5 May 2024, 11:50

Thank you very much for your kind words Ingmar🙂
Nearly there. I finished the assembly of all parts today. Finally I have to add the rigg and crew🙂
Happy Modelling
5 May 2024, 18:27

In the Maritime museum in Brisbane, HMAS Diamontina is on display. Exactly the same as Venomous I believe..
5 May 2024, 23:38

Picture 98 makes one believe, also because of the light reflections on the water, that it is an original photograph of a naval reconnaissance aircraft. Impressive 👍
6 May 2024, 08:06

@Kerry, HMAS Diamontia is a River Class Frigate designed and built in between 1941 and 1945. HMS Venomous is an old V&W Class Destroyer designed an built in between 1916 and 1921. Both had completely different designs, but were used in WWII primarily in the same role as convoy escorts.
11 May 2024, 13:06

Thanks for helping me know the difference Christian. The look was similar and thats what prompted my comment. Sorry brother. 😉
11 May 2024, 18:41

You're most welcome Kerry, and don't worry about it. They are both similar in size, approx. 91 - 95 meters long and 1.300ts displacements.
There is a nice scale 1/350 River Class available from Starling Models. I started one as a Canadian River. But you know, I am a slow builder, so you have to be patient.
HMCS Runnymede K678 | Album by Christian Bruer (1:350)
11 May 2024, 18:52

Cheers Christian. I remember taking the tour on Diamontina some time back, but now I am aware of a 350 scale kit of her, I just might give it a go. ! Anchors aweigh. !
11 May 2024, 19:42

Thank you very much Clifford. I hope to finish her at the coming weekend. Yesterday I start the rigging, but it need some time because everything is really fragile and I need to pay attention not to brake any parts.
15 May 2024, 19:10

Meanwhile I start to add the rigg. Halyards and the stays for the funnels are made of streched sprue. For the main mast stays lycra rigging thread is the best choice.
Happy Modelling
16 May 2024, 20:27

Thank you Lode 🙂
I am really happy, the rigging is done 🙂
For me always a nerv wrecking work to do 😄
Happy Modelling
18 May 2024, 15:12

Looking great 👍
The WW1 destroyers put into convoy service during WW2 are a really interesting topic well deserving to be presented in model form! HMS Venomous does however retain much of the "classic" destroyer-look which is really cool... can´t wait to see the end result!
18 May 2024, 21:04

The sharpened pencil says it all when it comes to fine detail Christian. 🙂
19 May 2024, 03:20

@Tom B. You're right, they were indeed nice looking ships and an interesting subject. I will definetely build a second one, but a conversion into a long range escort.
Thank you all for your kind comments 🙂
Happy Modelling
19 May 2024, 07:17

Absolut geiler Bau, Christian, bin schon auf dein nächstes Projekt gespannt 👍
19 May 2024, 09:15

Now I call it done. HMS Venomous, Showcase Models scale 1/350 V&W class destroyer HMS Vendetta converted into the modified V&W class destroyer HMS Venomous in her 1941 configuration as escort destroyer in the North Atlantic.
Happy Modelling
19 May 2024, 18:10

As you may know I'm not doing ships but yes, when the rigging is finished, a model is very close to the finish line! Wonderful work 👍
19 May 2024, 18:52

a long journey with a breathtaking result! Your skills leave me speechless, thanks for sharing 👍
20 May 2024, 06:20

Another one of your tiny masterpieces. What they lack in size is made up by the massive quality.
20 May 2024, 09:03

Thank you very much Martin. I hope we can have a look on it at SMC in October 🙂
20 May 2024, 09:05

Spanjaard, that Image was the reference for my built 😄 Joke beside, thx my friend 🙂
Hans-Jürgen, thank you for your kind comment 🙂
20 May 2024, 16:45

I would like to agree with everyone else: this is simply a dream model, "best of show" .... in my opinion! 🙂
20 May 2024, 17:29

Fantastic result. Great modelling and very good photography (although it doesn't deserve to be in anyone's crosshairs 😉 )
20 May 2024, 21:01

This is amazing. If it wasn't for the WIP photos I wouldn't have believed you didn't have a shrink ray. Are the figures scratch built?
24 May 2024, 14:52

Thank you Clifford and Matthew for your kind comments 🙂
@Matthew, no the figures are North Star Models RN sailors. I don't know if they are still available. But check also Black Cat Models, they have a nice range of 3D printed figures for USN, RN etc.
24 May 2024, 18:36
Album info
HMS Venomous, a modified W-Class destroyer was build in 1918 and commissioned in 1919. The boat served, with intermissions in the 1930, until the end of 1945.
The history of HMS Venomous is well presentet in the book A Hard Fought Ship: the story of HMS Venomous; by R.J. Moore and J.A.
I build the boat in her 1941 fit. She wore a WA scheme at that time which makes her a nice looking ship.