Ferrari 126 C2 Long Beach - Diorama
28 2 September 2020, 07:10

merci! The tamiya figures show their ages, they need a lot of cleanup. most of the decals were still good. i love their that they are very dynamic and fun to paint. And they fit perfectly a 1980 F1 diorama. Ill add more item to this diorama with a background
12 September 2020, 23:37

👍 love the photos of finished kit on the glossy black floor very evocative
24 October 2020, 07:04

Excellent work 👍 Great tribute to a Great Driver 👍
I agree with Sy Bar.
11 February 2023, 00:52

The really fascinating thing to me about Gilles was that Joann Villeneuve was never far behind. Sort of the Sid and Nancy of F1.....without the heroin.
11 February 2023, 05:48
Album info
Fujimi - Ferrari 126 C2 Long Beach+ tamiya Racing Pit Team+ various accessories and figures