
Hello Scalemates
Is it possible to put primer over chrome parts without stripping them? Or is it done with sanding them a little.?
Thanks for your reply
Is it possible to put primer over chrome parts without stripping them? Or is it done with sanding them a little.?
Thanks for your reply
26 March, 10:01

I believe the 'chrome' is often a very thin metal layer so if you sand the surface it may damage it enough to start peeling off. Not done it myself before but I would suggest using a self-etching primer without sanding (after cleaning the parts).
No doubt there will be many YouTube videos on stripping chrome if you decide to go that way.
1 26 March, 15:20

I would de-chrome it with spray for baking oven, quick and easy. The aggressive one where is stated on the can "Do not use on painted surfaces." 😉
1 26 March, 15:49

Thank you very much for your reply, Mates.
I heared about the Oven Spray. I checked my thinners and discovered a Tamiya Laquer thinner (yellow cap). I let the chrome parts over night in this and....taaa daaaaaa....all gone and easy to scrub off👍
Thanks again for your hints and clues. ✌️👍
1 27 March, 09:02
July 23, 2024
June 3, 2024

pridal nový fotoalbum.
2 3 June 2024, 14:36

Sooooooo happy with my Silver Medal in Figure Master Category😊☺️☺️☺️☺️
3 June 2024, 14:40
2024-06-03 14:40:59
2012-04-22 08:00:08
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