Zlín Z-XIII (single seat) Project
83 30 October 2018, 19:54

There is a point in building a kit and POW!!it comes to life. Very enjoyable build. You were saying last time about lack of time?? 🙂
31 October 2018, 14:41

Many thanks, mates!
Henry, I hope to resume building soon. I hope I have some time to continue 🙂
1 November 2018, 20:15

Hello. Checking the fuselage's fit, it seems that there will be problems with the canopy union. There are also fit problems between the two halves of the fuselage. I have to make adjustments with the canopy, fuseage and some part of interiors.
4 November 2018, 20:15

Fitting issues with canopies... The worst thing I think.. Nice job indeed
5 November 2018, 16:31

Interesting plane 👍, my colleague has also built times. ffmc.de/modelle/axel..iii/af_zlinxiii.html
16 November 2018, 14:10

Many thanks, Bernhard.
Fantastic result from your colleague! I do not think I can do mine as well as their.
16 November 2018, 18:40

I really like inter-war aircraft, and this is a great looking aircraft. Nice work so far, Cuajete!
17 November 2018, 13:05

Wow, such an exquisite little beauty, my friend! Can't wait to see it finished!
19 November 2018, 08:53

Oh, now that's something interesting and different. Looking good so far!
9 March 2019, 00:36

Kit, Greg and Alec, thank you very much for your words!
Alec, I did paint tests to try to find the approximate metallic color, but after applying it in the model I realized that I have to correct some errors in the joints. In the attempt I broke one of the landing gear, although I do not think the repair is complicated.
11 March 2019, 13:08

Good job so far mate. I was also thinking build this one and now when I see your photos I think I really must build it 😄
How does the second one look? Zlin XII which is also in the box.
11 April 2019, 11:58

Thank you very much, Jiri. I encourage you to build yours 😉
It is a small and simple kit that should not take long to build.
Zlin Z-XII set is like the X-III, but includes resin parts for the engine and I think also for the propeller. I gave it to a friend, because I was only interested in the Zlin Z-XIII. You also have the option to build a Zlin Z-XIII two-seater 🙂
You can see a review of the box here:
15 April 2019, 10:19

Oh, it's going to be a grand finale! Can't wait! Except for the masking, it looks practically finished!
10 May 2020, 23:39

that thing looks like it'd fly really fast!!..you've captured it beautifully Cuajete!!
11 May 2020, 18:37

Ah... The Thirties such an exciting period. Beautiful rendition of this plane !
11 May 2020, 20:55

Many thanks for your words, mates.
This kit should be simple and quick to build, but I did have a few minor drawbacks and it should have improved a few things when I got the chance.
12 May 2020, 19:19

Nice little plane! Thx for building such an exotic type!
P.S.: TBZ probably does not mean Torpedo Bomber Zlin🙂
4 March 2022, 20:17

Many thanks to you for your comment, Bernhard. Your projects are a great inspiration for all modellers. Maybe OK-TBZ means that 😄
5 March 2022, 19:26

Si, it seems to fit his concept of Superfeighters and Carvairs very well 😉
8 April 2022, 11:46

Oh! thank you so much Greg!
I wonder what it would look like in the Tintin's hands and among your big projects, if this were possible 🙂
16 April 2022, 17:25

@J35J, @Transall NG and @Claus Gaertner, many thanks for your visit and likes 👍
17 September 2024, 18:35

@Zbynek Honzik, thank you so much for your appreciated words.
@Matti Thomaes and @Dave, thanks for your visit and likes.
20 September 2024, 18:10

That's a lovely model of a lovely plane (residing, to the best of my knowledge in Prague's National Technical Museum)
22 September 2024, 17:46

That's right, Robert. You can see it in photos 37 and 38. I hope to go see it someday. Thank you very much for your appreciated comment and your like, mate 🙂
@Ctirad B, thank you so much for your like 👍
22 September 2024, 17:51

That's quite a nice museum with a few very interesting exhibits, like "Kunkadlo", Anatra Anasal, and LWF model V tractor. I've been there at least twice 😉
22 September 2024, 19:59

@Robert Podkoński, that museum must be very interesting. If I ever get to see it, I'll take note of all those pieces. Thanks, friend! 👍
@J35J, thanks for watching and your feedback 🙂
@Bozo and @johann cheng, thanks for your like.
26 September 2024, 18:24

@Pietro De Angelis, thank you so much for your visit and like 👍
20 December 2024, 19:10

@Alec K, thank you very much for your feedback. That means a lot to me coming from a great master like you 🙂
@Istvan T, thanks for your like 👍
21 December 2024, 19:08

@Pacific Strafer and @Noël Bossaert, thanks for watching and your likes 👍
9 January, 19:02

Voilà ce qui me fait le plus peur : Faire un avion propre et sans traces d'usure.
Alors bravo pour ton travail, j'admire ...
30 March, 10:56

@Air no, merci beaucoup pour vos gentils mots.
Malheureusement, cet avion n'a pas eu l'occasion de subir l'usure due au déclenchement de la guerre après son développement et les tests pour concourir.
@Naram, thank you so much! 👍
@Michael Kohl, many thanks for your like 👍
31 March, 18:35