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Maister Cup 2014

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Maister Cup 2014
Rače SI
In our endeavours to grow awareness about the importance of model making, share our model-making enthusiasm with all those interested, and perhaps make new people join the model-making sphere, Maketarski klub Maribor (Scale Model Club Maribor) decided to hold an exposition and contest in the beginning of 2014. We decided to name it Maister Cup 2014 to pay homage to the Slovenian general and poet Rudolf Maister who left a significant mark on our country’s history.

We would hereby like to invite you to the Maister Cup scale model contest which will take place in the Elementary School Rače near Maribor on 25 January 2014. The contest is open to all who wish to showcase their scale models.

MK Maribor
На заході є конкурс
Вхідні внески:
Competiton fee: 8EUR
Visitors: free entrance


25. Січень 2014
Години роботи:


Grajski trg 1
2327 Rače
Варіанти паркування:
Free parking on site


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Sebastijan Videc
Hi Everyone!

1 month till the competition - application form has been posted to the webpage as well as printable PDF version - you can find both here: maistercup.wordpress.com/application-form/
Maister Cup 2014 in Rače
Maister Cup 2014
SI Rače
25. Січень 2014
26 December 2013, 09:38
Sebastijan Videc
will attend
Maister Cup 2014 in Rače
Maister Cup 2014
SI Rače
25. Січень 2014
21 November 2013, 13:04