Aros Open 2019
Etkinlik detayları
- isim:
- Aros Open 2019
- kasaba:
- Risskov
- Organize Kulübü:
- Aarhus Modelbygge klub
- About:
- Aros Open is the annual weekend where model kit builders from Denmark and abroad meet up in Aarhus, to build together, enjoy their model friendship, and eventually compete with each other about who made the best model during the year.
- yarışma:
- Etkinliğin bir yarışması var
- Giriş bedeli:
- No entrance fee.
Ne zaman
- tarih:
- 7. ve 8. Eylül 2019
- Açılış saatleri:
- Saturday 0900-1600 (open only for those who have signed up).
Sunday 0800-1030: arrival and check-in for those participating in the competition)
Sunday 1000-1700: open to the public
- Adres:
- Strandskolen, Nellikevej 1
8240 Risskov
4 arkadaşlar bu etkinliği ziyaret etmeyi planlıyor
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Benzer olaylar

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