Lonestar dedication build
12 8 May 2022, 07:25 - Súkromná správa

This is the first coat of white, for the frame. I chose white, because it will make the main colour of the body, pop, just that little bit more
8 May 2022, 19:00

Trying out my nerves, while painting the details. I'd love to have the hand balance, that I had 30 years ago! However, it turned out well. Soon I can start adding some parts to the engine/motor. This part of the build, is definitely hairy stick.
9 May 2022, 20:44

Very observant Martin! Although I find the Lonestar, a pretty ugly truck, they're very common on the USA highways and interstates. It's possibly the most modern truck that I've built? However, I'm very impressed with the engine/motor! The details are impressive and it goes together really well. As far as the rest of the kit, well it's pretty bang on! Flash is practically zero, parts are fitting really well. There's a lot of seam lines, and some very evident injection pin marks, to deal with, but I actually don't mind. However, you definitely have to wash this kit well, before you even think about paint or glue? It's very greasy out of the bags. I'll get a lot more done, over the coming weekend, so you'll see much more pictures, pretty soon. As far as this kit goes though, if you haven't got one, treat yourself. It's worth the money 👍
12 May 2022, 11:57

Lonestars are ugly, no doubt. And I'm happy the number of them on the interstate has dwindled some, at least in my state. However, yours will certainly not be ugly!
12 May 2022, 18:59

Nothing better than a Pete 379 long hood!! My first job was polishing chrome and washing them at a local trucking company a mile down the road. Gorgeous, gorgeous trucks.
13 May 2022, 06:24

If you have looked at my stash, you've probably noticed that I have a lot of Pete's? That actually came about, by accident, but I do enjoy building them. You may catch a glimpse of my 377 and 359, that I'm also working on, in the background of some of my pictures? I just can't get into euro's, at all. I only have my Scania and a Renault Magnum, which I plan to convert into a Mack Magnum.
14 May 2022, 11:15

Just caught this build. Following. I like the contrasting colors too.
14 May 2022, 21:29

Engine is looking excellent. And I once again agree with you. American trucks are typically much prettier.
14 May 2022, 22:11

Glad to have you onboard Bill. Nice kit this. Parts location is very good. Nice plastic too, very detailed.
15 May 2022, 03:48

The engine is finally completed. I've been messing around with some metal colours, from Mr Hobby. I have to say, it's been interesting. After the paint has dried, you actually buff the part, and it kinda works like real metal. I did have a couple of setbacks though. I wasn't happy with the way the frame dried. It turned a "chewing gum white" and obviously not what I want. So, I repainted everything with a different white, and it's much better now. I've also managed to detail a few parts on it. Won't be long now, before I can marry up the rear drivetrain, then I can mount the engine. My other issue was the coolant reservoirs. I didn't achieve the look that I wanted, so they're currently in brake fluid. Moving on well though now. Hopefully, I'll get some of the stuff that I've ordered, in the mail tomorrow? Then I'll be a giddy kipper 🙂
15 May 2022, 18:41

Not too much done tonight. The engine is now mounted in the frame and the interior parts are washed and primed. I've noticed a couple of bits that need filling and I'm still in two minds about stripping some of the chrome. So I'm going to see what tomorrow brings and hopefully you'll get a better idea of what's going on.
17 May 2022, 22:27

It was the best way to describe it Martin. It certainly wasn't the colour that I was looking for.
21 May 2022, 12:09

Lookin good so far, excited to see how it turns out!
I have one of these in my stash, and I'm also wondering what I'll do with all that chrome... interested to see what you decide!
1 June 2022, 10:46

@Brandon. I'm currently undecided on the chrome. I keep doing mock-ups, but it's screaming in my face, "Too much" for this build. It's no doubt, a lovely kit, but I need to find a happy medium? So stay tuned, and I hope I do you guys proud? Paint always gets the better of me, but this project won't win. I'm gonna test, and look, then retest. 😉
1 June 2022, 21:20

Ok, I've been busy, but some more pictures are to follow. This is now fastly approaching the finish line.
29 August 2022, 15:26

Right then, a lot has been happening, and obviously I've been busy with other things. I guess that some of you are wondering what's going on? It's definitely not my usual colour, that's for sure! So, the pink is to represent the fight for women's cancer. Unfortunately, my sister, who beat breast cancer, now has it again. It's not good news, so this build, I plan to finish and give to her, whilst she can still appreciate it. I've kinda gone crazy, with a lot of different paints, to get the feeling/colour, that would be almost real, on the real engine/motor. The cab interior, to my knowledge, is entirely fictional. But in honesty, the bloody pink is fighting me, all the way!
If anyone is building this kit, totally degrease the entire kit, with the strongest detergent, you can get your hands on!
I'm not giving up, because this fight, is for everyone!
29 August 2022, 20:31

Really sorry to hear that news about your sister Bozzer. The truck is coming together well and will make a great gift!
31 August 2022, 00:45

Ahh, such is life mate. Unfortunately, we don't have a choice, when the reaper comes knocking? But, it's something that she can look at, and know that I was thinking about her.
Nigel, I thought so too. The white frame, also compliments the chrome, which I didn't think would work, but there's definitely a lot of chrome. I'm thinking about trying to break it up, in some way? I'll have a ponder and try a couple of things. Definitely recommend this kit though.
31 August 2022, 12:07

How about ditching the chrome and colour co-ordinate the fuel tanks and just have the chrome mounting straps?
31 August 2022, 20:28

It's actually the side skirts mate? But, I'm in the process of sorting out the rear fenders, so once I've got a side ready, I'll do a mock up mate, and you can see what I mean? Bloody cab is still tacky, so I'm not taking any chances of handling it yet.
31 August 2022, 20:40

Good to see it coming along. I lost a step sister to cancer long ago. I support your pinkness.
1 September 2022, 03:41

I feel you pain having lost my Mom early too this disease. My prayers and sympathies with you during this tough time. When I first saw this truck when it came out I thought too it was ugly. Looking at it now decades past it's not that half bad. Looks wonderful and a splendid gift!
22 September 2022, 03:32

Thanks Jarrett. This build is a labour of love. I can't rush it, time is definitely, not on my side. However, I'd recommend it, to anyone.
22 September 2022, 07:08

I am So sorry to hear that Bozzer. But that's as good of a reason for color choice as I've ever heard.
22 September 2022, 08:07

Indeed not. But you guys deserve some updates, so pictures this weekend, I promise.
7 January 2023, 02:40