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Belgian Scale Modelling Convention

Belgian Scale Modellers Club

Подробиці події

Belgian Scale Modelling Convention
Putte BE
Belgian Scale Modellers Club
Belgian Scale Modellers Club proudly presents Belgian Scale Modellers Convention 2013, which will be held on Sunday 8 of December 2013.

We are working hard to make sure that this year's edition is going to be even better than all previous editions. It is thanks to the laid back atmosphere and the camaraderie that are synonymous to Belgian Scale Modellers, that the Convention has grown to be what it is today. We have created this site to give you the latest updates on the Convention as well as to keep all the information well organized for your convenience. We look forward to meeting you all at our Convention.

Belgian Scale Modellers Club.
На заході є конкурс
Вхідні внески:


8. Грудень 2013
Години роботи:
Open for public at 10am


Mechelbaan 604
2560 Putte
Варіанти паркування:
Free Parking for the visitors
For clubs and traders parking indoors


12 товариші планують відвідати цю подію



Kari Saarni ksaarni
Guy Golsteyn sennake

У змаганні

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Усі подробиці про цю подію можна знайти на Belgian Scale Modelling Convention Домашня сторінка


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Показати звіти

Our search engine is not aware of any articles from the event Expo-BSMC

Подібні події

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Стрічка новин

Guy Golsteyn
will attend
Belgian Scale Modelling Convention in Putte
Belgian Scale Modelling Convention
BE Putte
8. Грудень 2013
31 March 2014, 11:57
Peter Mollenhauer
will attend
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Belgian Scale Modelling Convention
BE Putte
8. Грудень 2013
6 December 2013, 12:17
Jan Goormans
will attend
Belgian Scale Modelling Convention in Putte
Belgian Scale Modelling Convention
BE Putte
8. Грудень 2013
Всі коментарі (6) » 1 December 2013, 10:03
Peter Mollenhauer
I'm looking forward to visit this event, too.
 2 December 2013, 10:36
Jan Goormans Автор
top 🙂
 2 December 2013, 20:35
Wilfried Bogaerts
will attend
Belgian Scale Modelling Convention in Putte
Belgian Scale Modelling Convention
BE Putte
8. Грудень 2013
1 December 2013, 12:28
Wilfried Bogaerts Автор
!!!!! not to miss !!!!!
 1 December 2013, 12:31
Stefaan Hoste
will attend
Belgian Scale Modelling Convention in Putte
Belgian Scale Modelling Convention
BE Putte
8. Грудень 2013
23 November 2013, 22:59
Ed van Steenbergen
will attend
Belgian Scale Modelling Convention in Putte
Belgian Scale Modelling Convention
BE Putte
8. Грудень 2013
24 October 2013, 21:26
Kari Saarni
will attend
Belgian Scale Modelling Convention in Putte
Belgian Scale Modelling Convention
BE Putte
8. Грудень 2013
9 September 2013, 20:21
Kim Branders
will attend
Belgian Scale Modelling Convention in Putte
Belgian Scale Modelling Convention
BE Putte
8. Грудень 2013
6 August 2013, 06:08
will attend
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Belgian Scale Modelling Convention
BE Putte
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17 June 2013, 12:11
Lesley Eyckerman
will attend
Belgian Scale Modelling Convention in Putte
Belgian Scale Modelling Convention
BE Putte
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3 June 2013, 22:42
will attend
Belgian Scale Modelling Convention in Putte
Belgian Scale Modelling Convention
BE Putte
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